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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I think the solution to stripped screws is to go buy new screws. Or are they somehow stuck in place already screwed in? Might need a bolt cutter and/or a serious complaint to the company the kennels were purchased from. Perhaps accompanied by a disputed credit card charge if they can't provide satisfaction,
  2. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Opposite problem, remember. And I didn't eat any rice today.
  3. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Nowhere near as bad a deal as the two of you seem to have, but... I seem to react badly to something common in Chinese food. There's one buffet near work, and when I eat there, lately there have been several times when the result was, well, Bristol 6 to 7. It doesn't always happen, and it has occasionally happened after visiting other Chinese places. Not only do I love Chinese food, but it is one of the few ways to have a variety of vegetables that I actually enjoy. I consider it one of the healthier options for me to eat, and I really don't want to have to stop eating Chinese. Best plan I can think of is to get a carryout box and get samples of my favorites, and then try one a day and see which one or ones cause the problem. At least I seem to have reassured myself that it's not the milk they serve there, something many Chinese places don't even have available, let alone with unlimited refills. I don't drink milk as often as I should, but I have drunk it and not had this issue. But everything else I eat there is so yummy and healthy, I'd hate to not be able to eat any of it.
  4. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    No reason not to. Other than they might recommend bloodwork if you think he's not feeling well. A groomer should be willing to trim his nails, too. Possible, but it's notoriously difficult for humans to judge whether pets have a fever or not, because their normal body temperature is higher than ours. They always feel "too warm" to us, so it's hard to judge the difference between "a bit too warm" and "just a little bit more too warm."
  5. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    FeLV requires close contact for transmission, bite wounds or shared food and water dishes or mutual grooming. As long as they don't put him in the same cage as another cat, and practice basic sanitation of cleaning dishes between cats, there's no danger to any other cats there from him. Plus, adult cats are pretty resistant to it; it's mostly kittens or elderly cats who are at risk.
  6. The Weather.

    So much worse than a mere sharknado, it's a Sharkicane!!! (Yes, "worse" can apply to Sharknado movies in so many ways....)
  7. Story Wednesday September 6, 2017

    e) They might have spotted the cloaked figure in the center of the mall, or some of the commotion cause by it, seeing as Dan put in a number of background reactions that Elliot and Ashley were oblivious to.
  8. Story Monday September 4, 2017

    Yes, but shower caps stretch and some are bigger than others. Plus, if your hair is up out of the way, you can wash the rest of you and not put your head under the water flow; only the outer layer gets a little damp from the odd reflected spray and that's trivial to dry off after.
  9. Story Monday September 4, 2017

    Trust me, fuller or thicker hair is easier to get into a braid or bun than fine, thin hair is. One reason I eventually gave in and cut it -- over the years it got finer and thinner, and just wasn't as easy to manage and didn't look as good loose or braided.
  10. The Weather.

    Looking at images from the Carribean, it's already scarey. Hope Florida doesn't get clobbered as hard as it's looking like it will. Meanwhile, we're still having unseasonably cool weather, with highs we usually see in mid-October. I don't usually need my jacket this early in the year!
  11. Story Monday September 4, 2017

    My hair was long enough that I could sit on the end of the braid when it was braided. If you're not familiar with braiding hair, it usually shortens it by at least a third. I will admit that my hair wasn't as thick (meaning individual strands) or full (meaning number of hairs per square inch / total number of hairs present) as some friends I've had who were of Indian or Native American descent, but Susan isn't either of those, either. ;-)
  12. My Grandmother's Funeral (Sorry)

    I'm glad you were at least able to see pictures of the funeral. Not as good as being there, but at least you were a part of it as much as you could be. If you were in the hospital and couldn't make it because of that, it would be sad but no one would think less of you; this is absolutely no different. Your health has made you less mobile, and you just can't get there, through no fault of your own. So, what do you think your grandma would think of it all? Was she the sort to pooh-pooh all the rigamarole and expense, or would she find it heartwarming and comforting? I've seen everything from someone buried in an Angry Birds T-shirt, to a client buried with the ashes of her beloved miniature schnauzer tucked into the crook of her arm. Can you think of one thing you think she would have liked to be buried with? (You don't have to answer any of this, I just find some people like to talk about their loved one at a time like this, but don't know where to start or whether anyone would be interested. I am, and here's one option. :-)
  13. NP Monday September 4, 2017

    But you don't mind spoiling them for everyone else besides him?
  14. Story Monday September 4, 2017

    Um, yeah, isn't that what I just said? My hair was that long, and I could easily braid it, wrap the braid into a bun, and pin it in place with either a few bobby pins or a pencil or somesuch stuck through it. Put the shower cap over that and you're good to go. My hair needs washing a lot more often now that it's short. Not sure why, maybe I'm not able to brush it and redistribute the natural oils along the full length anymore? Can't speak to that. Only times I tried, it couldn't lift it all, or even hold it up if someine lifted it up manually. And there was one time a teacher started up one of these electrical gizmos, and I started getting zapped enough that I left the room. Never happened any other time, not sure why it did that time.
  15. Story Monday September 4, 2017

    When I had hair that long, it was actually a lot easier to manage. I'd usually wash it before bed, put a towel over my pillow, and let it dry overnight. If I washed it during the day, I'd wrap it up in a towel and let it blot dry. It might be a bit damp after I unwrapped it, but it was long enough, and thus heavy enough, that it didn't go anywhere so I could just put a towel around my shoulders if it wasn't dry yet and go on about my business. Now, with shorter hair, I have to blow dry it, or if I just let it dry on my pillow it ends up sticking up every which way. The only real down side to thick long hair was spending more on shampoo and conditioner. Yeah, if you don't need to wash it, just braid it, curl it in a bun, and stick a pencil or some bobby pins in to hold it in place. Then a shower cap can cover it no problem. But it does need to get washed just as often as short hair does. Dunno about wet hair, but I always found those things couldn't lift my super long hair. Too much weight per strand, I guess.
  16. Things that make you MAD

    Someone else's pain doesn't lessen yours any.
  17. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Here, now you can give two!
  18. Pinup Aug 31 2017

    Peace through totalitarianism or through wiping out the human race would both combine the two. ;-P
  19. Things that make you sad.

    That sucks. You would think they could change that more easily than you can change your appointment. Still, it's the time you had together while she was alive that's important. Perhaps you and your sister can get together to share memories on the weekend?
  20. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Well, you could try putting a litterbox in the tub, see if he'll consent to using it if it's in what he considers the right location. I had friends who just kept one of their cats' litterboxes in the bathtub of the spare bathroom as a matter of course, feeling it was the best out-of-the-way spot they could find. If he'll use it, make sure you keep it really clean for a while so it's more likely he'll go on liking it.
  21. What Are You Ingesting?

    Would nuking the oatmeal a bit get rid of some of the excess water? Seems to work with the instant version, anyway....
  22. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Gotta say, I'm with her on this one. I'd be working on making sure the paths are wide enough for your walker to get through, too, and using that as much as possible. It really is safer than a cane when it comes to falls, from what I've seen with both parents and with friends with surgeries and/or disabilities. I took piano from an early age, but too much playing classical pieces and not enough learning how to improv. Tried flute, but despite everyone's promises I would, I never got past the headache stage and finally gave up. Took guitar in college, enjoyed it, but it fell by the wayside during vet school. I recently did a "ukulele summit" which inspired me to buy one, haven't had enough chance to play it so far but seems a good compromise, much easier to carry around and can do the famous four chords on it. ;-) You'd think they'd at least have the receptionists tell people if that were the case.
  23. Story Wednesday August 30, 2017

    http://www.egscomics.com/?id=2390 No, no, Noah, go back and re-read that first panel!!!
  24. NP Wednesday August 30th, 2017

    Even something quite simple, if it demonstrates breaking the known laws of physics, could seriously mess with someone's workdview.
  25. Story Wednesday August 30, 2017

    If Adrian's response isn't "I would be honored if you would," I will be sorely disappointed in him. Of course, Adrian has probably thought similar thoughts about asking Noah to let him call him "son" but thinks Noah would see it as an insult to his late parents' memories or somesuch. Anyone else foreseeing a dramatic line, along the lines of "Get away from MY SON!!!"?