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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. The Justin/Susan Dynamic

    First instance of Susan summoning a weapon other than a hammer. Dan also teased about Susan's connection to Nanase and France in the original Sister arc...Huh, interestingly enough, in Sister I, it's suggested that the trip happened before freshman year as panel 2 states "freshman year", but in Hammerchlorians, Susan says the trip was after freshman year. Not sure if Dan retconned it and forgot up correct the Sister I page, or just goofed when writing the dialog in Hammerchlorians. The reason why Susan didn't go, well for one, she didn't offer, she didn't seem to like the idea of going, though she didn't attempt to persuade them to not go, logically, between Susan, Justin, Ellen, Nanase, Sarah, Grace and Tedd, Ellen and Nanase had the most experience with combat techniques. Justin had martial arts training, but Ellen and Nanase didn't believe he was at their level which seems mean, but when you think about it, Elliot and Nanase probably had a year head start and were probably more dedicated to it. We know Nanase's mom would have wanted Nanase to treat her martial arts like school and practice at home, and Elliot has gym equipment in the basement, Justin probably only trained while in class, and the times we mostly saw him meditating. Susan can summon weapons, and the hammers, but as far as real combat experience, she's killed 1 vampire, but that was from reflex while the vampire was stunned, she would have felt unqualified to join the rescue mission. Grace had no fighting experience either but she had to go. Sarah and Tedd don't have any real fighting skill, well Sarah might have a bit more since she did kick Hedge in the nuts. As for the last panel, Susan say "in the end, YOU'D still have to compete with that." not "we". In the dream, she's referring to the fact that Justin has a crush on Elliot, but Elliot's not gay and is dating Sarah, so it's not really Sarah that's the competition, it's females, hence why Sarah is also an Elf along with Grace and Ellen...Nanase... I'm not actually sure is she's an elf in the dream, by this point Justin knows that Nanase's gay so he might portray her as another race...actually, now I'm not entirely sure if Ellen is being portrayed as an elf either, her ears don't look pointy enough and look smaller than Grace's and Sarah's.
  2. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    I just assumed that Edward and Mr Dunkel went to school together. Mama Kitsune isn't the only one hiding how much she knows.
  3. Things You Find Amusing

    It really makes me shake my head when stories and film have characters that are told prophecies that they will be killed by their child or by someone from a village or something, so they go out of their way to do anything they can to prevent it, but it's the act of doing so that causes the prophecy to be fulfilled. It makes me wonder is said "prophecies" are more like a test. Give a king or emperor a prophecy, see how they react, a good king may ignore it, or takes steps so that people don't have a reason to kill him, a bad king would go on a witch hunt and try to use fear to make people think twice about going against. Maybe the "prophecies" are fabricated by people who wish to manipulate the king, get him to act in ways that would benefit them, or provoke a war with another king.
  4. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    I don't think Justin's grandma had abs like he does. Can't say the same about Nanase though, most of the females of her family probably had magic boobs.
  5. All of time and all of space....

    No, I will not beam you up, and no, I will not beam back your clothes!
  6. Things You Find Amusing

    While Dan plays with Change Blindness, I give you Streamer/Youtuber Blindness.
  7. NP Friday May 05 2017

    I consider myself lucky, between the age of 8 and I think 10 or 11, I had to see a psychiatrist every 3 months. I had been diagnosed with ADD and was being bullied frequently. she asked about school and how the other kids treated me, we played games like mastermind and crazy eights as well, I might have been too young to really think about it, but I do remember always enjoying the sessions. I don't recall what her opinion was of my situation though and it's been so long that I don't think my parents remember either.
  8. NP: Friday May 12, 2017

    You'd think she had an exclamation point hovering above her head if she were. No no, she's a quest turn in, a questgiver has a big "?" above them, a turn in has the "!" Judging by the commentary though, Dan's referencing Metal Gear Solid in which the "!" followed by: means you're in danger of being caught. The quote comes from when you get killed and the "Game Over" screen fades in with Otacon or another character saying a variation of "Snake, what's wrong? Snake? SNAAAAKE!"
  9. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Another thing to consider is, Grace was originally limited to three forms (human with antennae, half-squirrel and full squirrel), and there were side effects from switching between form, getting zapped by the TFG awakened her Uryuom and Lespuko abilities which allowed her to shapeshift without those side effects as well as being able to add new forms and mix and match forms. Maybe the "can't get pregnant while in x form" restriction was removed as well. Of course, the full squirrel form may be an exception due to logistics.
  10. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Well she was already making an effort to be different, I think the second life experience showed her that some things needed to stay the same. Although the extra memories did let her look at situations differently. Like "Elliot would have done this, and my second life experience says I could do that, what if I tried a bit of each?"
  11. NP: Friday May 12, 2017

    I'm not even sure if she finished changing, or just changed back into her previous "flat-chested+large sweater" deal.
  12. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    I don't think the mark is due to Justin's anger at being outed, but his feeling of being weak, not able to defend himself from bullies after being outed, as well as not being able to help rescue Elliot from the Nest. I feel like Elliot wouldn't have objected if Ellen didn't try to differentiate herself from him, I don't know how well that would have gone though, it might have made things confusing for everyone involved. Ellen knew early on that she couldn't be Elliot anymore, and knew that it would be easiest on both of them if she was the one that changed. The parts she couldn't change aren't a big deal and yes, it helps with the whole "we are twins" bit.
  13. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=614 Dangit kids....oh well... Duck's shirt changes in panel two, and Grace ends up with the boobs Duck hoped for earlier in panel three, I don't think Grace being topless in panel three counts as we saw her in the process of taking the sweater off in panel two.
  14. NP: Wednesday May 10, 2017

    I dunno about the Washington Wizards, I can accept the Chicago Bulls having ties with Moperville's office. They did have a man that could fly. Although, Jordan did own part of and play for the Washington Wizards later on....hmmm...
  15. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    All I got is that Damien even said that Dr. Sciuridae did tell him a fair bit, which he then made Dr Sciuridae tell Grace, under threat of harming (or maybe implied rape of) Grace. I didn't expect an actual answer to what happen, I agree we have very little to go on, it is strictly speculation, but the breadcrumbs Dan's left is enough to power a number of wild theories. I think Dan intended to model DGB like the X-Files, which would probably mean the FBI may have more involvement. Yeah, we have Arthur as a "consultant", he was even introduced as being the "former consultant for the FBI" on TV, and if that was a false statement, the FBI would have had reason to investigate, so I think that's confirmation that the Paranormal Division is a branch of the FBI. There's is certainly a possibility that the Paranormal Division has withheld information from the rest of the FBI though, Aliens and the existence of magic? Likely not. However the idea of Magic having a will and changing if too many people learned how to use it might be withheld, it's even possible that only a select few, like Arthur, know about that. It didn't seem like Assistant Director Leifeld knew even though he was Arthur's superior and judging by his title, part of the upper tier of the FBI.
  16. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    Oh I know they're not real narcs, but that's how Susan referred to them.
  17. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    Ok, maybe "chest bigger than belly" isn't the best way to look at it. But I do have some other supporting evidence, Mama Kitsune. In the example, she appears to be wearing a similar bulky sweater, and in panel 4, her posture, and where she's got her arms, looks similar to how the narc is standing. It's also worth considering that the narcs may be a fair bit older than the students.
  18. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    Here's George, though, George is taller than Justin. And here's Tensaided. Both obviously have man boobs, but their bellies are bigger than their chests. The narc in question appears to have a chest that's bigger than their belly.
  19. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Yeah, it's possible, the reason I'm soo iffy about the idea is because, while there is a chance the right therapist can help make Edward understand what Tedd's going through, the wrong therapist could tell Edward that Tedd needs to stop using the TFG. With regards to Tedd's issues with his mom, that certainly does fall into the same territory as Susan's issues with her Dad and yeah that would be best handled by a professional, Tedd's case is definitely more complicated though as stated above. I'm uncertain if the issues can be handled separately if one has a greater risk of being handled badly.
  20. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    I'm overweight as well and have a case of the moobs, but just going by the figure of the person in question, there is another example I can base my assumption on, and that's Good Tom's girlfriend. They're obviously not the same person, but they have similar builds.
  21. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Yeah, that's why I originally said that Grace would be the perfect person to help mend the rift between Tedd and Edward, I also now think that Grace calling out Elliot on it and making him aware, also makes him the perfect candidate. No no, I didn't get that impression at all, I was basically agreeing with what you said by giving a bunch of reasons that made sense to me. I don't know how I feel about the idea of DGB-certified therapists getting involved. Don't get me wrong, Tedd needs helps sorting through this....but I can't shake the feeling that Tedd wouldn't be treated the way we'd hope he'd be treated. Especially if Edward brings in a therapist before Tedd's situation has been explained to him. I would also add that Justin and Susan have been each other's therapists as well, though Susan's issues with her father certainly seem like something only a certified therapist could help with. Justin at least recognizes that she's got those issues. DGB.
  22. Story Friday May 12, 2017

    The issue I think, is everyone's definition of normal. The word "normal" gets thrown around so much these day, but I honestly don't think people truly use it properly. Normal, or status quo gives the impression of similarity and familiarity if you see someone doing something you would do, it's normal, someone has the same skin, eye or hair color as you, that's normal. The problem is, no one is going to be 100% like you. So really, the true definition of "normal" would be "me". Sure there's tolerance towards minor differences, but what people consider a minor difference varies from person to person. On the extreme end, people see someone committing acts of violence and say that's not normal. but at the same time, the quest for normalcy is littered with violence. Being the same should not be normal, being different should be. I should also add that Elliot is challenged by the fact that the poster asked not to tell anyone. So does Elliot betray the poster by telling Tedd? Does Elliot betray Edward by divulging information to the poster? So far Edward has been pretty lenient because all of the cases of other people finding out stuff have been accidental or beyond anyone's control. Edward would probably be mad if Elliot just up and told some complete stranger things about magic. Tedd might also not want Elliot to be the cause of magic changing either. Looks female to me.
  23. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Elliot has asserted that he's not gay. That is kind of a lie if you take into account that he prefers females when using the standard morphs, The party girl may not have needed to tweak Elliot's preference for female, but if the party girl personality is bisexual or heterosexual, we haven't had any opportunity to find out. The mild mannered form though is apparently heterosexual. My assertion was that the forms personality shifts are much like how the TFG tweaks sexual preference to make adjusting to the new form. The sexual preferences are part of the personalities because that's how the stereotypes portray them as, Mild Mannered is timid and easily flustered around men, Heidi may or may not be a lesbian but acts like it because it turns on the guys. Goth isn't clear, Elliot seemed attracted to herself in that form more than anything. It really does depend on intent as well as who the target is. Some people may be able to shrug it off easily like "meh whatever" or take it as a compliment "darned right I am!". In Tedd's case though, Elliot did say things that were similar to what Edward has said, I can't see him being able to shrug off Elliot's comment any easier than Edward's. Tedd's insecurities basically started resurfacing when Grace entered his life. He started having more people around him and he became really self conscious about what they thought of him, this lead to a big moment in "One Way Road" when Tedd realized he was treating Elliot like a lab rat, we don't know if Ellen told Elliot about it or if Tedd said anything to Elliot, I would think Tedd apologized but we don't know for sure if there was any kind of closure about it, for all we know it could have been "I'm sorry if my experiments made you uncomfortable" "it's no biggie". But yeah Tedd's past has had a damaging effect and we can't blame him for worrying. Yeah she was, but there was no indication that an actual attempt to make her zap Elliot was made. I dunno, it just feels like for the amount of time Magus has been in limbo, it taking nearly 2 years to make a move doesn't make any sense.
  24. Things You Find Amusing

    Maybe they're future-proofing in case medicine or technology advances enough to extend the human lifespan or do the whole "brain-uploading" thing or what have you. Maybe cryoprisons actually do exist and those people sentenced are currently frozen and having their brains rewired so that they can function as lawful citizens again upon their release. Of course, it's not looking like Taco Bell will win the fast food wars.