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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 23, 2025

    Hm... I've known several females who were active in SCA - mostly bards, warriors, and warrior-bards.
  2. The Weather.

    There seems to be no record of snow falling in this town. There have been a few times over the last couple centuries that the surrounding hills got enough of a dusting to be seen from town. I got a weather alert yesterday that the overnight low might hit 29⁰F in part of the county. I seriously doubt it got that cold in town. And yes, for this town 29⁰F would qualify as extreme weather.
  3. Things That Are Just Annoying

    There's been a rock festival across the street from me for the last several days. Dozens of vendors selling rocks, and jewelry and decorations featuring rocks. But no rock music.
  4. Random. Just Random.

    There's a rock festival across the street from me. Started yesterday, runs through Sunday. Several dozen vendors selling rocks, and jewelry and decorative items featuring rocks. But no rock music.
  5. Comic for Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025

    My guess: hope just turned invisible, or maybe incorporeal, in a manner that made it look like she went through the wall.
  6. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

    Hmm... Grace is genre savvy...
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Now I'm contemplating a schoolteacher running a Math Rocks day in class... (My half-brother's arithmetic skills went from "4th grade on a good day" to 10th grade in about three months, when he got into D&D in 8th grade.)
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    And why is this not standard procedure, nowadays? (assuming they can actually do it, rather than go through the motions and only maybe sorta do it)
  9. The Weather.

    What's also fun is watching people who DO know how to drive on snow and ice, because it's normal where they're from, trying to drive on snow & ice in places where it isn't normal. Because in places where ice is normal it probably usually is cold enough in winter for the stuff to freeze solid... but in places where it's not normal? Probably barely frozen, likely to melt a bit just under tire pressure. And it's that thin layer of water, on top of the extremely-smooth ice surface, that is super slick.
  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Probably less windy today than yesterday. Also, if you were melting snow/ice off the roof yesterday and today it's all gone, that would be another factor.
  11. Comic for Friday, Jan 3, 2025

    Yep, because the British government was - and is - creating pounds out of thin air so fast they drove the value of British money down relative to dang near everything else. And pretty much every other national government in the world treats their own currency the same way. Some at a higher rate than others. But most of the world has just accepted that money deteriorates in value at 2% to 5% per year.
  12. The Weather.

    Yeah, years ago in Seattle, coming out of a building after my daughter's dance performance, I heard a guy shout "Look! There's a snowflake! Close the city!" Well, the snowflake brought a bunch of its friends and relatives... and as the temp was just below freezing, a bunch of them melted on landing and then quickly re-froze... and the city was pretty much closed for the next couple days.
  13. Comic for Friday, Jan 3, 2025

    Actually, the given reason is why we mostly moved to silver and copper/bronze coins for day-to-day life. We moved to fiat currencies because there was enough silver for everyone except governments. The government of Rome was essentially bankrupt when a general named Julius invaded Gaul and took ownership of their silver mines. The British made farthing coins, worth 1/8 of a penny each, up until 1956.
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    "If you wanted one for yourself, you should have gotten two."
  15. Holidaze

    The guy's demeanor in the opening of that reminded me of a bit of a story I read years, nay, decades ago. A supplier for a certain company had effed up, badly and inarguably, and the boss lady went off on the supplier's sales rep. Loudly and at some length. In her native language. After the sales rep had crawled under the door and out of the building, the workers went to the boss lady and asked, nervously, "what were you saying to him?" She smiled and said, "It was, um, I don't know in English. I'll bake some of it tonight and share it with you tomorrow."
  16. Story Monday December 23, 2024

    A pedestal can be as confining as any other small space.
  17. Comic for Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

    The older French versions have vair rather than verre. Unfortunately, French seems to have lost that word since then, so to get the correct translation nowadays one must turn to heraldry. For the manufacture of slippers, squirrel hides sewn together do seem a lot more plausible than glass.
  18. Comic for Saturday, Dec 14, 2024

    And the village shop is absurd in other ways. Common goods are priced in copper or silver, and yet the average village shop has thousands of gold coins lying around to trade for magical items? And more such magical items in stock?
  19. What Are You Ingesting?

    I would say you put in too much lemon juice... but for my tastes, seeing the lemon from across the room is too much lemon juice.
  20. Comic for Friday, Dec 6, 2024

    That's less-useful information in regard to Rhoda than it would be for most other people.
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    You guys are reminding me why I'm a snowbird... (Kinda odd that snowbirds move away from snow, while snowbunnies flock to it...)
  22. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Putin doesn't maintain the nukes. People working (several layers) under him do. For them, the priority is not (necessarily) actually to maintain the nukes, but rather, to be seen to be maintaining them. Which means, all the paperwork showing all the right numbers. Helps if those numbers are reasonably close matches to numbers put on paperwork by suppliers etc. Those numbers matching reality is somewhat optional. Similar thing: from what I read, when we took down Saddam Hussein we found quite a bit of high-level documentation (the sort that high-level executives pass to even-higher-level executives) of recent chemical-weapons work under his rule... and rather less evidence of that work actually happening. What it appears Saddam believed was happening, was clearly in violation of the treaty that ended the Kuwait war; what actually was happening, is not so clear. Purely coincidentally, a number of the top people in charge of that work skipped the country with substantial fortunes already secured in foreign bank accounts...
  23. "Your diet is very simple. If it tastes good, spit it out."
  24. What Are You Ingesting?

    Added to my grocery list for tomorrow's shopping run.
  25. Do I have this straight? He wanted you to take steroids, you explained why you can't, so he recommended steroids, and when you pointed out a problem with that he told you to take steroids? Sounds to me like what you really need is a different doctor.