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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Wednesday August 29, 2018

    Virgin again? Sarah would be glad she's not alone. Although I think with main cast's age, all of them being virgins is getting hard to believe. When we get confirmation someone is NOT virgin? On the other hand ... yes, none of Diane's relationship deserved sex, so it does make sense she was saving that. And ok, even I understand this being explicitly about sex. Also, I'm sure those two are wrong. There are plenty of people in usual school who would like to be friends with alpha- ... wait. She said "know well". Ok, she may be right about that. Except in the biblical sense. ... although the part about not being selfless should be even less surprising than the part about sex.
  2. From what? While YInMn itself is non-toxic (probably due to being extremely stable with that being prepared at 1,093 °C) lot of yttrium compouds are toxic, Indium oxides are toxic and manganese overexposure leads to neurological disorder ... ... waaait, that can actually work. Imagine mammal species which is able to create this pigment as a way to detoxicate it's body and save itself from those toxic compounds.
  3. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    ... which is not that much surprising given how important is ego for boys but it MIGHT be something which surprise Diane ...
  4. Can be said that way, although I rather said it's not blue pigment which seems clearer.
  5. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    Um, yes he did; he said he'd "hit that." ... really? ... I mean, that's really the only meaning? ... ok, that undermines my point ...
  6. Really? Quick duckduckgo says WHAT AM I, CHOPPED LIVER? (hey, can I have some?) Considering color of Lygodactylus williamsi varies with it's mood and temperature, and also looking on how bright it is, I would assume this is one of those cases when it's not blue pigment but microscopic structures in skin to selectively scatter light. Meaning, it will stop being blue if you would be so cruel to grind it.
  7. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    It's possible that she thinks that Adrian should have been able to tell she was related to him in the several years he taught her, he only got a sense of familiarity from Susan when they first met though mostly due to her being awakened. This would very well be a case of someone with a lot of emotions to sort through and currently the easiest to express, like anger, are running free even though the situation is a lot more complex. Yes ; expecting he would recognize her would be illogical but Diane is not running on logic now. Certainly, but Pandora wasn't the only one to pass on that lie, of course Zeus stated "most of us" rather than "all Immortals" so it could be assumed that some Immortals still kept that knowledge, but maybe they were more secretive about it, or just managed to keep themselves from getting romantically involved with humans. One would figure that if you didn't want to have descendants to worry about, lying about Elves not being able to have kids is probably the worst thing you could do because it would make you more likely to get involved with a human, Adrian wouldn't have used protection (at least with Diane's mother, I wouldn't know if condoms or anything like that would have existed when he was with Susan's ancestor) because he assumed he was sterile and so they were needed. Well ... attempts to birth control seem to be older than written language, with some being documented in papyrus from 1850 BC, but likely ineffective and possibly dangerous ... which might mean that immortals didn't seen them as good idea back when they started to lie about it. Still doesn't seem like good idea. I know, I was intentionally being cliche there, also I think now that Diane's 18, she has the right to ask about her birth mother. If her adopted parents know her real mom, refusal to tell Diane, even if they had promised to never tell for good reasons, might be harmful to Diane. Yes. Also ineffective, as both Mr. Verres and Adrian Raven would certainly be able to find her anyway. Ummm. Last I checked dating a lot of people, even for stuff, isn’t the same as having sex with them, so yeah they are lieing. That being said given the way that people work (i.e. jumping to conclusions) you shouldn’t be surprised when doing the first, leads to a reputation for doing the second. (Hence why I am surprised that Diane cared about her reputation.) Still it does not change the fact that the two ARE NOT the same, and that they are therefore spreading a lie. My point was that they did NOT said they had sex with her. You can say they were implying it, but they didn't said it directly. (Also, technically, we don't know if she had sex with anyone, but I agree that it's unlikely ; even if she had sex with someone, it certainly wasn't with all or most of her dates.) Depending on what time frame you assume for EGS, there have been Safe Haven Laws in effect in Illinois for a number of years now, so the church doorstep is no longer necessary nor wise. A response to infanticides and cases of babies found abandoned (often already dead when found), these laws protect a mother from prosecution if she brings her infant, any time from just born to 30 days old, to any police station, fire station, or medical facility. If the mother changes her mind within 60 days, she can reclaim them; otherwise parental rights are terminated and the baby is free to be adopted. Thousands of babies' lives have been saved by these laws, which exist in every state in the country now. I wonder how many of those "left on church doorstep" cases were actually in danger in past ; I can imagine both "yeah I totally found this baby on doorstep .... no it wasn't still in arms of his mother why do you ask" and ... well ... foundling wheels already existed in 12th century, and some rituals can be timed to seconds, so there might be times when you can safely leave the baby on doorsteps knowing for sure someone will notice it in next minute. ... isn't month and a half delay considered "swift reaction" in government? You know, "before we finished the basic paperwork the problem disappeared" (said in the same voice as that joke about zookeeper who opened the cage and zoom - the tortoises were gone).
  8. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/gam-31 ... however, despite all the power of friendship stuff, high level machamp would still be more likely to win in pokemon game.
  9. Quick google suggests it's because there is no blue pigment in any terrestrial vertebrate (probably because lot of chemicals which would work as blue pigment are poisonous or require very copper-rich diet to produce). Mammals, especially their hair, are colored by pigments, and limited to brown-black and reddish-yellow. Birds and amphibians are cheating and use microscopic structures in feathers or skin to selectively scatter light and appear blue. Here some example of green pigments including explanation why it's rare. And of course list of blue pigments. Note that cobalt is generally bad idea, not counting B12.
  10. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    ... I imagine Lucy IS handling the cases when guys get physical to anyone in the group, yes. Maybe even the tears - like, I don't think Diane shown any yet, but Rhoda ... To be fair, I don't think Nanase's exes knew that much about her to start with. Most of them, I mean. She dated Elliot longer than most. Oh. That's very believable. I mean, he IS just looking for excuse. .... hmmm .... actually, that might work. Diane's chances to date Elliot is minimal, but it IS possible she would see Gerald as similar kind of guy if she wouldn't look too closely ... and while Gerald is unlikely to buy things to her, when she tells him she's looking for something else now he might listen.
  11. The divisions of what ended up on Sketchbook and what didn't always seemed arbitrary to me. The possibility Dan just forget is believable. ... as long as Dan is reviewing sketchbooks, maybe he will fill the missing commentaries? It definitely looks good on her. However, it's not that much fur - she only has hair and tail, and we can see that pretty clearly.
  12. NP Monday August 27, 2018

    According to audio commentary, contrary to speculation that Montalbán used a prosthetic chest, no artificial devices were added to emphasize Montalbán's muscular physique,[9] since even in his 60s and despite an increasingly painful back injury, stemming from being thrown off a horse in the 1950s, Montalbán had a vigorous workout routine.
  13. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    Well it's possible Adrian wasn't the only one given the Valley Girl Bimbo routine. Definitely not. Such expert performance speaks about practice. I dunno, Adrian said that they (Diane's mother and himself) talked about it, "we agreed it was a one time...", then her not coming back to him at any point after puts the responsibility on her rather that Adrian. Of course there is the question of why she didn't go back to him when she realized she was pregnant, did Adrian mention before they did the deed that there'd be zero chance she could get pregnant? She must have believed him or else she'd have plenty of reason to go after him and even get police involved, which would lead me to think that maybe she knew about his true nature as an Elf. If she had been with someone else shortly after being Adrian, she might also just figure it was that person being the father instead of Adrian, same if she had been with someone before Adrian. It's also quite possible that she hid the whole thing from everyone, gave birth on her own, and then left the baby on a church doorstep. I don't that doing the act itself is enough to make Adrian guilty of being a deadbeat father, for one, there was consent, and two she withheld knowledge of pregnancy and putting the baby up for adoption. If Adrian had raped her, then of course he'd be in BIIIIIIIIIG trouble with the law, but I doubt this is the case He's not guilty in eyes of law, but Diane's opinion would be different. I mean, obviously is different. Personally, I think the fault is Pandora's previous incarnation. I mean, if she didn't lied to herself, she wouldn't have problem finding all her descendants even if the mothers would be actively hiding them from Adrian. PS: Church doorstep? Isn't it little cliche? She might be put to adoption without the mother seeking this level of anonymity. Maybe even Diane's adoptive parents know her identity. I imagine she's feeling like she'd be better off with people thinking she was a nerd right now. I don't think so. But we will see next page. Like Justin? Of course she never dated him for obvious reason, but she did treat him poorly in the past and will certainly need to make amends somehow, though I think Justin will end up forgiving her, he kinda already made a step in that direction by giving Diane some advice going into her first meeting with Susan. .... uuuhhh ... well maybe she should apologize to Justin ... or to Charlotte ... but that's not really related to her current situation. And, in fact, real people (as opposed to movie characters) rarely apologize to everyone they should apologize to. What almost happened? You think Grace would shred him to pieces? ... on second though, if he would actually hurt Tedd she probably would. But otherwise, I'm not sure how mean would he need to be to actually get physically hurt if he kept just talking, the stupidity of doing that notwithstanding. (However, I wonder if Ellen would remember she can FV5 him.) But, like, I don't think anyone would feel the need to defend Diane's honor. Especially considering they didn't say anything which wouldn't be true in a sense. In fact, maybe if Diane was somehow oblivious to her reputation, Lucy wasn't and wouldn't be surprised they talk like this about them. Nanase CERTAINLY wouldn't be surprised. She may be too polite to say it this directly herself, but ... ... Susan probably wouldn't. (In fact, she MIGHT've been saying that to Nanase EXACTLY because Nanase was dating half of school.) Wait. Nanase and Diane are in same school. How often they dated same people and what order was it in? I don't think Diane dated Gary, and Gerald probably wouldn't consider dating Diane, but realistically, it IS likely there was some overlap. Also, while Diane herself might like Nanase for other reasons, I imagine that the reasons she told Lucy for inviting Nanase included review of her past performance in number of boys dated.
  14. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    Back on that subject, yeah Zeus told Diane that Adrian likely wouldn't have known he had kids, but Zeus also believed that both Diane and Susan were distantly related to Adrian and Pandora, so at the time, Diane might have been like "ok so a couple centuries ago he got a woman pregnant that was my great great great grandmother, I don't know what their relationship would have been like back that but it doesn't really affect why I was put up for adoption." but then finding out Adrian's her biological father turned it into "he got my mom pregnant and she had to put me up for adoption because of it." ... thinking about it, she can call him deadbeat not because she doesn't take into account he didn't know about her, but simply because she doesn't consider it good enough excuse. Like, not knowing about her IS mitigating factor, but doesn't mean he's not guilty. Of course she didn't. The whole point of that movie night was no obligation to talk to anyone about anything. I'm still not sure what exactly surprised her (besides not being recognized). Or, like, being ok with having such reputation. It's better than being nerd, isn't it? .... uuuuhhhh ... if these two are typical example, I don't think there were any hurt feelings. Like, they got what they expected. While I consider important that Diane stops behaving like that and starts searching for more meaningful relationship, I don't think she needs to amend anything, apologize or so. Not to these two. Maybe if she will remember someone who really though she means it ...
  15. NP Friday August 24, 2018

    ... add Nanase and it will probably be Patreon only.
  16. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    Diane doesn't know yet that Adrian believed himself to be sterile at the time that she was conceived, but it's definitely one of the things that he needs to tell her when they do speak of it. As far as she knows currently, he had simply abdicated his paternal role. She saw how surprised Adrian was and Jerry told her it's likely Adrian didn't even known about ever having kids. So, unlikely for her to reach that conclusion. Also, again as Jerry pointed out, even normal mortal men can easily have children without knowing it ... it's mother who needs to abdicate her parental role explicitly. ... of course, he should tell her that anyway, but it would be more like confirmation.
  17. Story Monday August 27, 2018

    Regardless if she meant it as a way to camouflage herself, it definitely works. Hmmm ... so she doesn't know why she decided to change her hair herself. Raptor's wings indeed. Susan wouldn't get haircut without logical reason ... well ... adequate logical. Also, does this mean she didn't know how others see her? I find that hard to believe. Never really though about it, that is easier to believe. Oh. And "half the school". Let me guess: Male half? To be fair, they were not specific about how far she supposedly went, and we don't know how far she really went. Getting that reputation couldn't be that hard. In fact, what they said could easily work for Nanase as well, and we know for sure she didn't get far AND noone would dare to lie about her ... BUT she dated so many boys it was believable she run out of them when she started dating Ellen. .... aaaaand Diane is totally going to assume he's hitting on her. To be fair, he wouldn't be only teacher like that. I'm sure I've met several like that myself. Sure, they were not as old as Adrian Raven, but they started teaching at that school soon after finishing their own education, so ... I don't think Adrian Raven would have problem staying professional in class. Meaning, not even acknowledging their relationship.
  18. NP Friday August 24, 2018

    Ellen is dragon, not demon ... the storyline was called Ellen Demo ... interesting typo. Not sure about you but my memory is the least reliable when describing something as "just short while ago". I often find it was months ... on the other hand, Goonmanji 2 started year ago (unbelievable, right?). If Dan had some list of storyline ideas longer than just Grace-a-monsters he wanted to go through before next canon NP story, the note can still be valid even if multiple months old.
  19. NP Friday August 24, 2018

    You know, I coulda swore I saw Dan mention that he wasn't going to get into canon np's for a bit, but can't find it on twitter or reddit, maybe I'm thinking of older commentaries that probably no longer apply. ::shrug:: Well ... it was "a bit" already ...
  20. Story Friday August 24, 2018

    True, but with Magic opened up, it might become easier for those with innate talents to get a spell based on that, Diane is also the daughter of an Elf and getting spells and awakening quicker might be among whatever perks if there are any. Even with some unknown perks, she did NOTHING to get magic. Like, even if she would have it ten times easier it wouldn't help unless she actually starts some training. That "casting spell without knowing you can cast any spell" can almost certainly only happen in SINGLE case - when you are marked without knowing that. Well, and technically during ASMA training you don't know it's spell but you know you can do something. Dan might be joking there, but I think it makes a lot of sense in portraying the similarities and differences between Diane and Susan. Susan's childhood lead her to think logically and suppressed her emotions (which probably started breaking through just before Grace's Birthday). Diane though had a much different childhood and her emotions played a big role in her actions. Diane is pretty much the Romulan to Susan's Vulcan, it's good that Susan is more like Spock though or else this wouldn't have happened. Yes. Susan followed Surak's teaching. Diane is marching beneath the Raptor's wings. You know why penguins don't fear polar bears? Because neither will cross the equator. Meanwhile, elves ... Santa may keep them working but I'm sure anyone getting near their base will be shot and made regretting to not die.
  21. Story Friday August 24, 2018

    My take is that she's actually afraid Diane will disband the group. We KNOW she's nowhere near awakening and after Pandora's reset noone probably though about marking her. Hopefully they will remember later, however it's unlikely they do it without telling her like Pandora used to. (And I don't think Pandora herself would mark her that last day and not tell her.) Unless it was other way ... that he decided she will like Xena because she was named Lucy. Xena's weapon of choice WAS sword, but she only have ordinary one, while her chakram is obviously magical. ... we didn't saw what she has on foot yet ... Tweet. Although it might be something he realized afterwards and not primary reason.
  22. NP Friday August 24, 2018

    It's ok! She just needs to evolve mid-throw and quickly spread wings! TF Busters WERE sort of Q&A comics. But I actually suspect we will see some canon story which didn't fit into main story ... Sarah's date? Justin's date?
  23. http://egscomics.com/comic/tlod-001 I find children making fun of adopted classmate is unpleasantly realistic. Wait, does Diane know she's adopted at this point? That "didn't have to" would point she did, but didn't she only learned it when she was eight? Otherwise, we already see one big similarity between Diane and Susan. Not sure when Diane stopped thinking all boys are jerks. I mean, maybe when she started thinking about Elliot? She definitely didn't needed to stop just because she started "dating".
  24. Story Friday August 24, 2018

    I think I did consider it at that time, only to forget about this aspect later. I wonder if "It wasn't me but you might not be only one who would think so, therefore haircut" wouldn't be good excuse. Note: Making her blue and ten feet tall wouldn't likely help - oh wait, blue HAIR and just 6 feet - but if Rhoda told her she has magic in advance, she might save money on that haircut. (Who IS Kyomaru?) Spoiler: Superman IS Clark Kent. By "neither" you mean Adrian Raven, Diane, Susan, Rhoda, Lucy or all of them? You think her new haircut is related to fact she now knows she's related to fairies? That would be little different haircut wouldn't it? BTW Lucy has weird ideas about what "dress like a nun" means. I suppose she's one of those who complain being cold in winter while having nothing on legs from ankles to half of thigh ... wait. Actually she may have pretty high boots. Although it is true the difference to Diane's previous clothes is quite big.
  25. Main Wed Aug 22 2018

    I think it started with her playing with her hair and forgetting how long were before. However, after several tries when noone noticed, she MIGHT decided to play with it deliberately ...