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Pharaoh RutinTutin

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Everything posted by Pharaoh RutinTutin

  1. Last Post Wins

    Extreme Croquet? In the Alice reference above, the Queen could order any of the players beheaded. Isn't that extreme enough?
  2. The Weather.

    For some people, cold and damp weather will cause a headache. For me, cold and damp weather is a headache.
  3. Story Wednesday February 6, 2019

    Arthur J Arthur already went on television revealing that Magic was real. Admittedly he was doing this under a misunderstanding, both of what would happen when too many people had access to magic and of what would result from a change in magic. But he is a high ranking FBI officer, the statements are a matter of public record, and recent events (has it really been less than a year?) have, if not confirmed, failed to disprove his assertations. Luke and his friends(?) seem to have no qualms about using their recently discovered abilities. Even though those don't involve transformations, it would confirm to their acquaintances that the magic is real. We know very well that, as much as Nanase thought she was hiding her magic from her mother, she made almost no attempt to hide her magic at school. Susan and Sarah have both used the hammers, and Sarah summoned the Duck, in public. Despite resenting that Justin won't share the secrets with him, George claims to know everything that is happening. And I have no reason to doubt him. And who knows what products or services Germahn Labs may be releasing? If most of Sam's family lives in or near Moperville, he may not need to wait that long until the people he wants to tell already know a "friend of a friend" who has magic. That will not necessarily make the "WHY" of coming out for a second time any easier. But at least he won't need to explain the "HOW".
  4. NP Monday February 4, 2019

    Sometimes I wonder if Dan likes to play mind games with the audience. But that certainly can't be the case.
  5. Story Monday February 4, 2019

    Even though Sam now has some real magic, he is still nurturing a fantasy. As soon as I can (finish high school / get my degree / save enough money / et cetera), I'm going to leave this town and go someplace where no one knows me. Then I can be what ever I want to be and no one will suspect anything different. It is a common fantasy among young people. And more than a few older people also seem to cling to the dream.
  6. Story, Wednesday January 30, 2019

    http://egscomics.com/comic/tsos-33 Ok, Sam wants to talk to Grace. If Grace can maintain the dialogue long enough to establish the trust, she should be able to arrange a meeting for Sam with people who have a bit of experience with the concepts of Gender-Meh, Gender-Fluid, and Trans-Gender as well as means of addressing those issues outside mainstream medicine or psychology. Or is Sam being a manipulative Bad-Tom who is trying to have his way with Grace and Sarah and who-knows-who else?
  7. This Day In History

    03 February 1943 – A Priest, a Rabbi, and two Protestant Ministers are on a sinking ship... It seemed like such a good set up, but there's no punch line to the SS Dorchester troop transport.
  8. NP Friday February 1, 2019

    As opposed to the Carl Sagan biopic, "The Billions and Billions Dollar Man".
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    Finished an Egg McMuffin® a few minutes ago and then started to think. Eggs contain Sulphur. It is one of the essential elements found in almost all terrestrial life. And in Birds, Sulphur is critical for feather development. But Eggs do not smell or taste like Sulphur. At least, not until something goes wrong. What is the story behind the rotten egg smell?
  10. NP Friday February 1, 2019

    Sarah? Six Million Dollars. Keep Focused.
  11. NP Monday January 28, 2019

    http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-42 I've fallen and I can't get up!
  12. Story Friday February 1, 2019

    So even if you know that the label you were assigned at birth is wrong, there is no guarantee that the label you choose for yourself will be correct? Why must humans always be so annoyingly human?
  13. The Weather.

    Why has there only been slow and incremental improvements in electrical storage and distribution since the battles between Edison and Westinghouse with Tesla? How we can use electricity has advanced and changed dramatically over the last century. How we transmit and store electricity is almost the same as it was when the Model T was the fastest car on the road.
  14. Story, Wednesday January 30, 2019

    Edward Verres will, at some point, need to sit down and listen to Tedd. And if Edward does not do that well before Tedd is capable of surviving on his own, Edward may face old age on his own.
  15. NP Monday January 28, 2019

    This seems like a great opportunity for a GURPS type Character Disadvantage OBEDIENCE - The Player must accept any and every decision, direction, or ruling of the GM concerning the Player Character without argument, complaint, or protest. Once per hour of game session, the Player may POLITELY request the GM to reconsider one decision regarding the PC. The GM is under no obligation to change said ruling. Any violation by the Player will result in immediate penalties to the PC or Party in the manner of the BAD LUCK, CURSED, JINXED, or WIERDNESS MAGNET Disadvantages. Now, what kind of point value should be applied? Edit: Yes, I know many game players who believe this type of behavior should be assumed. But for those who don't, it can help to have it written out on the character sheet.
  16. This Day In History

    In the 1970s a US President who was an All American Center and Defensive End for the National Champion Michigan Wolverines and a US Navy Officer in the Battle of the Philippine Sea had to be whisked away by Secret Service agents to escape a woman called "Squeaky".
  17. NP Wednesday January 30, 2019

    Actually, we had a GREAT waterpark. What you now call the Second and Third Cataracts of The Nile were specifically designed to be white water rafting facilities. We probably would have enjoyed far more repeat customers if we also included helmets, life vests, and other safety gear with the ticket. As for the hippo rides? We tried. We REALLY tried! But the hippos simply refused to wait in long lines.
  18. NP Wednesday January 30, 2019

    http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-43 Slides and rubber tubes? This isn't a crypt, it is an ancient water park.
  19. Story, Wednesday January 30, 2019

    We know that Nanase's mother knows far more about magic, Tedd, Adrian Raven, and what Edward Vere's department at the FBI actually does than she has ever admitted to Nanase. She could have minimized contact between Edward and Nanase, instead she let Nanase become Tedd's tutor. She could have kept Nanase out of contact with Adrian just by sending her to the school on the other side of town, instead she let Nanase into his class where Adrian would take an interest in Nanase, just like he did with her and Noriko. We don't know why Nanase's mother does not appear to be an active practitioner of magic. But for what ever reason, she is encouraging (or at least allowing) Nanase to pursue those fields without actually acknowledging the effort. My guess for a long time has been that Mrs Kitsune is attempting to leave her daughter a way out of magic into a "normal" life. And her understanding of "Normal" does not include lesbian relationships. So how much of Mrs Kitsune's negative reaction to homosexuality is her genuine belief, and how much is a show to allow her daughter to be "Normal"? ? Having said all that, it seems that Nanase has long passed the point where exaggerated morality plays would be the most effective teaching tool.
  20. OT14 as an actual tetrakaidecagon

    It exists in time... But seriously, a tetrakaidekahedron (or tetradekahedron), is a solid with fourteen faces. Wouldn't the ideal representation be an object of fourteen vertices with edges and faces representing the relationship between said vertices? Of course, if it was a convex structure, there cold be connections between vertices that are not apparent from the exterior.
  21. OT14 as an actual tetrakaidecagon

  22. This Day In History

    Quite true. The man was no idiot. But his ability to make statements that could so easily be misconstrued out of context made George XLI look like a genius by comparison and made Johnny Carson's final years on The Tonight Show so much easier to write.
  23. OT14 as an actual tetrakaidecagon

    It reminds me of some designs for clockwork perpetual motion machines.
  24. This Day In History

    Quayle/Palin 2020?