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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by Zorua

  1. What Are You Ingesting?

    I just had a bologna sandwitch, except the bologna was bad and I threw up. I think that's the first time I've ever had food poisoning of any degree. First time I remember, at least. Welp. Time for a shower.
  2. What Are You Ingesting?

    Better than making chocolate pudding at four in the morning. Except we don't have chocolate pudding stuff, so I'll make do with a box of Triscuits.
  3. Story Friday October 14, 2016

    You mean Jeremy, right? It still feels weird that Pandora's acting helpful and friendly. Ulterior motives or no, she's being fairly straight-forward and isn't making the one she's talking to mad. It's weird.
  4. EGS Strip Slaying

    Here's the next set. It's the Peppy Hare Quotes slays! This particular one was the first ever slay I put anywhere ever. Could've done a bit of cleaning for the repost, but oh well. One of two that I actually did edit. The original of this one had two panels, but I felt the first panel was unnecessary so I removed it. Ah, youth... *FLASH* Personally I like this one best. Maybe that's Greg's fault. I just noticed I never got rid of the whitespace around the slay. And I just had the chance to fix that too. Ah well. One of the more subtle not-quite-funny ones I couldn't resist making anyway. They're playing Smash Bros. /effect ElliotDunkel speed 30 5 "What's the big idea, Fox?" I told you this set had something to do with barrels. I remember tilting the image in MS Paint so I could put in the sideways text. Better that than a cartwheel. Another edited one, I cut out Nanase's dialogue for being unnecessary to the joke. And that's this set. Next set's gonna be something else.
  5. ...opened your big yap. (edited)

    The original version of this slay had two panels. I removed the first one since it was unnecessary.
  6. The original version of this slay had the two panels side-by-side. I edited it this way as Nanase's dialogue was unnecessary.
  7. Use bombs wisely!

  8. Try a somersault!

  9. Do a barrel roll!

  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Thirded. I was in the process of reporting every single one of those posts when they went poof just now. That was the first time I ever reported anything online for any reason ever.
  11. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Power's out. Bill payment issues. And we just got the air conditioner fixed, too.
  12. EGS Fanfiction!

    The Infinite Loops. A multi-author mega crossover fanfic hosted on the Spacebattles forums and posted on Fanfiction.net. The premise is Yggdrasil is the World Tree (and also a computer system a la Ah! My Goddess), and every reality is one of its branches. Something damaged Yggdrasil. To stall for time, the Admins set every reality to loop through time while they repair it. Individuals (not all; generally the major, important, or notable characters) can retain memories and skills from previous loops, and occasionally they could start in someone else's loop (there's infinite crossover potential). I was wondering for a bit about joining Spacebattles and getting EGS into the Loops. I have some ideas about EGS's specific Admin, what patches would be put through to make it possible, which individuals would be aware of the loops, and even decided to write a few of my own. And wouldn't ya know it, someone already tried about a year and a half ago. I searched for EGS snips and found four of them dated March, July, and two in August 2015. I have no idea if they made it to a finished compilation (let alone a "finalized" submission on Fanfiction.net), but still, somebody beat me to it. So far he has the Admins talking about it, three of Tedd's Loops in Moperville, and that one time he replaced Ami from Sailor Moon. Not really a lot going on here yet. Ah well. Not like anything's stopping me from writing anything there. It is a multi-author collab, after all. If anyone wants to check out the Loops, here's an index for the EGS snippets (third post down), surrounded by indexes for other universes.
  13. Favorite Quotes

    How about the famous "World of Cardboard" Speech? "That man won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die. But you can take it, can't you, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose and show you just how powerful I really am." — Superman, Justice League Unlimited
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It still takes forever to load webpages. I'm trying to load speestest.net. And guess what? "The site can't be reached. beta.speedtest.net took too long to respond." I basically can't use my laptop to Internet. Like, at all. Best I get is the page only half loads, getting cut off mid-sentence. My phone isn't much better. The keyboard decided to just go away while I was typing this post. Four times! A little while ago, part of our home circuit shorted out. Took the lights and outlets in both bathrooms, plus the hall light, hall closet light, hall outlet, laundry room light, and one of the bedroom outlets. Fun. Stupid '70s wiring. At least we have a second light in the bathroom on a different circuit.
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    THIS! A Windows Update made it so my laptop takes a million years to load a single webpage, if it decides to load anything at all. And forget about videos or text fields. Also, YouTube eats up my phone's data like Grace at a pancake place. Forget to switch to Wi-Fi Only and bam! 25% of my data just gone. Not that DeviantArt is any better. I think data usage is per page loaded now. With DA's revised layout, every time you scroll down is a new page. Not quite as horrible, but still annoying. What's that? Stick with Wi-Fi full time, you say? Then we run into the persistent issue of the Wi-Fi in my house being total crap. Anywhere except the room with the router and right next to the walls of said room have horrible signals. First world problems, am I right?
  16. Story, Friday September 16, 2016

    No, but you can easily exploit the nonphysical plane to dodge. You're attacking me? Whoop! I'm in the non-physical plane! Now I'm back. You're attacking again? Pop! Gone and back. You missed. It's like teleporting almost. Oops, you missed again. This is fun!
  17. Story, Friday September 16, 2016

    Panel 1: A plan. To deal with a creature that can't be seen. That, as far as they know, could have up to two centuries of experience. That has incredible magical power. You have a plan for that. Well, it is Tedd's dad. Let's hear it. Panel 2: Eh? ...does this mean no exposition? Panel 3: VOLTAIRE! You weren't the one to deal with Dex. Dex was handled by Pandora (the pithos amulet was a big clue). What's your angle? We know you're a lying liar who lies. What are you playing at? [Edit] Then again, I'm not entirely sure we do know who set Dex up. Maybe Pandora did the marking--it fits her MO--but the amulet mind-control thing could've been Voltaire trying to frame her or something. I'm not entirely sure. I might need to reread that arc. [/Edit] Edward is not amused. He was ready to go into so much exposition. He had charts ready and everything. I'd describe Elliot's reaction as... nonplussed, is the first word that comes to mind. It's the eyebrows, really. Everyone else is shocked or angry. Elliot is nonplussed.
  18. Things That Are Just Annoying

    We fixed the air conditioner. But it still ends up at 80 degrees because people keep bumping the temperature up. What was the point of fixing air conditioner if you're not going to use it? I find it ridiculously annoying when I end up going to a picture/caption website for something like "20 bizarre Google Maps finds" or something...and instead of one or two pages with pictures and text below them, it's... Page 1: Intro. Page 2: First picture. Page 3: First picture, with text below it. Page 4: Second picture. Page 5: Second picture, with text. Page 6: Third picture... And so on. Sometimes there's two pages of text, usually like one sentence each. This turns what could be one or two pages into about thirty pages. Often with so many ads that it takes forever to load each page! Speaking of ads: Wikia. While the Wikia layout itself is fine, the excessive ads make it very hard to even scroll down to the next paragraph. Ads sometimes expand or collapse when you're reading, resulting in all the text jumping up and down. The wiki has a series-relevant background image...that is rapidly overtaken by an ad for WoW or something. This could be a problem with my laptop (darn seven-year-old technology) and my terrible Wi-Fi signal, but still.