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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    To be fair, we can view this from two different angles to justify it. One, as CritterKeeper implies, there is an awful lot of misogyny going around and becoming more aware of it would naturally make Susan more resentful than she already was. Two, Susan was originally conceived as a straw feminist, more to provide a target for the resentment many men feel against feminists. Mind you, it is worth remembering that this was 2002 Susan and that she had already started to change in a more reasonable direction at the year's end. (And as Dan said, the 2002 plotholes tend to live in a little world of their own and are not likely to be addressed because there are so many of them due to his inexperience at the time.)
  2. NP Monday April 10, 2017

    Probably more than one. The one that immediately springs to mind is Adults are useless.
  3. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Oof. Hang in there, Prof. I hope something works out for you eventually.
  4. NP Monday April 10, 2017

    At least he didn't get hold of any loose strips from your bandages, so be grateful.
  5. What Are You Ingesting?

    Obviously, they felt that 'Carolina Copper' did not sound nearly as good as 'Georgia Gold.'
  6. Things You Find Interesting (reborn?)

    Doesn't that make it really difficult to play football?
  7. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    That sounds kind of fishy to me.
  8. NP: Friday April 7, 2017

    Yeah, not bad. Good Lord. Now I am nostalgic for the time when I wore one.
  9. Story Friday April 7, 2017

    So your lawn doesn't look enough like plastic to him. That is kind of sad.
  10. NP: Friday April 7, 2017

    Those have existed for a long time. I will be more interested in what they look like when they go into negatives.
  11. Things You Find Amusing

    I still want to see what happens if someone tries to use a gyrspike. I just don't think it will be easy to find a volunteer.
  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    This reminds me of the tale of the man who decided to commit suicide by taking Aspirin. The trouble was, he took two and felt better.
  13. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Good. Take care of yourself, Prof. And once again give our thanks to Mrs. Prof. Hopefully there will be light at the end of this tunnel. On a slightly different note, my own doctor doesn't like the way my blood pressure is behaving. It has increased dramatically over the last year or so. Last time I measured it earlier today it was at 160/110. So now it looks like I am going on medication to lower it. Yay. :/
  14. NP: Friday April 7, 2017

    I have a feeling that Doctor Last Name Not Known Yet will go on to great things.
  15. Story: Monday April 3, 2017

    The Moderator: Since you just moved over to an outright attack on a religion, yes. Thread closed.
  16. Story: Monday April 3, 2017

    It was a clearly insulting picture. Created specifically to be offensive to Muslims. Someone changing their name to 'Mohammad' as a show of faith after converting does not fall into quite the same category.
  17. NP Wednesday April 5, 2017

    Saki spends a lot of time watching the traffic outside the apartment. Because who knows what it would get up to if it wasn't being carefully watched by a cat.
  18. NP Wednesday April 5, 2017

    Meh. This is my preferred kind of catsuit.
  19. Story Wednesday April 5, 2017

    Well, which other kind then? He doesn't seem like the type that runs around with sharp things cutting each other's heads off.
  20. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Luck, Prof, and please give our regards to Mrs. Prof. I hope things will improve soon.
  21. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    I did, but I was a paramedic and served in an infirmary. I guess doctors feel the occasional need to be reminded of where they're at with their patients.
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    You keep an eye on that dishwasher, mlooney. I already told you, if it summons an elder god or even a pack of Chthonians to make more earthquakes I will not be pleased. And I was serious.
  23. NP Monday, April 3, 2017

    I just like it because I am horribly nostalgic.
  24. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Good! Now get back to that space empire of yours and get it going on space res publica!
  25. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Good kitty. In my experience, cats are very sensitive to the moods of their humans. I think he is offering you moral support or, given that he is a feline, possibly amoral support.