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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    I see I said it incorrectly. I'm not talking about movie technology. I'm talking about the in-universe technology. The first movie was bad, but not worse than lot of already existing episodes (mainly VOY and ENT of course). But second movie? Cold fusion device freezing the volcano? Interstellar transporter with Qo'noS in range from Earth? Also, it being improvement from Star Trek: The Motion Picture is not saying that much. I don't think the number will be so high. I mean, Guinan was able to feel the change, but other characters were only able to notice the difference if under effect of the time travelling - otherwise, their memories changes as well. Also, almost every time they travelled in time they used different technology. The existence of Mirrorverse might actually prove that some ways of travelling DO create stable alternative universe. Still ... they destroyed Romulus in one reality (by a supernova bigger than solar system - ok, I'm taking back the "first movie was only bad") and Vulcan in other. Personally, I'm ignoring BOTH. Which makes me compatible with the reality of several books where Romulus still exists and has a civil war ... or was this the game reality? I need to actually READ those books ... That first Abrams movie might be acceptable B movie, but it's less StarTrek than Andromeda. The second movie is worse.
  2. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    Agreed. I'd add that the changes a Vampire/Aberrent goes through may not be chosen or voluntary. If a Mage gets spells that reflect who they are and magic sometimes alters a magician's default form (as we've seen with Nanase, Justin, Susan), to make them more like who they really are, a Vampire might not get a choice in how they prey on other people or what they look like. They'll get what fits them. I think they ARE choosing how they prey, but likely not the physical changes coming with it. Like ... this is how the vampire who attacked Susan wanted to look. This is what drinking blood made him look. The physical change may also not be immediate. I would assume that there is one distinct point where person became aberration, but that point may not be only time their default form changes. It makes sense they don't even realize immediately they no longer look human. The remote control doesn't match the basic fact that he is EXTENDING HIS LIFE with the host. Remember that this bit is one of key characteristics of aberrations. Although it's possible he already had spell like the remote control before he decided to make the next step of escape his death using the already controlled person ...
  3. NP: Friday, May 20, 2016

    Agree. Alternatively, they could make it a parody - it might end like one anyway. But why remake? Also, the word "reboot" implies that they're discarding the old franchise and making it all anew, but they're very deliberately leaning on the originals. The best comparison I can think of is if in Die hard 4.0 they replaced Bruce Willis with some random Asian guy (for example), but still called him John McClane. Saying that it's a reboot but still using the original stuff... I don't even know man. This is why I don't make movies I guess. Yeah ... "we can't really replace the original, but we don't want to make a sequel to it either". Well the Star Trek had a camera with worse lens flare than the original - oh wait, that was added deliberately. But yes, I would ignore the lens flare if they would put technical errors AND plot holes in ... if the new Ghostbusters will be like new Star Trek, then it's not worth seeing. Looks that way to me too. It kinda does, but I wonder if it's just because she's standing next to Susan who's taller and thinner that her. I can't really find a good shot of Sarah from the MV5 story to compare but Sarah doesn't look overweight when next to Grace and Ellen. .... hmmm ... maybe ... I don't think so, in the main comic the closest I think she's worn is this. She's also worn knee-length shorts. I'm not surprised it's not in main comics, but maybe some sketchbook? ... can't find any ...
  4. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    The spell is presumably "in action" all the time, to keep the vampire alive. not necessarily. the spell could impart new anatomy and biological functions, magical or otherwise, which act as the sustaining factor themselves. in which case observing someone already turned would only supply potentially useless anatomical trivia, not the nature of the transformation. If it would be only new anatomical and biological functions, it would be "stable" and wouldn't require - oh. Wait. Of course. The spell is "in action" when the vampire feeds on humans to lengthen his/her/whatever lifespan. While most of the transformation is really new anatomy and biological function, it's obvious that there is nontrivial magical part. This magical part, despite not being enchantment, can be analyzed, at least when active. And can be dispelled, which may either kill the vampire immediately or make him unable to feed, which will kill him later. Unless it's something which the vampire cast every time he's feeding, in which case you interrupt just that one feeding and he may be able to cast it again later. (Obviously, I can't prove that, but it makes sense, doesn't it?)
  5. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    It worked, didn't it? Heck of a lifeboat, and done on the fly, too. If there's ever another series set later than TNG (as TNG was set later than TOS), I hope that is one of the standard just-in-case features of the transporters. Well the other guy who tried it died. Also, it made him forget he saw how Kirk died.
  6. NP: Wednesday, May 18, 2016

    With the amount of information available it's hard to say: is the whole trilogy supposed to be about Tetris, or is that supposed to be trilogy and first movie will be about Tetris?
  7. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    There may also be technical reasons why he can't possess just anyone. Not to speak about fact he may not want to possess a woman because he has that strong gender identity. I think this is basically the plan he is implementing, it's just that "converting as much wealth as possible" takes time. He might also be using multiple attorneys to reduce risk or stuff like that. My guess is that he turned off the browser, then turn it back on 14 hours later and browser resend the post. While storing HDD with encrypted bitcoins at lawyer has some advantages, the alternative way of locking the cash somewhere and store the key with an attorney without saying them WHERE the stuff is locked was already possible hundreds of years ago. (Before that, you generally didn't bothered with key and just bury it somewhere, but that's harder today.) The spell is presumably "in action" all the time, to keep the vampire alive.
  8. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    The very first Trek novel ever to exist, "Spock must Die!", has a modified transporter creating an evil clone of Spock who was a mirror image down to the handedness of his organic molecules. In setting up the duplication, the book has Scotty and McCoy discuss whether putting someone through a transporter could be considered murder. McCoy was the first transporterphobic in Trek. But that was MODIFIED transporter. That novel I speak about was about transporter which NORMALLY created copy and required the original to be killed - which was normally automated, but then confirmation about successful transfer arrived too late and non-automatic solution had to be done ... I remember some article that Roddenberry himself, in reaction to some debates like this, commented that he should've based the transporter technology on something less problematic than breaking objects down into stream of subatomic particles.
  9. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    There are male and female members of the Q Continuum (at least some Q *look* male or female to humans...) If the human experience is at all transferable to the Q, you don't need that much maturity to breed. And the Classic Trek episode "Squire of Gothos" did show us that some cosmic beings actually do breed... I was objecting to the "young" part. ANY member of Q continuum, starting with the most known Q, could be called child ... although likely not where he can hear it. It'd be no different than moving the toys around by transporter... That's true. It's also reason why I completely understand Barclay's fear of them. And few others. I remember some novel addressing that in non-startrek universe ...
  10. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    You are saying it as if members of the Q Continuum were showing any signs of maturing. Then it's not black hole. Jokes about Chuck Norris notwithstanding, there are things which are impossible by definition. No matter what you do and what kind of being you are, you can't do them without changing something which you wasn't supposed to change. (Although ... if you want to count to infinity, you can. You just need to say the numbers faster and faster - you have only half as much time for saying "two" as you have for saying "one".) On the other hand, stuffing toys into black hole and then recreating them from pure energy pumped from the black hole wouldn't be that hard, relatively speaking. It's just wouldn't really be the same toys. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/black_hole.png See also the explanation or this directly. To quote: "Short answer, you, and everyone around you, will die."
  11. NP: Wednesday, May 18, 2016

    As a test, you can play the game and watch the movie simultaneously. If the movie will be interesting, you will lose the game due to dividing attention.
  12. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Wait. I can imagine child playing with topological defects of space-time, but I can't imagine child which would be so bad at cleaning it would actually deliberately put toys somewhere where it's impossible to get them back from. (Also, as a child, I had a bed with drawer. Storing stuff into it would likely be considered acceptable form of cleaning the room.)
  13. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    I think those would be rather small revelations. I mean, big for Tedd and Nanase, but the revelations Pandora talked about (through Dex) were likely something less personal. There is question how many people are markable, meaning have some talent (those are supposed to be rare) or sufficiently strong desire. I think this is the only thing keeping her from marking EVERYONE. I'm pretty sure that if you disenchant the spell which makes vampire vampire, they won't turn into human. They DIE. And that's exactly what they deserve. Surrendering is overhyped. (Imagined Pandora in her Chaos form, with several dozens of limbs, juggling hundreds of balls, as well as several chairs, chainsaws and various other items, throwing them hundred meters to air.)
  14. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    ... buuuut cosmic string ... ? ( ... supposed to be in that not-far-from crying voice of child who was told there is not enough time and they need to leave the amusement park ...)
  15. STORY: Monday, May 16, 2016

    Lilith likes to do it. I think Adrian would feel morally obliged the first Vampire he notice. He may not be so observant as Helena and Demetrius, but he will certainly enjoy the chance to kill some aberrations ... Likely Sister III. But could also be Relations 3 or End of an Era 3. Or Guest Comics 3. Or ... well, anything, considering So a Date - part 3 started without So a Date - part 2 ... No no, it's likely far worse: He plans to stage a live original play of Twilight. The actors themselves are not vampires, but the outrage and need to defend their honor will attract many. Makes sense. I mean, it will be overkill, single vampire would be enough to kill them, but what vampire will let it be and just expect someone else will do it? I think that he is careful to NOT make apparent how many aberrations he draws there ... .... doesn't the "old man" look younger here than before? ... totally make sense. I mean, I can easily imagine Pandora WAS able to predict this and did it mainly to allow Raven some fighting. Also, the magic marks she was handing out may be BECAUSE she wanted to create opposition against the vampires ... to make the fight more interesting. I mean, what can make the fight more fun than bunch of people who have little training, unreliable powers and thinks there is noone better to protect the city? Also, lot of them will be Raven's students, so another reason for him to fight (yes, I'm assuming we saw only small fraction of marks she was giving). (On the other hand, it would mean she was able to predict behaviour of three other immortals, on top of lot of others. Well, why not. I already speculated that Voltaire unknowingly reacts exactly as she wanted.)
  16. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    The "poison" may kill humans pretty well, but many forms of life will survive (famously cockroaches). There are live trees around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant already. On the other hand, it will render the planet unusable for conquering. I guess just before plan E: turn the star into supernova, which would be before F: turn it into black hole, followed by G:, run a cosmic string through the plane of the elliptic.
  17. NP: Monday, May 16, 2016

    Is this about Fallout: New Vegas too? Although obviously not the No Kill Run
  18. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    Nukes are usually not worth it. Biggest nuclear bomb has around 100 megaton TNT. Antimatter have 43 megaton per kilogram. Asteroid at 50% of speed of light have 3 megaton per kilogram, 90% of speed of light have 28 megaton per kilogram, at 95% it's 47 megaton per kilogram, at 99% it's 132 megaton per kilogram and not even antimatter is worth to be added to it. So, it obviously depends on what engines you have, but usually, engines capable of interstellar travel makes nukes impractical. And, yes: orbital bombardment with asteroids of relativistic speed is likely only reasonable course of action if you fear what Earth Immortals can do to you. In the "We gave it our best" sense, because we are still not sure if it will be enough.
  19. Story Friday May 13, 2016

    She didn't told about it to anyone YET ... Well, Pandora is more dangerous than bear. Her Challenge rating is more than 5.
  20. Story Friday May 13, 2016

    people who have Names To Run Away From Very Fast rarely are. "Run?" I suppose you mean it metaphorically, because running don't get you far enough fast enough. ... actually, you may need rocket to get far enough, considering what Pandora plans.
  21. NP: Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Nonsense. Just add a slot labeled 'Insert Cow Here' to whatever device you are using and you are good to go. Surprisingly, I haven't heard about single device you would insert cow and flour in and it will produce hamburgers and shoes. Apparently, automation didn't get that far yet.
  22. Story Friday May 13, 2016

    Cheerleadra MIGHT count as magical, Guardian forms even more likely so, but I would leave all vampire killing for the ones who are best equipped for that: Susan and Diane. Ellen specially would be pretty badly equipped for it, unless she repeats the Guardian copy. He was actually OFFERING help with the giant boar. And it was specific danger. He don't really have anything specific to say about what his mother plans to do, and most PRACTICAL informations he knows DGB already knows ... he may assume that there is no need for another non-specific warning after Pandora appeared ON LIVE TV. Hmmm ... actually, only weird thing is that he didn't tried to tell him about marking people without consent despite not knowing Grace told Edward. I mean, I ASSUME that she told Edward and give him the pendant, but she wasn't specific when talking to Noah and Raven obviously didn't know she lives with Tedd before, so ... ... but after he realized she meant Edward when talking about "someone who might be able ...", he might easily assume there is nothing he can add to it. Well, it likely wouldn't. I predict it will end with him simply dead. I mean, Adrian will kill him quickly. Pandora MIGHT have other idea if he would actually DEFEAT Adrian of course ...
  23. NP: Friday, May 13, 2016

    It was actually the block himself who said it to bartender. Otherwise, yes.
  24. NP: Monday, May 9, 2016

    In this comic http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2174 it's mentioned that ancients/immortals have different agreements on each side of the world. Agreements can be changed, and in that situation I think it likely that it would be. It's concluded then: Uryuoms should be very happy they didn't tried the war option.
  25. Story Friday May 13, 2016

    Yes, it's definitely disturbing. Well, it totally happened too late, but better late than never I think it's Google, then official web of the school. Hmmmm .... no Adrian Raven, but there is Arthur there - although not Arthur but Arthur Albright ... Think in terms of what makes for a good comic. "Your mother was sighted in this forest over here. {Recap.} Do you have any idea what she's up to?" "I haven't talked to her in over 80 years. Sorry, no, I can't help you. If she does show up I'll let you know, but don't hold your breath." ... no, even if it's true, it wouldn't show up in the comic. Actually, I think that this information would be shown ... but note that Pandora didn't exactly introduced herself, did she? So, even if they would know Adrian's mother name is Pandora (which might not even be same name she used 14 years ago), they wouldn't know it's the creepy girl. (I also wanted to note that neither Edward nor Arthur talked with Raven for years, but that doesn't completely rule out someone else talking with him.)