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Everything posted by lonjil

  1. Story: Friday October 7 2016

    *facepalm* Yeah, I should probably think before I post. The meaning I had in mind was that she's the queen of using chaos, like the Queen of card games would be the best card player, while the Demigoddess of card games would have some special connection to and power over card games, in a divine sense.
  2. NP, Friday September 30, 2016

    I forgot to quote it, but a few pages ago people were talking about IBM making really dumb mistakes, and I just wanted to point that with the amount of business IBM does, stuff like that is bound to happen just though pure chance, and IBM still got through fine. It's not like Xerox or Kodak where their mistakes caused their downfalls.
  3. Story: Friday October 7 2016

    I think something like Queen of Chaos would work better. (Demi)goddess implies that she has some special providence over chaos, but really, she just likes it a lot.
  4. NP, Wednesday September 28, 2016

    I think the thing with hands is noticing how big they are compared to how they feel, when you look at them closely.
  5. NP Monday September 26, 2016

    Actually, part of GPS is calculating the exact positions of all the satellites. It wouldn't work otherwise.
  6. NP Friday August 12, 2016

    FV1 absolutely gives breasts.
  7. Story: Monday, August 8, 2016

    He knows immortals can shapeshift, he just doesn't think very much. DW is used to being the smartest, most knowledgeable guy in the room, but know he's conversing with an ancient immortal. "So this is how Grace felt talking to me" He didn't even have time to remember.
  8. NP, Friday August 5, 2016

    Has it ever been stated that someone can't have more than one mark?
  9. NP, Friday August 5, 2016

    There's always next Halloween!
  10. Story Friday August 5, 2016

    Blaike was killed by a werewolf, maybe Pandora made them extinct...
  11. When did this take place? Tedd can make permanent transformation wands since the card tournament.
  12. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Another "fun" fact about Galileo and his insulting the Pope: Galileo lived in the so called "papal states", where the Pope is also king. Not only did he insult the head of religion, but also the local monarch. Not too wise.