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Everything posted by InfiniteRemnant

  1. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    a lot of shows that are intended to have continuous plot lines and multiple seasons have pacing problems due to setting introduction, establishment of the status quo, and character introduction, in the first season. that's pretty normal and it's hardly fair to judge a series' merits on that alone. It's one of the reasons why I usually wait for a show's 2nd season to start before I watch any of it.
  2. More Speculation.

    The same reasons that she stayed female at Grace's birthday party. That and as soon as Elliot is "disproved" suspicion could immediately fall on Ellen who has a similar name, looks similar, lives at the same house, and is the right gender. They need to do it in such a way that Elllen is not suspected either. you didn't actually read the other half of that post did you? those issues were addressed. one: She's not copying Elliot directly, she's copying cheerledra in that scenario. so the 'making her male will cause problems' issue mentioned at the party, wouldn't come up because she's not doing that. and she's previously demonstrated she's okay with copying someone else's super-form if the situation calls for it. and two: ANYTHING that shifts attention off of Elliot, short of a third party proving they are Cheerledra, is going to draw it to Ellen no-matter what. that's where the "accidentally" getting caught changing into Heidi comes in. even if that doesn't work as part of the copy power, Elliot can do that himself, later.
  3. The Association Game

  4. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    if grace's managing to render jerry temporarily speechless by repeatedly surprising him when they met is any indication, their precognitive/clairvoyant/whatever abilities definitely aren't passive or instant. they need to try, otherwise he would have known already whether he wanted to or not, and if they were instant he could have just 'checked' instead of asking questions.
  5. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    still, were this not fiction I would have expected a period of protracted awkwardness with one or both of them at the very least.
  6. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Ashley comes off as relatively normal, if surprisingly open minded. if anybody's impossible it's Elliot. the only reason he's not a mary sue is he has internally consistent limits, and his 'too perfect' personality and history are balanced out by his becoming a walking doormat around certain types of people. case in point most people will never have even one amicable breakup, he's had two, and is still close with both his exes. how do you even DO that?!
  7. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Not necessarily, even though Tara and Andrea are gone, there's still the threat of aberrations in Moperville, so I would imagine Helena and Demetrius would try to find someone else to help deal with them. I know Immortals hate aberrations, but it also seems obsessive compulsive with Helena and Demetrius that aberrations must be destroyed when found. I wonder if Jerry has noticed the increase in aberrations in Moperville. I'm sure the Colonel is aware but I'm not surprised he doesn't seem bothered by it. Uh ... not to underestimate number of potential vampire hunters in Moperville, but I suspect with Tara gone Helena would try to recruit MAIN EIGHT to do that. Which would keep them relatively close to Elliot. Unless they already have picked someone, by 'guiding' a train engineer to reach a certain crossing a few minutes early, ensuring a certain teen who was doubting her potential would be mostly alone and see first hand a situation where that potential is needed, motivating her to train and unlock it when an upcoming family reunion gives her that opportunity. Who says Pandora and colonel are the only ones allowed to do things in roundabouts ways?
  8. Things that make you worried.

    the EGS fans are plenty active, its every OTHER section of the forum that's dead. as for this particular subsection, i'd be more inclined to use it more often if the majority of the active threads didn't have a 'talk about yourself' theme. This is the internet I usually don't want to talk about my real life. I spend time online the same as I do in games; to get away from that convoluted ball of stress and pretend for a while that that side of my life isn't real. the few times that i do, i'll pop up over in the chatroom, because that doesn't keep logs to constantly remind me that everything sucks.
  9. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    maybe, but the only times the beam has been shown to push things (Ellen Vs Vlad, Training with Grace) it's been supercharged. that seems a bit flimsy.
  10. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    Wait, where did Magus in Elliot's body come from? I would have thought his revival needing a diamond-born would imply another split like the one the diamond initially caused.
  11. The Association Game

    That information requires level 3 or above security clearance.
  12. NP, Friday April 15, 2016

    Fallout doesn't use dynamic skills the way Elder Scrolls does. i don't think you get EXP for enemies you don't at least knock out.
  13. Story Friday April 15, 2016

    He's not THAT creepy. the 'mind control creature' thing has been something I've been reading about since i was 10 (Animorphs), It's long since lost it's creepiness. and other than having fingers for eyebrows being a bit on the weird side, there's not actually that much visually thats all that disturbing about him.
  14. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    There's also the possibility of one or more people having grown dependent on it for that purpose, only for it to no longer be available when needed. Imagine how it would feel knowing you have to take that away, and it's too late to do anything about it?
  15. NP, Friday April 15, 2016

    eh, there are dummer ways to practice your spells.
  16. Three Word Game

    And how did
  17. More Speculation.

    Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but... a couple times the idea of Elliot distancing himself from being identified as Cheerledra has come up, ad more often than not, the idea of Elliot turning into Cheerledra while someone poses as Elliot gets thrown around, usual focusing on Grace or Tedd mimicking him, yet i don't understand why they haven't gone with the obvious candidate: Ellen. She has an ability that would let her copy Cheerledra rather than Elliot eliminating the inherent problem of someone seeing through the 'Elliot disguise' because there won't be one, Elliot will be the real deal, meanwhile she knows Elliot more than well enough to pull off acting exactly like how Cheerledra would. Even better, if her power includes copying secondary abilities, she can "accidently" get caught changing into Heidi after being seen with Elliot which would deflect attention further by making people focus on someone that technically doesn't exist and only a handful of people (Noah, Melissa, Justin, & Carol) have ever met, only one of which knows Heidi is actually Elliot. (Melissa, and presumably Noah know Heidi is an alias & disguise, but as far as I'm aware I don't think they know who's under the disguise.)
  18. Three Word Game

    Jumping a good
  19. Three Word Game

    hovering upsidedown behind
  20. The Association Game

    Wow, i didn't know i could launch shrapnel that far ^.^
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    wait... does http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=613 mean dreamverse Ellen knows a local version of vlad?
  22. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    That might get confusing to label accurately, as the only one that has a name is Heidi, as far as I know. You could probably get away with calling the mild mannered version Jackie, since she's Heidi's opposite (Jackie & Heidi, Jekyl & Hyde? Get it?) Which leaves Goth Chick Eliot & Cat Eliot.
  23. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    It's hard to stay inside main 8 if there are more that 8 characters to cover in Firefly ... Well, you could conceivably fit 10 characters in using the main 8 thanks to Nase & Fox technically being extensions of existing characters rather than separate characters...
  24. Story: Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Things changed? What makes you think Magus returning to the physical plane is NOT an important step in Pandora's plan anymore? (Just because she scared him a little? Can be part of plan.) I dunno, i just get the feeling that her objectives, after the argument with Adrian, shifted. Like before it was 'causing chaos for funzies' nonsense, but after she had an actual goal.
  25. Sketchbook: Thursday, April 14, 2016

    Wait, if Simon is Ellen, doesn't that mean that River HAS to be Elliot? You know, cause siblings?