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https://www.egscomics.com/sketchbook/2024-001 Interesting, but not really practical for restaurant work. Fox's ears are much to big. Most waitresses I have ever met never hear me that well. "I wanted the salad AND the fries, please." And the tail? if it does not knock food off tables or slap the customers, it will be grabbed by someone without permission. And that will instigate an incident that will not go well for anyone involved.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024 Beefy Fox still looks threatening flexing and Nanase looks apprehensive. Why is Fox focused on her own physique? This seems like a subversion of what she's all about, a decoy or assistant. The big question is foreshadowing trouble or merely dramatic presentation. Even in the best case, she still seems like she is a bit more out of control than normal. And Fox does have a history of being competitive with Nanase in the video games. It seems to be part of her personality. So is each Fox basically a new temporary person? Or do they share some common thread? Does a new Fox remember experiences of previous Fox. It is implied they do; early on Fox made some error in front of Mrs. Kisune. She has not been shown repeating that error, needing to relearn each time. What are the moral implications of terminating a Fox? It seems that for Nanase, there are none; it is an understood aspect of having the Fox spell for her own convenience, pretty much like terminating a fairy doll is for Susan. What if someone deliberately kills Fox? Is it murder? Does the next Fox remember? Does that become a psychological burden? Does it harm Nanase? She felt some pain when her fairy dolls were terminated by Abraham. If Nanase is in her angel form, would using the Fox spell create an angel form Fox? Sadly now, I realize, I am hoping for more information. Yes, I am looking for Fox news. This is truly a sad situation. Ashley is the group's resident airhead. I find it difficult to care what she is thinking, because in a minute or two, 'Oh, there's a squirrel I should chase'. I might love my cat or dog, but generally would not ask them for actual advice. (They could be a sounding board for my own thoughts.) She did OK in the mall, though. I guess under duress she is more grounded.
NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 The point of this was for Nanase to retain her ability to think while Fox could still operate independently. Flexing and glaring does not shout "I can work independently" to me. She's keeping the same flexing stance with the same arms, that actually seems to say the opposite. The form does have the advantage of reaching the top shelf more easily.
Beefy Fox is beefy. Her full name is Flor Jaque Fox, because she can bench press a Buick. It is weird and a little threatening how Fox is measuring Nanase, like she's thinking, "If I take her out, I'm the real one."
NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 16, 2023 Tedd wants a sadistically significant series of tests. Nanase is happy with a proof of concept demonstration. Fox is happy with beating Nanase.
NP Comic for Thursday, Dec 14, 2023 I believe what we are seeing is the young adult apple Nanase not falling far from the maternal tree.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023 Don't let that get out, Nanase, your employer will expect you to be in two places at once. I don't know if it is poker face so much as Ashley has had her brain explode so often lately that she''s used to it. The smoke is a nice touch.
NP Comic for Saturday, Dec 9, 2023 I am curious about the picture on the wall in panel 2. It looks like one of Tedd's experiments. Can Nanase feel being patted on the head if she is inhabiting Fox?
NP Comic for Tuesday, Dec 5, 2023 "Math, and math alone, is to blame." - That is obviously true; why make mention of it today? Reading way too much into this, Nanase just noticed that she looks good to herself, but does not want her own thoughts to go there. Why had she never noticed this before?
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-031 Does Tedd realize that most academic research papers are not written in the form of video game reviews?
NP Comic for Saturday, Nov 18, 2023 Crazy like a fox. "You know she's a little bit dangerous . . ."
https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/fox-030 Will you pet Fox? For SCIENCE!?
NP Comic for Saturday, Nov 11, 2023 Ashley is beside herself.
NP Comic for Thursday, Nov 9, 2023 The change in magic with less power but greater flexibility appears to have greater ramifications than they were aware of. They can combine spells. Nanase doesn't quite get to tell us what her new spell was. The limitations of AI shown in a harsh light. Fox is now programmed for a task, and has no sense about when it is appropriate. (Imagine if she had the strength, and did not understand not to fold the human with the clothes. Sky Net, here we come.) Also, Kevin is aware of his obsolescence, but is oddly capable of meta reasoning about it. I wonder if he can modify his curriculum to take changes into account or if it is hard coded. He is apparently able to understand that it has changed.
NP Comic for Saturday, Oct 21, 2023 Fox is having a difficult time. Electrodes in the skull could definitely liven up the hijinks, especially if you use home tools to install them.
NP Comic for Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023 Nanase and Fox have done this before. Fox won that time. The middle panel is a bit puzzling. I have not seen peoples glasses glowing when they think. Perhaps I have not observed people actually thinking. We are pretty good at faking it. Or maybe it's a different universe thing. I think I need to make LED glasses that I can light up. It will interfere with using them to see, but it will look impressive in the right situation.
NP Comic for Thursday, Oct 12, 2023 She's really beside herself!