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Comic for Monday, Jan 6, 2025 Hoopla about 'We're about to talk', George is suspicious, AJ is dopey, Jay pokes the little bear, who freaks the F#%@ out.
Comic for Monday, Nov 4, 2024 For a comic that is mostly a posting of coming matches, this comic has a lot of activity. Jay backpedals a bit on her marriage proposal, I guess realizing what she said. Susan has no time to respond. (I think the ship still has structural integrity.) Sam seems nervous to be paired with George, fearing that George will notice his actual sex change. Susan, paired with Larry, is distracted. By thoughts of Jay? They left a lot hanging. Sarah and Hope are happy to be hanging out. Jay and Tedd are nervous to be hanging out. And the chapter ends, to be resumed midweek, next week. I hope the pace keeps up.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-089 Is Sam specifically aware that George claims to know everything that happens around that shop? Does George give off "i'm watching" vibes even when he's not watching? Or is Sam paranoid? Running with the bulls, Hope? I think you may be on the wrong continent.
Comic for Monday, Jul 8, 2024 As portrayed in the comic in the past, rebooted immortals are kind of clueless - the couple that have been hanging around Elliot, perhaps selfish - Zeus, who is watching out for Susan and Diane. Pandora rebooted retaining much more than normal memory of her relationships, yet the outstanding feature of Hope is that she is hampered in functioning, more so than others who reboot unencumbered. Was it just a bad idea? I have the impression that is not what Dan intended. I expect her to be dialed in more quickly than a normal reboot; able to reconnect with her past. Of course it could be that Pandora was discounting the affects of her own actions and how it would affect her future self. She clearly does not understand people all that well. I hope she connects and gets guidance. Jay's response is a bit odd. Is she surprised that Susan has friends? Implying that she does not?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-070 First, if I remember my Trek Lore correctly, Picard used the "Picard maneuver" when fighting Ferengi. Does a fight against Ferengi that does not involve Latinum actually count? - - - - - Next, I need some help identifying the last panel party - - - - Outgoing is a relative term If Sam's experience with gender questions has largely centered around concealment, then a genderfluid individual with Tedd's level of confidence must seem outgoing.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-060 Don't worry too much, Sam. If there is anything Tedd understands, it is "Awkward".
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-057 The Line Cutter has official initials now. AJ. I suppose it could mean lots of things. But until I see confirmation otherwise, I'm reading it as "A Jerk". So which opening round pairing will be first in our focus?
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-055 Hope, don't mess this up. Slightly off topic, perhaps it is time for Ted et al to create a code of ethics regarding independent magic research There needs to be a way of helping a novice magic user come to terms with their abilities that falls some where in between fending for yourself and turning you in to the nearest shadow government agency
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-054 Space for spoilers: I wonder how much Tedd can tell about Sam's magic. I also wonder what Tedd plans on doing with that knowledge. On the one hand he probably can't just keep the knowledge to himself given Sam is dating Sarah who is Tedd's friend; on the other hand if Tedd knows Sam has a sex-change enchantment, sharing that info would be revealing things about Sam that Sam doesn't want shared. I just really hope if Tedd talks to Sam about it, Tedd doesn't say anything offensive (particularly unintentionally); this is a sensitive subject and I could see Tedd jumping in without thinking things through.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-050 That's a lot of character tags for a strip where relatively little happens. Anyway, I should probably say something meaningful about the comic. I know! "Yay for starburst background & foreground in panel six!" There, perfect.
https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-047 She's finally here! Woo!
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/teddgameopinions-042 How does a game designer write responses to all the sneaky ways a game player will try to get out of following the plot line while still, technically, playing the game? As a, technically, human GM for table top RPGs this was always the hardest part of my job.
http://egscomics.com/comic/party-025 So, there's a lot to unpack here... I think I'll start by going panel-by-panel (mostly).
sketchbook Sketchbook Tuesday, Mar 19, 2019 - Sam and Sarah Sunscreen
hkmaly posted a topic in EGS Sketchbook Discussion
http://egscomics.com/sketchbook/2019-008 I suppose this is normal sunscreen and not the FV5 one ... -
http://egscomics.com/comic/tsos-42 I suggest the theme from Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
http://egscomics.com/comic/tsos-41 I feel tempted to ask Dan what he has been smoking, but...
- 23 replies
http://egscomics.com/comic/tsos-33 Ok, Sam wants to talk to Grace. If Grace can maintain the dialogue long enough to establish the trust, she should be able to arrange a meeting for Sam with people who have a bit of experience with the concepts of Gender-Meh, Gender-Fluid, and Trans-Gender as well as means of addressing those issues outside mainstream medicine or psychology. Or is Sam being a manipulative Bad-Tom who is trying to have his way with Grace and Sarah and who-knows-who else?
http://egscomics.com/comic/tsos-32 Sheltered?