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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. What Are You Ingesting?

    That makes it sizzle and smell like a steak being cooked. This going to make the roughly 2 and half hour wait a real problem
  2. Things You Find Amusing

    Even though I don't fly anywhere any more, it looks like a GREAT time to fly Delta on a busy flight.
  3. NP: Friday April 14, 2017

    Based on that theory, Sarah front right molar has a cap now. And, of course, both of them are now wearing green lipstick that has the same grey scale value as their previous blue lipstick. :-)
  4. What Are You Ingesting?

    Not really. Implied other uses isn't really a pun as such. One the other hand, /me does have the rarely used "squick" list, which, to be honest, that doesn't really make it to. Of course, you may add your entry, but, please, add an asterisk to the entry. Lists aside, I'm starting a 500 degree roast. Due to the way it was cut, I can't do it "fat side up" but it's also not "fat side down" either, so it's sorta my test case any way. Lots of oil and garlic for the rub.
  5. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    2, that is to say two packets in the face. Get at least one half of a packet up the nose1. 1Rubber hose optional.
  6. Things You Find Amusing

    XKCD for the win. This amuses the hell out the Air Defense veteran in me.
  7. What Are You Ingesting?

    It seems that Iceland shares several people's here feeling on pineapple on Pizza. And maybe bananas.
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    That truly is full of the suck. That might even pull multiple Lovelaces1 1The Great Wiki is slightly wrong, a Lovelace (Ll) applies to all things that suck, not just computer OS.
  9. Story Friday April 14, 2017

    Placing a 50 $Q bet the the missing word is "fairies", of course meaning "Immortals"
  10. Theoretical next set of pinups Single Sarah in Tedd’s basement looking in the mirror and realizing she’s forgotten to wear anything Diane after having tripped while carrying a tray of magic tea Double Wizard Sarah making Tedd her small busty catgirl familiar What-if scenario with Diane and Charlotte FV5’d as part of Ellen showing them magic Comic Sequence (replaces the 5 panel transformations) Tedd is trying to fix a remote and thinks nothing is happening, but every time he presses a button, something about Sarah changes The sequence that lost to a die roll was Tensaided absently mindedly rolls dice, unaware each roll changes something about Susan Looks like a good set. I'm not even mad about no Susan changes, because we have 2 Diane changes, which is almost as good.
  11. The Dan is making larger version of the current NP strips story line. Sayest The Dan:
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    And another tree or the river it's self took a lightning strike. Flash to bang time of under 1 second. The fact I noticed a strike to the west of me light flash when I don't have a west facing window says something about range.
  13. Things You Find Amusing

    So, this was a real thing.1 Granted not in an area where Doc would be affected. 1Yes, I know the Coke is the real thing. Shut up.
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The good news is they have stopped doing that. The bad news is that the reason why is a thunderstorm. I'm now waiting on the power flicker and for Cox "Stability, what the hell is that" local hub to freak out and die.
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The are doing - something - out side that needs loud motors and kicks up a lot of dust. There seems to be something in the dust here that I get stuffed up from. Taken a pair of pseudoephedrine and am waiting on them to kick in. I am less than fully gruntled.
  16. Theoretical next set of pinups

    Well, we are getting f!small!busty!cat!Tedd, so there is that.
  17. NP: Wednesday April 12, 2017

    Sayest The Dan on Patreon: So, new game. Find the changes.
  18. Things that make you MAD

    Well, crap. I just busted my RCA tablet and I'm not sure when I can replace it. I Might be able to Monday afternoon, depending on how my shrink day goes.
  19. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I'm having trouble making a choice on which path to take, so I'm going to ask, with out explaining what they mean. Old school or New school? Reskin or Whole cloth?
  20. NP: Wednesday April 12, 2017

    Yes! I caught that! Don't need to crawl under any more barbed wire nets. Hard to find in Tulsa. Also, at least a few days of the Grace->Sarah part of the OT3-S? I approve.
  21. Things You Find Amusing

    Ah. Bored programmer effect. Never underestimate what that can do. Unix and Linux, for example
  22. What Are You Listening To?

    The Warning. They really are crunchy rock's last great hope. Metal as hell.
  23. Story Wednesday April 12, 2017

    Yeah, my recon trainer would have my hide now. Need to go find some barbed wire trip nets and crawl under them while taking azimuth readings.
  24. Story Wednesday April 12, 2017

    Voltaire, on the other hand, is freaking evil.
  25. Story Monday April 10, 2017

    I have never said my waifu was capable of being a major player in the metaphysical world, just she isn't evil. Just chaotic as all get out