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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. The next NP story

    Unfortunately for trans and intersexed people, recognition of their rights to be regarded as the sex that they perceive themselves as rather than the sex that others perceive them as are lagging decades behind recognition of homosexual rights. There's still the narrative going around that some men will choose to impersonate women for malicious purposes.
  2. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    Training, very much yes. I was just trying to say that age is not the constraining factor here. Susan and Diane are in a position like Buffy in the first story arc--aware of their destiny as people who protect the world from monsters, but lacking in the training and experience needed for proper effectiveness. As per the rules of narrative, the fact that the two of them might solve the problem when they get together means that they must not get together until it is time for the problem to be solved. Adrian knows about Grace and Nanase and Ellen (even if he doesn't know any of Ellen's specific spells/powers beyond that she is Awakened and has the Dewitchery Diamond-granted ability). He knows about Tedd even if he doesn't know the details of Tedd's "dangerous rarity" or Tedd's ability to in-depth analyze magic by sight. He may suspect that Elliot is Awakened (especially if he knows that it was Elliot who was split by the Diamond to create Ellen), but he probably has no awareness of Sarah or Susan at all, and Justin is probably also outside of his radar.
  3. The next NP story

    Testing to prove that a competitor is genetically the same sex that they present as. Basically, some people with clout panicked over the idea that transgendered people would try to compete as their self-identified gender instead of their assigned gender, or that a sufficiently competitive male might try to compete as a female in order to take advantage of the less-muscular competition. Gene tests were adopted in order to catch those who have had genital surgery.
  4. Story Monday March 21, 2016

    And by the standards of most societies before college became an expected thing for middle-class people (as recent as WWII!!!), 18 is full adulthood. Remember, even today an 18 year old is considered old enough to serve in a nation's military and go out and fight to the death at their government's behest.
  5. Story Wednesday March 16, 2016

    I think that the two "halves" are really co-equal, and the naming of their own half as the "first" one is simple cultural provincialism--neither is actually "first" or "second" except for the order in which a given society discovered them, sort of like how the "New World" was always here even though the people of the "Old World" didn't know about it.
  6. Yeah, I would assume that you are able to get by on that amount because you are paying comparatively little out-of-pocket for your housing and medical coverage.
  7. A new Which EGS Character Are You quiz

    Star Blazers is a horrible mangling of the Space Battleship Yamato series that it was derived from. They took all of the Japanese-ness out of it (including renaming the Yamato to the Argo) for the sake of making it more "international".
  8. NP, Wednesday March 16, 2016

    Somehow I am now imagining Susan as being the most like Rarity--she pretends to be all aloof and dignified, but is actually really kind underneath. The way that Sarah and Ellen have been talking, it seems that Sarah has already broken up with Elliot . . .
  9. Median income in the USA (for those having a non-zero income) for the year 2013 is $43,585 according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_household_income $3250/month is $39k, which is almost 90% of this. It's a livable amount for a single person if housing costs no more than $1k/month (housing can be as high as $3k/month for a three-bedroom house or apartment in high-demand areas--and these areas are often large enough that finding a cheaper home involves tolerating a two-hour-each-way daily commute), but it is still kind of low given that Dan would have to pay all of the self-employment taxes that employers normally count as being "outside" of salary/wages (e.g. the employer half of Social Security tax).
  10. Videogame Thread

    So there won't be a Monferno/Infernape--it'll be an Empoleon instead.
  11. NP Monday, March 14, 2016

    In other words, the only ones who treated her like a little girl instead of as an experiment were the ones who were more or less literally her parents.
  12. The $3250 per month that Dan is currently pledged through Patreon is almost enough to replace a middle-class job as a source of income. If he can scrounge up an extra grand per month from other sources (e.g. ads or merchandise), then he can live an average lifestyle without having a job. He may not even need that extra grand if his rent is a grand per month or less.
  13. Things That Make You Happy

    Sadly, the largest source of misery in today's world comes from people wantonly being jerks to each other.