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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. NP Wednesday April 19 2017

    Looks more like Justin's mouth is just opened wider than the previous comic. I dunno, when I enlarged it more, the line around Justin's mouth got thicker in general but so did all lines so I can't really trust Waifu2x to give me a definitive yes or no.
  2. NP Wednesday April 19 2017

    Really? I don't see it, and I even ran the comic through waifu2x to enlarge the panel.
  3. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I don't think Sarah was convinced. In fact I think if Sarah saw Susan's fairy hugging Elliot with Susan trying to use that excuse, she might get suspicious.
  4. Story Wednesday April 19, 2017

    I have two cousins, brothers, who married into two separate families, however they're wives siblings got married as well, so all three families are a web of in-laws. I've also heard of twins marrying twins so it's not that farfetched.
  5. It's possible that he also noticed people discussing it on Patreon, Twitter and Facebook, I really hate that there's soo many ways Dan could learn about stuff the fans talk about as I too would want Dan reading the forums to be true, but him no longer endorsing the forums on the comic site makes it difficult to keep my hopes up. Also I too originally said "no" but changed to "indifferent", I also noticed that the only issue with the lipstick seems to come from it's use on Susan only, the first pinup that had characters with lipstick I think was 40's Pinup Ellen, doesn't look like anyone noticed or had an issue with the lipstick on either Patreon or our forums. After that, we have Heidi and Carol's live makeout, and it doesn't seem like anyone even noticed Heidi and Carol were wearing lipstick, even our forum thread mentions it. Next is Rental Guard Tensaided, there's lipstick, but no comments on Patreon about it, nor in our forums. Magical Girl Tedd didn't have many comments on Patreon, but our forums seemed to focus more on the cape and general colour palette than anything else, no mention of lipstick. Mall-Goth Elliot fusion understandably didn't attract any negative attention, but I still didn't see anyone mention lipstick on Patreon and our forums seemed to run on several tangents that included malls and brick and mortar retail still being viable, what Mall girls Elliot's official name should be, and me being utterly confused by a glitch in one of mlooney's posts. Moo News is Good News, both Sarah and Carol have lipstick, no mention on patreon, not much discussion on our forums either, no mention of the lipstick in what's there though. Now we have Rental Guard Level 2, Not many comments on Patreon, but one of those did mention the lipstick as well as the hair making Susan not recognizable, our forums seemed to echo that sentiment that Susan didn't look like Susan at all, it wasn't just the lipstick though, but the hair and overall form that didn't fit her character despite the fact that this was a non canon transformation, I still think the hair shouldn't matter too much because Susan was naturally blonde so it does make sense for a pinup to utilize that aspect of her at some point. It's like chekov's gun, you can't just say she was once blonde and not show it occasionally, and the angst induced awakening making her dark blue colour permanent can't just wash away that either. That brings us to the current thread that seems to have everyone up in arms, even the patreon entry has numerous comments about the lipstick, one post in particular may have been a catalyst for Dan creating the poll as he responded to the comment albeit in more of a moderator capacity rather than responding to the criticism itself. As for me, I still think of this pinup as Elliot's spell working like the Tea in that it not only changes their forms, but also their clothes and adds the makeup as well, it could also work like Elliot's secret identities in that it has a mind altering affect that makes Susan and Elliot more playful. Some pinups can make us wonder if they could be canon, some don't, this one definitely doesn't look like it could be canon, but it still seems unfair to say that Dan should stop drawing a certain way just because people don't like how it looks on one character. Edit: For the record, I did come across a version of this where someone had removed Susan's makup, and honestly I didn't consider it an improvement. I can't link the image because the person also removed Susan's shirt but I'm sure you guys can find it easy enough.
  6. NP Wednesday April 19 2017

    Pretty certain we won't see the griffins return until after the Sister 3 arc is over, they had said they would return in 4 weeks and Dan stated that Sister 3 would span 1 week so we'll have 3 weeks of dealing with the aftermath of Sister 3, a couple of dates and hopefully a "Birthday" before we see the Griffins again. This seems good.
  7. Story Wednesday April 19, 2017

    2 possibilities for Justin's theory came to mine after I logged off last night. 1: Justin could downplay this and suggest that Diane is a mirror universe version of Susan, I'm not sure if that would accomplish anything positive though, Justin might think that putting a Star Trek spin on the subject might make Susan feel better, but Susan's knowledge of the mirror universe might give her the impression that Justin doesn't think highly of Diane, unless he refers to the DS9's mirror universe rather than TOS's. There's also the Will/Thomas Riker angle, but that seems like it could apply to Elliot and Ellen more. This is probably not likely. 2: We know Susan has cousins, she told Justin that she had visited with them for Christmas, we can safely assume that these cousins would be on her mom's side of the family, though it certainly is possible that her dad's side might still be on good terms, we have the Kitsune and Verres families as proof. But it's still possible that Susan doesn't know much about her dad's side of the family and she could very well have a cousin that looks like her as Ellen originally questioned. Diane being a cousin from her father's side, could take a lot of the angst off about her dad being a serial cheater. Though Diane really was hoping that she had a long lost sister, cousins still have a biological connection so I wouldn't think she'd take it too hard, plus I think even she didn't like the idea of her being the product of an affair so this could be a load off her mind as well. Things I'm not sure of though, At this point, Susan's had to have told Justin the whole thing about what Ellen and Nanase happened on New Years, so Justin would know that the reason people believe Susan and Diane are sisters is because an Immortal that vowed to help Susan believes they are. Justin apparently doesn't subscribe to the idea that just because an Immortal believes it, it has to be true, and we know that he's on to something because Jerry doesn't know exactly what the deal is with them. He may also think that Jerry is just toying with Susan because he doesn't know about Vows being a binding promise and the consequences for breaking them, but we can't blame him from being suspicious as he knows there's at least one immortal who's been running around marking people, and another tried to get Eliot killed. I don't even know if Susan told Justin about her trip to France and the Immortals that marked her to be able to fight a vampire and then disappeared without so much of a thanks. It's possible Justin doesn't trust Immortals.
  8. Ooendan

    I know right, this should have been the first though when we learned that Tedd could make the watches. Maybe Dan just downplayed the whole flying aspect of magic that we were like "we already have Grace, Nanase and Elliot who can fly on their own, Justin, Susan and Ellen don't seem interested in Tedd's magiteck stuff, so that leaves just Tedd and Sarah and they both seem more interested in transforming." Of course, Ellen later discovered the wonders of being able to fly with the help of copying Nanase's guardian form and Susan's had Tedd help with making new fairy dolls for her and now has her own watch to play with, but there's soo much going on right now that I don't think they've really had time to think about the kinds of spells Tedd could make for them with watches, and then there's that whole thing about the watches becoming unusable once the energy clog is cleared and the ambient magic levels drop to what they should be. So we may never see a flight watch.
  9. NP Wednesday April 19 2017

    This isn't canon, we can't assume that just because he noticed Tedd's hair changed colour halfway through the card tournament that he noticed Grace had enlarged her breasts partway through. As for changes in this page, Grace's hair seems to have gained volume and Justin lost his sideburn, I think that's....Oh Justin lost his sideburns because she gained boobs.
  10. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    That doesn't correct me, I was saying at the time Dan introduced Diane (3 years before he has Ellen react to her) he may not have intended on the whole long lost sister possibility, but people's reactions to Diane might have inspired Ellen's reaction, and then it snowballed from there.
  11. Ooendan

    You know, I actually wonder why that would be the case. Why couldn't Tedd make a watch that had a flight spell on it? I can understand that he'd be more interested in transformations and stick to those, but the fact that no one has at any point asked him if he could make a watch that let them fly is just mind boggling.
  12. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    Yeah, but she's usually already in motion or at least prepared to use said options, being seated on a couch in close proximity to another person (Ellen beside her) and breakable objects nearby would limit her ability to jump out of the way, she'd be more likely to just block a punch than dodge it. Yeah, if she really was homophobic, she wouldn't be comfortable hanging out with Nanase and Ellen, also she cares about Rick who's gay so it most certainly had to have been an act. Lucy on the other hand is harder to tell if it's an act or not, or maybe she's in denial more than Nanase was. Maybe Lucy's like George? Gives Rhoda a hard time but secretly has feelings for her? Diane is also very good at deduction, and maybe Elliot and Susan have mentioned Justin in their review shows? I'm pretty certain that by the time Diane was introduced, Dan had already decided Susan was a main character. So Diane could have been a result of wanting to give Susan's background more stuff. Just prior to Diane's introduction Dan revealed that Susan had caught her dad cheating with another woman, so maybe he already had the idea of Diane being the result of another affair? Though it still isn't 100% certain that they are sisters so maybe it's the result of people telling Dan how much Diane looked like Susan and Dan being "I can so mess with people's head here, mwahahaha!" Susan has likely told Justin exactly how she feels about him as suggested by their IM's.
  13. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    The logistics of using the summoning spell for clothes is mind boggling. For one, said clothes would not appear on her, she'd have to put them on herself, but why would she even have that as an option knowing said clothes would be temporary and disappear after a bit. Also if summoned clothing followed the same rules as summoned weapons/tools/fairies, a good tap on the shoulder could render her topless. She's more likely to have "Get Elliot to morph into female forms with various outfits that I could try on" huh... that could very well have been a possibility for the review show, she could have had Elliot morph into a form wearing a trek uniform then give it to her to use, but she had Justin help her find one instead. I also wonder if she had "Don't summon fairies around Elliot" on there as well, because it would make it harder to hide her feelings for him with Little Nase around. Elliot: "Uh Susan. why does your fairy keep trying to kiss me?"
  14. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    Not to my knowledge. Tom was referring to the flashback Justin had just before getting zapped at Grace's birthday party. 3rd row, first panel has Diane in the foreground.
  15. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    I said it could it could have gone a lot worse. In Tedd's case, the bomb Ellen was referring to was the information about his mother causing him to revert back to the way he was before Edward let him tinker with the TFG, while in Susan's case, the bomb was the potential for learning that she might be adopted sending her into another angst induced event which, while a minor one wouldn't likely have resulted in Susan being in a murderous rage, a major one probably could. Even though Susan isn't adopted, her father is still a wound that hasn't healed and it was opened again with the idea that Mr. Pompoms cheated on more than one occasion and before Susan was born even, she's probably wondered at some point in the past couple days If he's cheated multiple times, how many other half siblings could she have? How would Susan have reacted if Ellen pushed the matter beyond those text messages after she first met Diane? If Ellen so much as mentioned wondering is Susan was adopted or her dad cheated? Also Justin couldn't dodge the headbutt because he was holding Susan within pointblack headbutting range. Nanase might have better chances but she was still sitting while Susan had stood up so Susan had some advantage there.
  16. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Back in "End of an Era" when Justin and Susan are talking about Susan being attracted to Elliot, apparently Justin notices something else(panel 4) in Susan's "list of things to avoid doing to not accidentally seduce Elliot". Makes me want to know what all is in that list.
  17. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    We saw a bit of the metaphorical aspect in action when Nanase and Ellen eventually did tell Susan about Diane. That could have gone a lot worse if Jerry wasn't mentioned or if Susan angry enough to decide young Jerry broke the vow and lied or something (I dunno if she's aware of how vows work). And yeah she would have to actively unsummon then and apparently Little Nase just went away on her own during the major angst induced awakening, so Justin doesn't have anything to worry about in that regard, but he didn't know that so he was very overly nervous about it because what if Susan got mad enough that she decided to make the fairies pop around Justin's head, an angst induced event could be very bad.
  18. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    Ok a sensitive bomb, the kind that goes off with a good bump. He's worried that if Susan's not kept in a good mood, BOOM! Kinda like how Ellen was worried about Tedd learning about his mother. I thought about this. being Marked didn't seem to do much for Susan's height, whereas being Awakened did. I had thought about the possibility of Tedd being wrong about being awakened having an affect on a person's body as well, but then the fact that Susan had her mark for a year and a half threw that out the window.
  19. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    I'm just hung up on the why more than the when really (though the when is certainly relevant). Pandora has reasons for doing things and just awakening Justin on a whim doesn't make sense, if she expected the subject of Justin's mark to come up later, then she probably does have motive to do something about it ahead of time.
  20. Old Characters Returning

    He left the card tournament with a completely different outlook than he entered with. It's probably too soon to tell though whether he's stopped hanging out with Rich or made it his life's goal to get Rich reformed. That could be a story arc on it's own right there.
  21. The Weather.

    After another nice weekend with temps in the high teens-low 20's (celcius) were back into single digits for at least a week. Someone please let me off this roller coaster, preferably when it's on the upswing again.
  22. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    This is where things get confusing though. Yes we know that awakening has an affect on the body, Nanase's magic boobs, Susan's growth spurt, and presumably Justin's abs. We know that it's not instant as it was a couple months after Susan awakened that she cursed her height so it would have been gradual over time. So it'd be easy to think that Pandora could have awakened Justin a month or so earlier and his abs developed in that time. But what motivation would Pandora have had a month or so ago to awaken Justin, she wasn't even paying attention to what happened in New and Old Flames or else she would have known that someone else was pulling strings even during the first fire golem encounter, and we know about her attention span from her reaction to seeing Rhoda having awakened on her own. We can't really assume that after seeing that Rhoda awakened she went to check on Justin, was disappointed that he hadn't yet, and decided to do it for him? Well, she couldn't have. Pandora had opportunity and motive at the card tournament though, motive to mess with Luke by letting him believe Justin had a mark and awaken Justin before he could check. And I don't mean a minute before Justin took off his shirt either, Pandora could have noticed Luke the moment he walked into the store and asked Justin about kicking the fire golem, then maybe overheard Luke's conversation about it....Dammit we need to have an NP or story arc or something dedicated to showing us when Pandora marked Luke and how he met his friends. Suddenly I got a feeling Pandora could have awakened Justin around that time expecting Luke to want to meet him and check.
  23. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    He's only been awakened for 5 days in comic. Pandora awakened him Friday at the card tournament. Justin also believes that his power is due to ASMA training and not having awakened, Edward apparently thought so as well as he didn't even test to see if Justin awakened. Heck I know it's not Edward's job, but considering his involvement with keeping tabs on Tedd's friends, but I think he dropped the ball for not being more thorough about finding out why Justin suddenly got extra strong when fighting the first fire golem. I dunno if we'll see more of Justin and Susan this week or if Dan's going to jump to someone else Wednesday. I'm hoping we get another day of Justin and Susan though, it seems like an opportunity for Susan to ask Justin about Diane, just like Diane got a bit insight about what Susan's like off camera from Ellen. Although... I'm not entirely sure if Justin's noticed the same change in behaviour that Ellen and Nanase have in Diane, what he tells Susan might not jive well.
  24. NP: Monday April 17 2017

    If they both change and then get lost, use Sarah as bait. At the very least we can prove if the OT3 really does exist or not.
  25. Story Monday April 17, 2017

    She can summon weapons with special attributes now as well so that'd be an upgrade to an existing spell I think. As for the fairies, Dan's probably waiting for a more appropriate moment to show Susan going first person mode with a fairy, I dunno if that would be in this arc, though I wouldn't be surprised if she does it to show Diane "Ooh ooh, can you use a fairy like Nanase?". For some reason, I find it amusing that Justin feels like he's trapped with a ticking timebomb around his head in the last panel.