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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    Hmmmm ... actually, in EGS universe we have Elliot and Ellen while several universes had only one ... but what it that isn't rule? Sure, in EGS main universe it was diamond splitting them, but maybe some universe have two people who are sort of both partial alternates of Elliot. Except if you take it like this, you will soon realize that those "alternates" are nowhere near as fixed as they seem. (Technically, Terra may be Lord Tedd's duplicate created by dewitchery diamond ... we would only need to find some reason why would Lord Tedd split himself, especially after Nioi presumably warning him ... ok, wouldn't be easy but if we truly want the speculation to work ... )
  2. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    We don't need another FEMALE version of Elliot. We need two male versions: one for Magus and one for Susan. But no female.
  3. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    The main problem with this theory is that almost everyone is convinced that Terra is Magus's universe Tedd. I'm not, but frankly, sounds more likely than him being from Lord Tedd universe.
  4. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Not so much like Question Mark 2, but kinda in the same category as the Grace playing with change blindness in the previous NP, as in what Grace was doing was completely within her abilities in canon, just that everything else that was happening wasn't canon. This seems like a similar situation but without any story elements. The change blindness was not really SHOWING her abilities, it was more playing, and the random changes in background made even harder to guess correctly what canon abilities it shows. Of course, we don't know how this will end, but I think point of this will be to show and explain her abilities, which should make it more like Q&A despite Amanda not being present. Well Ellen did say all of her other beams had cooldowns, it's more likely she might have stuck with what was best to help Grace train with. Hence possibly. She mentioned that her FV5 beam was only one allowing "amping up" and rapid fire, but that doesn't mean she never get to try others. I wasn't joking, I actually need some classification. Although I do expect mid-jinks as well.
  5. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    Tedd doesn't realized it until recently, but his abilities gave him big advantage. Along with his specific goals (I don't think anyone in DGB really cared about dynamic clothes morphs) it likely IS new to Paranormal Division - but not so far from what they already know and not giving any weaponizable advantage. For his future in DGB research, it may be more important HOW he research than WHAT he research. Working with magitech in general would certainly give him head start even if the specific research he was working on (dynamic clothes morph, catgirls) wouldn't be useful. Yes ; it's one thing if he is known to be experienced researcher with surprising progress who MAY be useful after magic reset, it's another to know he is seer, rediscovering rules for magic is his purpose and he will be able to get it significantly faster than anyone else except other seers, and maybe even faster than other seers because they lack his experience. I'm inclined to believe the second part more. He might try to prevent the "strong" parts of strongarming, but he would do his best to convince Tedd to help on his own. (Note that we don't actually know how bad was that strongarming in case of "previous magic user with Sarah's spell". Somehow I think that if agent Wolf got order to seduce Cranium and force her to enter DGB he was the one who was most surprised when it sort of worked.) As I said, only way how he could be against DGB is if Arthur Arthur (or someone else, but Arthur Arthur seems most likely) would prove that DGB is much worse organization than Edward remembers it and that the research will be used for something bad. Not so wild, IMHO. I already speculated multiple times than Lord Tedd power comes from him being able to get control of magic after reset. Only question is if he did it on his own (perhaps influenced by General Shade Tail), in defense against DGB or in defense against some other group ... but in any case, Elliot not being there (perhaps dead, perhaps just not around) was big contributing factor.
  6. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    But the thing is though, if Tedd doesn't want to work with the paranormal division, they won't just let him go so easily, it's not like they'll allow him to keep any secrets about the new system between himself and his friends, they'll try to strongarm him into it, even if Edward's a VIP in the paranormal world, Arthur and Leifeld probably have ways to use the law to get what they want, Tedd may be forced to fight them if they try anything. Oh, they definitely won't allow him to keep any secrets. BUT they will try to get those secrets secretly first. Tedd's basement is NOT private research laboratory and I think Pandora was right when she said that Edward is keeping other agents away by providing all informations they may need himself. Of course, Sarah likely mentioned it to Tedd ... so, maybe Tedd will try to keep something secret now, and it may take some time before DGB realizes it, especially if he will still provide SOME research. Only after they realize Tedd is keeping significant part of research to himself THEN the strongarming will come. And Tedd might be forced to fight his dad, if Arthur won't do something serious enough meanwhile to convince Edward he needs to side his son.
  7. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    Ellen, Elliot, Nanase ... Susan and Rhoda, that's all five with spellbooks. But I'm sure Sarah's spell could provide lot of points even without spellbook, and then we have Tedd's tech ... I think it could easily be years. That and Grace's training, possibly.
  8. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    While Arthur does seem to know about Magic resetting if too many people know about it, the real question is does Arthur know that Tedd is a seer? If not, then Tedd is probably safe, but if he does, then there's probably a chance that if Magic did reset, DGB would be knocking on Edward's door "requesting" that Tedd help them figure out the new system so they could get a head start on re-equiping the paranormal division. If they are clever, they will only phone Verres and ask if Tedd is already working on figuring the new system and that they want reports twice as often. If Tedd is already working on it, why risk any delays caused by him thinking more about what does it mean that they "requested" his help than the research itself? But they should probably do something inconspicuous but effective with school ; they don't need Tedd occupied with that useless thing.
  9. NP: Monday May 22, 2017

    So, this storyline is non-canon but with canon spells, similarly as question mark 2 ? Hmmm ... I'll file it with Q&A. Her other spells might be even more risky to show than the FV5 ... and it definitely can't beat persistent avatar. Seriously, even Andrea was in awe from that, and she has lot of experience. Remember, hard to understand. It's probably more like if they will be trying to solve puzzle together. Also, many of those spell might have sexy use ...
  10. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    Yes, such career would be an option. Note that he can hide a lot under the new technique being secret because he don't want someone to copy it. Especially if the clinic will be in Thailand. Considering the idea behind everything about magic and Uryuoms being secret is to LIMIT who knows it, ALL main eight will be strongly incentived to work for DGB. And in case of Tedd (and Sarah, if they find out what spell she has), it would be strong-armed. This might be only thing which can "save" him. If magic changes, the government (at least the paranormal division) could likely take the TFG and related material away from Tedd, Tedd's been mainly using it to research how transformation magic works and making his own devices, but there's got to be people in DGB that knows as much if not more than Tedd about Uryuom tech, like Uryuoms. I don't believe for an instant that there's no one else tinkering away with stuff like that, and would love to get their hand's on Tedd's work. Considering the religious issues, Uryuoms might not be so quick working in this field. But yes, there are definitely people knowing as much about TFG as Tedd ... because they are getting reports about his research. Edward Verres had high position and is good in explaining, so he only needed to explain they really should wait after graduating three times so far. Sarah will not deplete it so much. It will be Adrian Raven removing the clog which will make the watches stop working. Also his mom. She's scary. How magic changed is DEFINITELY related to seer. It's possible his first purpose is to FIND how it changed after reset. It's possible his SECOND purpose is to INFLUENCE how it will change. But note that we have from good source that uryuom will not lose their shapeshifting. Technically they may still being affected, but it's more likely they are not. Similarly, magic on the other side of universe is perfectly ok with being in open ; griffins will not be affected. Aberrations likely will. Fairies ... we know Pandora survived one reset already, but they may still be AFFECTED. Tedd's dream was likely pretty naive even before we found that magic don't want to be in open. DGB might leave him work on enhancing magic resistance and then used it just for their agents. Unless something will change and raise the risk of magic war, there is no reason to endanger their relationship with Tedd just for chance to mine him faster ... oh wait. Magic reset. That MIGHT raise the risk of magic war ... It's already secured. They have experienced agent making sure of that, make background checks on everyone Tedd is meeting with and several other agents in area for case of attack of some other party. (That experienced agent is obviously Edward Verres.)
  11. Story Monday May 22, 2017

    So, Ellen summarized all objections in single page. Fantastic. Did she had it ready? And regarding commentary: every noun can be verbed. And, while Tedd might be able to create permanent gender change wand, Ellen can't know it. Hmmm .... actually, I don't think Tedd's Uryuom tech privileges will get revoked. His research is too important. But he could definitely get into trouble. Like ... maybe he will only get the tech if under supervision after this.
  12. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Getting Sarah pregnant would be one of the things Elliot would consider friendship ruining, and yes that would apply to everyone, even Ashley, though Nanase's "or, you know, being the same sex." remark would at least help in Elliot's case. Unfortunately she only said it to Sarah, but yes, I hope Elliot realizes that too. Sarah likely wouldn't count that anyway, but Ashley likely will. (Nanase obviously does.) Hmmm, yes, based on her comment she probably wouldn't consider other methods safe enough to risk mom's wrath if they fail. Sarah meanwhile have at least one method of protection she trust enough. What makes you thing they "had that talk"? I think it's more likely Nanase just guessed correctly. In fact, if it would be something Elliot told her she would likely formulate what she said differently.
  13. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Lol. So he did. I don't think I've ever read any of the classic commentaries. You should. This is not the only interesting part. And it's not like there are so many of them ... unfortunately, Dan still didn't caught with where the commentaries started. What she predicted was what happened in the Dojo. She failed to predict Nanase forces him to fix that and that the fix will work at least temporary. (Well, she couldn't, she didn't knew Nanase back then ...) That might contributed, but I think that he is bad in leading in general. And not only me - Nanase thinks that too and she knows him very well. Also, he may be afraid to make anyone pregnant. I think Nanase was OK with leading that. It was actually ideal for her - she didn't wanted to get too far either, until she manages to get attracted to him. So, his main problem with Sarah was that Sarah expected more from him than Nanase did.
  14. Story Thursday May 18, 2017

    Apparently, he took that advice to heart and started to be more introspective. And it's only fair Ellen is helping considering it was her advice.
  15. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Are they not? Has Dan said this? I don't remember. Dan effectively said this IN THAT COMICS COMMENTARY It's not THAT bad. Elliot "being" perv can be big talk and overcompensation combined by bad influence from both Tedd and Nanase. With Tedd being less perv and Nanase not influencing him so much, he got more inhibited, because despite Sarah actually wanting to be more intimate she wasn't able to make it as obvious as Nanase. Also, it's not like he actually got further away with Nanase than with Sarah. And that "fail to fantasize about total stranger" was caused by thinking too much about it ; he was transforming to girls lot of times before and surely had sexy thoughts about it, but when he tried to transform SPECIFICALLY for sexy thoughts, he got guild trip. Susans coming on to FV5ed Elliot was basically Dan thinking that pheromones are WAY stronger than they are and Susan failing to resist spectacularly. And Greg's mania could've easily be played. And similar explanation works for Grace actually - she was and is pretending to be more "bubbly" than she actually is, while she possibly tried to pretend to be less naive first, based on incomplete informations (the trenchcoat case). There are actually worse cases, like Susan and Nanase name-calling each other (mentioned here), although personally I find teenagers using that sort of language more believable than current status. Susan's character DID changed noticeably, including what she wears. But surprisingly, lot of stuff which SEEMED like "Early Instalment Weirdness" was later explained in canon. Like hammers or Susan's sword. (Although ... technically, Gillian being able to summon the hammer is still unexplained). And people HAD character growth so them reacting differently in past than in present isn't that much obvious.
  16. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Well it IS closer to how the sleeveless shirts are worn ... but I must admit I was deliberately searching for image with girl because there was higher chance it will be pretty
  17. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Unlike some other comics, in EGS canon there is noone aware of this being comic. Of course, there is Rat and Matt, but those are not canon. And almost everyone is aware when outside the continuity (or in non-canon). But there doesn't seem any CHANGE in who is aware and who isn't. Even Grace's reaction here isn't "what do you mean" but more resembles being notified about being in dream: she immediately recognizes the situation. If we can't interact with programmers nor users (outside reality in general) AND are unable to "hack" the program, then the question of existence of outside reality is meaningless. But considering some very popular stories of people hacking reality ... Almost? Not in my programs. Wouldn't be secure.
  18. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Wasn't it AFTER the information they will not have option to slow down and take the time aiming? Or wait, maybe X-wings are bad at hovering in general, no matter how it doesn't make any sense on orbit. (Well, ok, "anyone can hit that" might be little overstatement ; but surely if it would be impossible they wouldn't approved the plan.) He was flying too fast. Of course.
  19. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

  20. NP Friday May 05 2017

    He used two proton torpedoes. Sure, he timed the launch using force, but it was the torpedoes destroying the Death Star. Completely scientific. Well, ok, almost completely scientific. It was implied that if the attackers weren't bothered by Tie fighters (and therefore didn't needed to fly as fast as possible), anyone could hit that. That part is obvious.
  21. NP: Friday, May 19, 2017

    Well, sure ... darker eyes? That's really hard to notice. (Ok, that wasn't only thing I didn't noticed ...) No, they switched age and position Called it! Dan confirmed the change was age and position and not hairstyle and clothes.
  22. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Oh, yes. The TOS tricorder was huge. Except the screen on that was small. The biggest part was "adaptable" ... maybe the problem was too many different slots including ones which were supposed to be operated in heavy pressure suit? The screen CAN be rollable. We have the technology. It's only question of when someone makes advertisement so cool everyone will need it. There are definite skill overlaps. A skilled torturer like a skilled interrogator, needs to be very good at reading people under duress. A skilled interrogator also needs to be a good reader of people not under duress. Overlap? I think there wasn't any clear distinction until "recently". There were always requests like "we need information from him but he needs to be presentable afterwards so don't hurt him visibly". Some people took it as incentive to be creative, some just used less rough methods. Also this, yes. Especially since the whole justification for the destruction of the original Death Star essentially boils down to, "A space wizard did it." o.O Wait what?
  23. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Still much smaller than the clunky devices used in TOS. ?? The communicator seems smaller to me.
  24. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Any. I regularly call from Denmark to a friend of mine in the US on my smartphone. Unless you propose that it is sending its signal through the Earth's crust, it is presumably being bounced off orbiting satellites. But even if you argue that doesn't count, there are models extant that can do that. A mountaineer in the Everest area called his wife in Australia that way. The phone was expensive and the minute rate ruinous, but it could nonetheless do it. I think doing it would break Primary directive. And note that one of those networks would need to be installed by HMS Bounty in 1986. I'm pretty sure StarTrek communicators can reach orbit on it's own. Also, they usually transmit on subspace frequencies, not radio, which explains the range. (Also, Roddenberry knew that the communicators are likely unnecessarily big) Satellite phones exists, but they are generally called satellite phones and not cell phones (which would actually be wrong unless they are dual) nor smart phones. And they tend to be bigger (although, not so much, nowadays ...).
  25. Story Thursday May 18, 2017

    Wild chickens aren't all that numerous. The rest of them are selected on factors a lot more commercial than whose eggs they brood. I meant that considering the strategy is not new (it was present in Jungle Fowl already) the chicken would not survive to the point humans took care of their fitness if it would be that bad. On the other hand, yes ; the strategy is not too good either.