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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Psst....wrong thread.
  2. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    Abraham apparently remained in stone until the diamond's use triggers his release, which would mean that if the diamond was used years before on Diane to produce Susan (remember, Diane is 20 minutes older than Susan) Abraham would have gone after Susan when she was still a baby. It was clear by his amazement at there being multiple high schools in Moperville that he's been stoned for at least a few centuries. We haven't really seen any evidence that alternates exist in the other half of the world or if the populations in each half are completely separate. I would be more inclined to believe that Diane's from Lord Tedd's universe and that at one point Diane's mom fled to this universe when Diane was still a baby or maybe she was still pregnant when she came over and immediately went into labour and perished shortly after giving birth, leaving Diane orphaned.
  3. NP Monday August 29, 2016

    Ok, at first glance this does appear to be the possible moment Catalina would get marked, but considering the third panel, Pandora knows who Catalina is, she's likely seen Catalina hanging around with Susan, Elliot, Tedd and Sarah at school, she would also have seen her meet Rhoda. So here are a few possibilities: 1: Pandora did already mark Catalina way back when she marked Rhoda and Justin, but somehow Catalina has managed to not use her spell, like back in April/May-"This girl is named Catalina Bobcat, sounds purrrfect for a cat transformation spell!" 4 months later "She still hasn't used that spell? What gives?!?!" 2: Catalina's name is just a name and does not reflect what kinds of spells Catalina could potentially get, so it's basically mocking Pandora. 3: This one could be a longshot, but maybe Catalina was already awakened and so Pandora couldn't give her anything that could be used accidentally later. And that's also mocking Pandora.
  4. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    The thing is, Susan only summoned Nase twice before she awakened, though if she was summoning the other objects in her storage box that would have helped, but I suspect she didn't do that often. I'm sure it could be done, dunno about story but there seems to be enough of a setting to put something together like a fanfic.
  5. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    Simplest answer. Not most probable, but simplest, despite making fake records good enough to fool DGB would be hard. If Mrs Pompoms and her sister are twins, that MIGHT work. But note that in this case, Edward MIGHT notice that in his background checks ... Yeah, I'd expect it would be hard, but not impossible, other agencies could exist, or just the families involved had the resources and influence to make it happen.
  6. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Agreed. Magic likes Drama, which makes up for a lot. Susan might have been on the verge of awakening already due to her frequent use of the hammers. Justin might also have been close to awakening due to ASMA training. I would expect that a premature awakening might count as an improper awakening.
  7. NP Friday, Aug 26 2016

    ::googles:: Hmmmm.... Well... That's a furry dragon. Didn't say they couldn't be. Just that I had spent many years in games gathering dragon scales and never once had to get dragon fur.
  8. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    Yeah, that's why I think there's more to this than is shown, I don't see why Jerry would lie and leave false hints about Diane's relation to Susan when he vowed to help Susan and Nanase to make up for Helena and Demetrius supposedly lying to them. I don't think he would just assume Diane is Susan's sister after eavesdropping on Ellen and Nanase discussing the possibility of it, then again, he did assume that Sarah didn't have any innate talents for magic, but that might not count because he apparently wasn't powerful enough to detect it. We'll have to wait till the next page to see if Edward says anything else about this, but I don't think he'd lie about whether or not Susan was adopted, Nanase would have given him the exact same reasons she gave Elliot and Diane about why she believes they're sisters and he isn't faking seizures or anything so I do believe he didn't find anything. but like I said before, it's possible someone else did a really good job of covering up Susan's true origins.
  9. NP Friday, Aug 26 2016

    She has not met any furries, yet... Dragons can be furry?
  10. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    The only other explaination would be that Susan's parents are her biological parents, but, this is probably a long shot... we know Mrs Pompoms has a sister, maybe Mr Pompoms got them both pregnant at some wild party on night and Mrs Pompom's sister never came forward with it? Or maybe she did and Mrs Pompoms knows, wait, I've heard this story before.
  11. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    But...if she hadn't awakened, Susan would be the same height as Diane. If Susan didn't dye her hair, she'd be blonde like Diane. If Susan didn't didn't catch her dad cheating and live through the nasty divorce afterwards, she'd be chasing after Elliot like Diane. There's gotta be more to it than this. The people involved at Diane and Susan's birth might have been just as if not more thorough at covering up the girl's origins than Edward's checks. Maybe Mrs Pompoms is pulling a Mama Kitsune on us? Oh BTW, panel 4 was pretty much what I had in mind a while back for a 2 character pinup suggestion that sadly didn't make the cut.
  12. NP, Wednesday August 24, 2016

    Not specific enough, as I agree with Hack that it sounded like you meant it was left in the car for the entire summer. Saying "on a hot summer day" would have worked.
  13. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    The mark was the empower part by giving Dex access to the spell, the amulet was the overpower part and also allowed for Dex to be manipulated into summoning the fire golems and bulldog dragon and not have any memory of doing so after.
  14. Last Post Wins

    ::peers over Arcanimus' shoulder:: Ooh Stepmania eh?
  15. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Does Grace still have that amulet she got from Dex? We didn't see whether she gave it to Tedd or Edward but if she gave it to Tedd, then Pandora might suggest that Sarah get it and allow Pandora to pump a pile of magic energy into her to do whatever she needs to do. We know that the spell Dex was using to summon the fire golems and bulldog dragon was the same spell as what he used to summon the fairy, what kind of stuff could Sarah do with her spell with extra oomph behind it?
  16. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Yeah, I've seen that stuff too, it's supposedly made that way (with the adhesive along one edge) to make it easier to remove but yeah it was crap. There's also that tape+drop cloth combo thats even worse to work with. Better off just removing all the trim and such, that's what it was intended for anyway, paint the whole wall but not have to go right to the floor or ceiling, etc, then use trim, baseboards and crown moulding to cover the rough edges. Tape is more useful for smaller projects.
  17. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Oooh that's a new one. ::writes it down for later usage::
  18. NP Friday, Aug 26 2016

    Hmm....Dan's holding back on what Pandora's saying here, definitely makes it a Friday comic but I still gotta wonder. Is she referring to what she gives Liz helping achieve her goal of making magic mainstream? Or helping someone else?
  19. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    The fact that magical talents are hereditary, suggests that it's genetic, or at least something very similar to genetics, Diane and Susan are good examples, Nanase and her family lineage is a good example, Tedd, might just be the right combination of talents to produce something completely different. I just can't see it rewriting a portion of a person without possibly doing harm.
  20. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    When Disco Wizard said "there will always be people born with magical talent..." along with "how magic power can be obtained beyond heredity..." suggested to me that the talent a person is born with cannot be changed, so even Susan and Diane would still have the talent for vampire hunters if the system changed, what would change would be be how they used those talents and how they would learn new spells, instead of just automatically leveling up and earning a spell, they might have to write the spells before they can use them or something. That's what I'm talking about, though I think he would believe Sarah...though....hmm maybe not if Sarah tells him that she was told this by the creepy girl that appeared on TV after the wizard attack on MSHS...I guess Pandora made things a bit difficult by creating a reputation.
  21. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    what she does in her "spellspace" doesn't affect anything in reality, so she wouldn't actually be taking control of people.
  22. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    This is kinda different, Sarah's aware of magic existing and vampires and such. Yeah, it's likely dangerous, yeah Pandora could have gone to Edward and come clean with what she's been doing. But chances are, Edward likely wouldn't be able to act fast enough, and with a magic system change looming, Pandora needs to work fast.
  23. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Sarah is one of the few members of the group who might benefit from a major change in how Magic works, given that she has very limited magic power under the current system but, being friends with Tedd, would be first in line for learning how the new system works and how best to exploit it. Also, according to Pandora, Sarah was born with her talent, so it's probably not like she'll lose the spell itself completely, she'll just need to power it differently.
  24. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    I first thought Pandora's line was to the tune of "Do you believe in magic?" which totally made sense to me because she was in her "young girl" form. But you just had to mention Frozen* *I've never watched Frozen, but there is a livestreamer that I watch occasionally that sings that particular song a lot. Probably not kill an aberration, Pandora's not likely aware of Sirleck's involvement in this, she's only been made aware of the events at the Mall so it's more likely she wants Sarah to do some recon work for her. I'm guessing she'll ask Sarah to try to get a hold of everything that Carol filmed plus whatever cell phone videos she may have taken for her report so that Pandora can see everything unedited, not just what ended up on the news.
  25. NP, Wednesday August 24, 2016

    Look at phones. Technology progress in EGS was not exactly realistic ... why would you expect matching dates of games? We could just assume that the first cell phones Elliot and Ellen had were cheap basic ones or maybe they were supplied by Edward and then a little later he got them newer ones. He would want to make sure that the phones Tedd's closest friends had were safe. Doesn't really explain Susan's phone, though in her case, just like her getting a job sooner than the others (aside from Justin), she could have got her own phone with the money she made, so it'd make sense if she budgeted herself to a specific type of phone with limited plan. Edward might have upgraded her phone later as well once it became clear she was in the circle.