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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    I'm pretty sure Haskell or Prolog are WORSE. Lisp in fact brought lot of elements which become very useful additions to popular languages like Javascript, Python, Ruby, recently even PHP: garbage collector, dynamic typing, higher-order functions (and anonymous functions and closures) ... Of course, it made very hard to USE those elements by being strictly functional, using prefix notation or the gigantic amount of parentheses. This is why programmers should test things extensively in a development environment before upgrading the live environment. Make sure the upgrades aren't going to break anything, and fix what is going to break, before it affects the system/business as a whole. The author of EDITOR had no idea things like that inventory systems exists and didn't worked for mentioned company. The programmer who created the inventory system no longer worked at the company. Someone else did the editor upgrade, or maybe it upgraded automatically. (At least that's how I understood what Don Edwards said)
  2. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    I doubt it. And even if he could, it certainly would trigger the self-defense clause of Immortal Law, allowing the would-be victim to unleash destructive force. Or run away to another layer of reality. Either option likely doesn't take very long to pull off, so even a moment of realization could pull the Immortal out of danger, and they tend to be observant. And note that active defense in moment someone is trying to attach to you tend to be very effective. It would still count as "no real enemies" if they have enemies which are "just" incapable of tracking them and unable to attack so quickly the fairy wouldn't be able to run. I don't think it's about power. Humans are definitely no real enemies for fairies, possibly with exception of seers. BUT they can hurt fairies indirectly: if fairies will get known to be dangerous, humans may stop cooperating and be much less fun. I mean, it might be fun first few times when everyone is running from you when you appear, but it gets old fast. Consider how differently would this strip continue if people would know that anything from fairy is dangerous and shouldn't be touched. And humans would be capable to be even LESS fun if they realize that it's their best way to hurt fairies. Also, there is big element of "don't break toys of other fairies" in their laws.
  3. NP Monday August 21, 2017

    I don't know, seemed like a decent amount of time passed between when we saw him and when he called Elliot. There's the time spent in the book store with Elliot transforming, then they were casually walking to the next store to use the dressing rooms, that'd be several minutes probably, and then however long they spent making out in the rooms. On the other hand, we don't know what was Dame Tara doing. It's possible Tensaided didn't called Elliot right away. ... well, ok, Tara didn't seem particularly patient at that point. And more importantly, she was still outside the mall when Elliot was transforming. And Elliot might've forget because he was distracted at that time Yes.
  4. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    If he could, Immortals would be in open war with this kind of aberration and Pandora would be force-reset for letting him live. IMHO. The kind of rules they set up suggest they don't have any real enemy ; the gods or whatever Mantle of Heka is might be similarly powerful but likely don't fight with fairies based on some agreement (which may or may not be magically binding) and anyone else would be too weak to kill them. Or at least that's what they believe.
  5. NP Monday August 21, 2017

    We saw him duck into the "Anime Stuff" shop in the mall, but we don't know what caught his attention. Overall though Tensaided is a serious geek that knows a lot of pop culture stuff. Being into anime doesn't guarantee knowing Japanese. However, even if he DOESN'T know Japanese he may know stuff like "-chan" being rude. In fact, Tensaided would be the type who would probably search for and memorize some "list of 10 worst mistakes anime fans are doing". Also, wasn't it Dame TARA who caught his attention? Grace is apparently very good at learning and again, even if she didn't finished with it, she would be the type who would pick stuff like this. That said, I would expect the friend Susan asked was Nanase. It makes most sense and Susan KNOWS Nanase knows japanese.
  6. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    Unlike Stargate Ancients, EGS fairies didn't lost the ability to "intermix" (have children with) humans. Yes. Except realistically, the number of pure humans should go down really quickly. That feeling is memory you can't recall completely. Mantle of Heka said Most fairies who did know made a point of passing on lies to their reborn selves. Unless he is more crazy than Pandora, that would suggest quite high number. In fact, the minimal number the sentence would make sense with would be five immortals (including Pandora's previous self) knowing and three of them (NOT including Pandora) passing lies, meaning the total number of immortals who passed lies (including Pandora) will be at least four. Definitely not only one.
  7. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    Yes. The programming language you need to learn to use Emacs is called ELisp.
  8. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    One wonders why they are the most hated variety of Aberration for Immortals....perhaps because he has the most potential to force them into doing things by taking over a beloved family member? It might be because their method of parasitism makes them protected by immortals law: as long as the person they took over is alive, immortals can't directly hurt them. (Although ... apparently even "normal" vampires are somehow protected ... but maybe these ones are protected more?) I don't think he plans to take control of Adrian. For one, Adrian already has public ties and connections AND has ties and connections into the magical community. If he starts acting strangely, then people are going to get suspicious. While Magus is a powerful wizard, he also has the massive draw that no one in the main EGS-verse knows him, outside of Pandora. He has no ties or connections. No one would know he exists, much less care if something happened to him. With the exception of Pandora, no one would notice Magus acting out of character, because no one would know what would be in character for him. For a life-sucking parasite that wants to remain in secret, but also in control of the host, that's a very tempting prospect. Also, as far as Sirleck knows, even Pandora might not notice Magus acting out of character due to her age and limited sanity. (WE know she's more sane than she shown to Magus, but Sirleck probably doesn't.) For two, Adrian himself might be powerful enough to NOT be possessed. For three, even OTHER immortals might be even more pissed if they see aberration attacking elf. It kinda sets bad precedent.
  9. Story, Monday August 21, 2017

    WHAT? So we won't see what happened to him? Seriously, there should be at least one more frame with him. Or at least some parts of him. While I don't think this "evil" guy will be good OR lucky enough to destroy the vampire, in general, evil guys killing other evil guys is the preferred outcome. Especially if the good guys have problems with killing.
  10. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    The problem here is that noone remembers - Immortals themselves forget and regarding others, well, "older than recorded history" ... We know there are other immortal beings beside fairies ; THOSE might've created and/or changed to fairies. Also, commonly gods are created by humans believing in them (big amount of humans, unless it's on discworld). Fairies MIGHT've been created by humans believing there is someone behind their misfortunes. Note that it's possible that magic rules allowed stuff like that but stopped allowing it in one of previous resets. And finally, there is option of other universes. While generally other universes only push the problem of creation further in past, it IS possible that fairies were group of beings who obtained the unique set of powers when they entered EGS world. (Although personally I like the "created by humans" idea more.)
  11. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    I think that originally NOTHING was preserved and preserving knowledge was easier than preserving feelings. Of course I have nothing to support it ... I think he has rough draft for plot all the way to solving Lord Tedd and possibly more, but that doesn't mean there can't be changes done. Noone ; as she explained to Dream Wizard - while Sarah got it on her own - putting up that dam was empowering Moperville, so totally allowed. Also, based on that comic, I think that Sirleck wouldn't move finger for Magus without Pandora threatening him.
  12. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    Wait. Not "suggest". "Imply" is the word I meant.
  13. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    I'm not sure what you speak about but the number you are looking for starts as 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995...
  14. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    That's a funny way to spell vim Vim was written in Netherlands. Vi was written on University of California, Berkeley. Also, note that I said Emacs was the best PRANK. Not the best editor. In fact, I was trying to suggest that calling Emacs editor was the prank.
  15. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    I'm pretty sure only thing less likely than Pandora turning mortal is time travel. Also, I don't think it would be permanent - in best case, it would give her another two hundred years before she will get to the "no longer safe" level of craziness. Basically, it would still be kind of reset, she just plans to "hack" it to keep the emotional connections. While that's interesting idea, nothing she said suggest she would try something like this.
  16. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    Grace had similar problem. On internet, doesn't matter how absurd something is, you can never be sure it's not meant seriously. So, sometimes it's safer to answer seriously even if you (or me in this case) suspect it's not serious. (Also, sometimes I answer seriously even if I'm SURE it's not serious because I think it's FUNNIER, but this wasn't such case.) Unlikely. I think she will appear related to Tedd's attempt to bring back hammers. Well after current story arc.
  17. Story Wednesday August 16th, 2017

    First time in hundreds of years, certainly, not the first time in her lifetime though. She was being introspective at 150 years old when she was considering an early reset, but found nothing of those 150 years to be worth passing on to her next life. Meeting Blaike made her realize there was so much she could do. I fully agree that Pandora hasn't properly mourned Blaike's death, I think it'd be hard for anyone to mourn a loss like that. Her being an Immortal might give her more options for how to deal with it, but emotionally, I don't think she's any different than Humans. She's definitely different than Humans - but she's trying hard to NOT be. It's also amazing how easy it is. But it's necessary. Anyone actually empathizing with all the pain in the world would get crazy extremely fast. I would argue that this empathy was STILL caused by Blaike, despite her not really knowing him yet. It's likely she didn't interacted that long with any of her previous victims. Also, her victims were likely reacting predictably, which made them less "people" to Pandora. But note that it's much HARDER to make prank this way. (Also, note some other MIT hacks: RSA, Apollo Guidance Computer, Radar, Lisp, GNU and - the best prank of all - Emacs.)
  18. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    The whole thing is canon, turns out Immortals can create a pocket dimension that's similar to Sarah's simulation spell, and Hanma's going to take Susan, and the others into it to do the playtesting. When Susan returns, Tensaided will just think she took a 5 minute bathroom break. Dan explicitly said it isn't and that in canon, characters chosen to play would react differently. Even in pocket dimension. The whole Hanma's discussion with Jerry, meanwhile, likely happened or will happen almost same in canon.
  19. Story Friday August 18, 2017

    Given that Pandora explicitly said when the creator of the dewitchery diamond came to Moperville, I set aside my allegiance with Magus I would conclude that not only she did NOT steered Magus to that path to attract Abraham but in fact didn't predicted it will cause Abraham to arrive. It is likely she WANTED him to survive. It was supposed to be punishment, not getting rid of him. IF she would be trying to kill him, she wouldn't bother talking to him afterwards. Actually the last frame looks like she's activating her near-physic mode. "Will be" is the keyword. She probably isn't aware of the attack yet, but she MAY either predict it almost too late or at least deduce Sirleck and Magus are behind it the moment it happened. But her main concern would likely be Voltaire (meaning, the immortal responsible for Tara's attack on Elliot - she doesn't know his name yet. Probably.) There's too much narrative build-up around Lord Tedd for him to be killed off-panel. It just wouldn't make good narrative. Though it is certainly possible that Edward believes Lord Tedd to be dead. Dan introduced Lord Tedd too early, but he IS planed part of story so Dan definitely can't kill him off-panel. Also, I doubt DGB is able to operate in other worlds. I also doubt it would be easy for Pandora. What DGB might be doing is some sort of monitoring of dimensional breaches - Edward might say that Tedd can't be behind it because there were no dimensional breach detected (or all breaches were checked and cared for). (Also, IF DGB would attack Lord Tedd in his home universe, he would probably easily destroy the attack force. Or, maybe general Shade Tail would destroy the attack force and Lord Tedd wouldn't even notice.)
  20. NP Friday Aug 18 2017

    My summary what parts of this is canon from previous topic confirmed.
  21. NP Fri Aug 11, 2017

    Wellll ... he IS able to create wands and he DOES have lot of power ... so maybe?
  22. NP Wednesday August 9, 2017

    It doesn't seem to be necessary step, but both those steps are on her way, so technically ...
  23. Story Monday August 14, 2017

    I'm more thinking it's the "borderline" part which blindsides her. That even without empathy and kindness she would be surprised by it because she was not paying attention. Personally, I find all talk about dying being good and natural as "sour grapes". But maybe I will be looking at it differently when I will be 100 ... or 1000 ... ... or 1000000000 ... or ... ... well, maybe they have that knowledge confirmed by their clairvoyance. Because otherwise it would definitely seem that they can't know until they try.
  24. NP Wednesday August 9, 2017

    proof of concept in the sense of "Can I do an artifact that makes things better (or more fun) and not worse?" Nah ... she's sure hammers are fantastic concept and nothing could go wrong with them, she only needs guidance because she's doing something else.
  25. NP Fri Aug 11, 2017

    And the next page Hanma stated "Something anyone can summon from anywhere might be a bit too much for me. right now." so while she could make an artifact that say allowed Americans to summon hammers, it wouldn't be the same as the original which allowed Susan and Nanase to summon them in France. Note that Hanma MIGHT have better idea about her own power than Jerry Also, the original artifact might've been limited - while the range was big enough, it's possible that there was reason why we only saw few people using it. Hanma isn't powerful enough to create that kind of artifact yet, Jerry was 75 when he made the original hammer statue and empowered it, I dunno how long he would have had the power to do so but I'll guess at anywhere after 50 years could be possible. Dan probably could have been literal in Hanma being 14 years old or maybe she's actually closer to 20 depending on when in the 90's she reset and when the comic takes place. Tedd could have to wait 30-50 years It's quite possible that when Hanma appears in CANON it will be to recreate hammers for Tedd. In such case, we will be likely waiting for it longer than for Lord Tedd appearing again ...