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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Other Random Comics

    Depends on how accurately you want to simulate 'random'. R{n+1} = fractional portion of (pi+R{n})^x for some x>1 is good enough for a lot of casual purposes. I once read of a random-number generator that was adjudged NOT good enough for the purpose someone wanted to use it for, when it was found that graphing sets of three consecutive random numbers in three dimensions produced a set of parallel planes.
  2. NP Comic for Thursday, Mar 6, 2025

    My weird brain just tried to combine that song with Hotel California. Please note, I didn't claim that the combo made any sense...
  3. Comic for Monday, Mar 3, 2025

    Here's a reminder
  4. NP Comic for Saturday, Mar 1, 2025

    Inbreeding combined with aggressive culling is how you improve a bloodline. Although if it's being managed by humans, there may be issues with the definition of "improve" - that's how we got dogs with such flat faces they have trouble just breathing, for example. For that matter, though, that's just a form of over-specialization. Which is what has driven multiple, independently-evolved versions of saber-tooth felines to extinction, when the environment around them changed such that their specialization wasn't helpful. (There's another try at the idea in progress. The Bornean clouded leopard. The longest fangs, relative to body size, of any known felines since the North American saber-tooths died out.)
  5. New Laptop Thread

    Prof: How to disable trackpad on Macbook (Can't vouch for it personally, but the instructions are rather similar to how to do the same thing on Linux Mint which is what I run.)
  6. Sad news

    Or milk, ice cream, etc. - actual milk-based dairy. Or something greasy. Or mayonnaise. Capsaicin is a non-polar molecule, so does not dissolve in water - but it does in fats and oils. And of course something that's somewhat dry and absorbent can soak it up. (Why are eggs sometimes classed as dairy? Because, in the US, they go in the refrigerator? So does orange juice. And fish.)
  7. Sad news

    I dunno, Las Cruces has its appeal. Gotta give at least a grin to a city where a major street is named Lover's Lane. (Well, literally, it's Amador Avenue.)
  8. Sad news

    Based on what little is said, I suspect that the dog and at least one of the humans were poisoned. For one and possibly both of the humans, self-inflicted.
  9. Comic for Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025

    (That's why I picked such a distant-past example.)
  10. Comic for Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025

    Not quite. She says she doesn't trust the sincerity of such justifications. "After all, Rome would be so much better if I were emperor instead of that idiot." (And thus we get such clearly beneficial things as The Year of the Four Emperors, AD 68-69.) If a person claims motives of pure self-interest, they may not be telling the whole truth, but what they're saying is probably true.
  11. New Laptop Thread

    Was this datacenter space that Microsoft was leasing to various customers, or from various providers?
  12. NP Comic for Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025

    If they have and use a fireplace, there's a need to clean cinders out of it.
  13. New Laptop Thread

    And the swords that just snicker might damage its ego.
  14. The Weather.

    Sanding pine is usually a technique to make it smoother... And down here in the desert... I had to open the windows and turn on the fans before noon.
  15. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    If you think about what he said, he claimed that ALL of Ukraine, and several neighboring countries, are part of Russia. His logic - if you accept the underlying premise - clearly supports the conclusion that most of western Russia and a couple neighboring countries are part of Ukraine, and several others plus another chunk of western Russia are part of Poland.
  16. EGS Baseball

    A bunch of the kids will be heading off to college soon. Some colleges (not all) require that freshmen live in the dorms, unless their parents live in commuting distance and the kids continue living with the parents. Tedd and Grace will continue living together - whether that be at Edward's home or in their own apartment. Nanase and Ellen will start living together - in the dorms or in their own apartment. Catalina and Rhoda might or might not room together. I don't see any other romantic couples at a stage where it would be a decent idea - yet. Subject to change without notice, possibly as soon as when the next page comes out.
  17. NP Comic for Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025

    Um... why is this discussion in an NP thread?
  18. New Laptop Thread

    It does seem that Windows 11 has given a major boost to macOS and Linux... ... but... um... you got that nice big external drive in the plan, but you want to install software on it. First, while external drives are a lot faster than they used to be, they're still slower than internal. And second, but probably more important, I don't see anything about backing up your data. Is that in the plan but just not mentioned in this post?
  19. Technology that works or doesn't

    Also, the standard basic design of a pickup truck - that level-top box on the back - works, and we have a fair number of related things designed to work with it. The Cybertruck has exceptions to that design, that don't work as well and that the related things don't work with. And in exchange for that lost functionality, it offers the benefit of... um... I'm drawing a blank here... It's a pickup truck for people who don't need a pickup truck. But for those people, any pickup truck will work at least as well.
  20. Comic for Saturday, Feb 15, 2025

    The mammal skins are a decoration laid over the actual shield, which is wood or metal. The purpose of the decorations - of heraldry in general - is identifying people at a substantial distance. If you're at war, you really want to know whether that body of troops approaching you is led by an ally or an enemy. A lot of the rules of heraldry (not all of them) are really about that. The big example being that you shouldn't put a "metal" (formally gold or silver, actually yellow or white) on another "metal", or a "color" (any other color) on another "color" - metals go on colors, colors go on metals. In modern terminology, high contrast - that's what the rule is for, so you can see what's on that guy's shield when he's in the shade of a tree a couple hundred yards away.
  21. Comic for Saturday, Feb 15, 2025

    If it's a really old version, the slippers will be made of vair, not verre. Verre is glass. Vair is a pattern of small animal skins stitched together. Most often, squirrel skins. Guess how much the pronunciation differs. But which sounds more plausible for making comfortable, dance-worthy slippers?
  22. The Weather.

    And here it rained off and on all day Thursday, but not enough to wet the ground. Officially, 0.024 inches (0.6 millimeter). That also happens to be our total year-to-date precipitation.
  23. What Are You Ingesting?

    well, milking a marshmallow would probably be easier on the hands than milking an almond.
  24. Things that are Strange

    Wouldn't sound like much, but it would be music you could really feel.
  25. Comic for Friday, Feb 7, 2025

    Betamax was a better format in every way except one. They eventually got that one fixed, but it was too late - VHS effectively owned the market. That one problem: initially, maximum tape length wast 1 hour. Movies are routinely 2 hours. So Beta owners had to change tapes in mid-movie. (And for home recording off broadcast or cable, lots of VHS users accepted even lower-than-VHS-normal quality to get 6 hours on one tape.)