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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Story Wednesday January 31, 2018

    As much as I hate to say it, I about 80% on with Arthur J Arthur about keeping magic secret. Magic in EGS does seem to give spells out based on who you are, not a set list of spells. Bad Tom gets magic, any bets he gets "Charm Person" or something like that? Want to live in a world where he and other twits like him have that? And that's just a fairly harmless option. There are actively evil people out there as well, even in the EGSverse as given. Notice that one of the vampires was also a mage. Not Good.
  2. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I've had 9 cups of strong tea, an Adderall (10mg) and a 16 oz Jolt Cola this afternoon. (Afternoon being defined as "after 11:00 AM") Why the hell do I feel like I should go to bed fairly soon?
  3. Things That Make You Happy

    This is actually a bit old, but my niece, Rosemary, built the robot before the new year and has started to play around with programming it. Given that it's based on the Arduino micro controller, which is what all the cool kids in home brew hardware use nowdays, she should get a good education from it. All in all I has a full happy about this.
  4. Story Monday January 29, 2018

    Much like Pandora "Box" Raven. For most of the run of EGS she was though by many to be "The BIg Bad". Truth was some what different. Unsympathetic authority figures are often right. I might go as far as to say more often right than wrong.
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Eve Online annoying thing number 3456: NPC Sanshas command ships. Not that they are hard to kill, but they are damn near impossible for salvage drones to deal with once the battle is over. My normal method of dealing with them is loot them, then blow up the wreck so my drones will not spend hours attempting to salvage them.
  6. NP Monday Jan 29, 2018

    TBH, I'm sorta looking for a Were Dire Honey Badger. Badger. With out the smoking however.
  7. Story Monday January 29, 2018

    Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
  8. EGS: The College Years

    Good call.
  9. 8 out of 10. Not the best cat girl one, but high on the list.
  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The property agent told me that she was going to deliver a printed copy of the town's complaint directly to them, and have speaks about the number of people allowed by the lease. As of this morning. the car and most of the trash is still there.
  11. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It was a fairly generic letter. The actual from the city letter just had the address and was sent to the agents, who then forwarded it to "us" via email. I'm not worried about it, and like I said, this might result in the other people leaving, which would be a real win all around.
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I just got an email from my land lord, about a dead car and trash piled up around the house, aimed at the other side of the building as it happens. I've spoken with every one in question and even the inspector for the city knows it's not my side of the building and not my stuff. Plus the inspector told me that it's the landlords problem in the final end. With any luck at all the fact that 3 people are living there when there should only be 1 will result in them moving out. A man can dream.
  13. Story, Friday January 26, 2018

    "I'm Complicated" might very well be the new "One big awkward moment", as the more or less defining quote of EGS
  14. The Weather.

    There is a rain front coming. That is not a good thing for my migraines, but I really haven't had a bad one in a while, so maybe I'll get lucky Friday night. Not that kind of lucky...
  15. Things That Make You Happy

    Nasal spray and hot compresses seemed to have done their job and done them well. I'm face and head pain free this morning.
  16. She did have a no cleavage contract for a while.
  17. Story, Wednesday January 24, 2018

    I'll take 10 $Q action on that. Did not expect ANY of this.
  18. Things That Are Just Annoying

    As of right now, I'm more or less pain free. Not sure if that is the drugs or if I managed to break up the crap in my sinus with a mixture of nasal spray and heat pads. I'm leaning towards broke up the mass in the sinus, because I'm only 10 minutes away from the "It's been 6 hours" mark from my last pain meds, and pain meds don't last that long on me, normally.
  19. Dec 30, 2017. New Student Diane.

    Your going to have issues with the 0T15 chart then.
  20. Here is. 9 out of 10. I'm not sure why, but I really like this one. And belt knots are tricky to tie.
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Just my nose being slightly stuffy, then a blood clot when I blew my nose. And now that I am not thinking "Migraine" I feel that there is pressure in my right sinus and the head ache isn't quite where a migraine should be, at least on me.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    No problems, other than pain post clot. As to transport, there is a point to point bus system here, but it needs at least 3 days notice, minimum. If I do decided I need to go to the clinic, I've got that covered, in that taxi rides are flat rate in town.
  23. Dec 30, 2017. New Student Diane.

    I plan on doing it both on the wiki and here. I didn't create that version, so, yeah, I've "lost" the full version. As to out dated, I'm no sure what would need to be added to bring it up to "current".