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Everything posted by InfiniteRemnant

  1. NP: Friday, April 8, 2016

    on that note, supposedly intelligent characters in games doing trigger-guard-spins of pistols and revolvers as an idle animation is equally stupid.
  2. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Well, fair warning then, I'm usually about as blunt as a sledgehammer, but it's almost never meant maliciously, I'm just god-awful at tact.
  3. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Also kinda funny that Elliot is trying to cheer her up by pointing out Murphy's law will kick in sooner or later. Isn't that usually a bad thing?
  4. Story: Monday, April 11, 2016

    Panel 3 is the best one. that expression...
  5. What's in the Lost and Found?

    ...These look more like DGB fact sheets...
  6. The Association Game

    People who are WAY too smart for me.
  7. Is EGS:NP becoming too important?

    Meh... I've read askblogs that make 3-5 posts a day run into the same pacing-slowdown problems as a weekly comic. It happens to pretymuch all image-based media to one degree or another. you just get used to seeing it after a while and stop noticing.
  8. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    to be fair, that wasn't meant as a knock at anyone's intelligence. I didn't think an argument that answered that without causing other problems was possible, regardless of who it was from.
  9. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Okay, I suppose you have a point there, but if the situation were that desperate i would expect more active effort towards recruiting individuals known to have powers. to go with your superhero metaphor, where's the JLU? The kids have been seen saving the day, it's shown up online and on tv, some of the incidents are weeks or months old at this point, DGB supposedly keeps tabs on them, and Susan has experience 'hunting' yet there hasn't been a peep in canon. I dunno, maybe refusing to accept Xeno's theories is just me being cynical or stubborn, but they're full of holes and what if's, and every answer I've been hearing to those holes just raises more questions... It just doesn't add up for me. I know there's nothing concrete, but at-least to me, It makes more sense for it to be false than true.
  10. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    I can. If we absolutely have to involve these bloody Uryuom eggs -- and in Noah's case, we unfortunately have to, because he is a known seyunolu -- she could have had her genetic material stolen and used in the egg without her knowledge. A terrible thing to do to anyone, of course, but it would explain her lack of maternal involvement. It is going a wee bit too far to blame a person for not taking interest in a child they do not know exists. I would accept that argument if it didn't undermine the scenario it's being applied to. for reference: In this scenario, she can't NOT be aware of him.
  11. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    For one thing, she is alive. Noah has stated that his parents are dead. It is not too large a presumption that he is speaking of his custodial parents, who may or may not have been his actual parents. actually i was asking that for the purpose of pointing out one of the flaws in the logic of their being related in the first place. the question isn't what part of Noah's back-story would require her not to be there, but what motivation she could have for not taking an active interest in a descendant who has the potential Tedd at that time lacked, and it can't be that she doesn't know about him, because that would derail the other half of Xenophon's argument the quote was taken from. I want to see if he can actually come up with a sound argument for that. I'm betting he can't.
  12. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Why assume that? in the scenario you propose, what reason is there for her not to be?
  13. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    this explanation makes more sense than the innumerable egg theories, mainly because it doesn't involve introducing a rule seemingly for the sole purpose of breaking it.
  14. The Association Game

    Starwars Episodes 1 & 2
  15. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    That argument is debatable at best. Tedd got left behind seemingly because he has no powers, Noah DOES have powers, what would be the motivation for ditching him? We've been over the logic behind the age gap repeatedly. no, it's not explicitly stated, but it shouldn't need to be when there are enough hints to piece it together. Except if that were the case her walking database of an Ex-husband would know she's gone behind his back, yet the only story indications thus far about tension between them have implied her putting her monster-hunting career before her family. We've been given every indication they're divorced and she's a deadbeat parent. why would you assume communication? then the child would need to have been born after her departure for Tedd not to know about them, which brings us back to the age gap, which no one's managed to whittle the estimate for down below 3 years.
  16. The Association Game

    "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
  17. The Association Game

    ("fun", yes. but "good" would require me to overlook more cringe-worthy than usual human characters, juvenile humor, Internally inconsistent continuity, and needlessly overcomplicated character designs that look more like console shooter enemies than cybertronians.) Robots in disguise!
  18. Story: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

    Well, no. I don't know for certain it's a half-sibling, but a half bloodline relation has a significantly higher probability than a full bloodline relation, simply due to the circumstances you mention being the only ones that could lead to that.
  19. Sketchbook: April 7, 2016

    That assumes i play MMOs. Bullet hell SHMUPs, Puzzle games, and 1st person adventure games(Myst style), don't often come in multiplayer form. Unless you count URU, but I ran out of things to explore in that years ago.
  20. Three Word Game

    (um... what? you mean like he writes in code or something? i have no idea what you're going for there...)
  21. The Association Game

    good movie, in spite of it's director
  22. The Association Game

    common sense
  23. Three Word Game

    convoluted webs of
  24. Story: Friday April 8, 2016

    i think that's more along the lines of "It's a touchy subject, don't bring it up unless he does."
  25. Story: Friday, April 1st 2016

    It's still extortion either way, the only thing that changes is the motivations of the parties involved.