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NP Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019

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18 hours ago, hkmaly said:


She's NOT naked. Granted, she's not clothed either, but saying she's naked is exaggeration.

Also, I think the main reason why NPC don't reacts on other NPCs not wearing anything is that NPCs don't reacts on other NPC AT ALL. Besides avoiding colliding with them. In some games at least.

Only time I've seen NPC reacting to themselves being naked (or rather stripped to their underwear) was in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, there's a quest where the Daedric Prince Sanguine tasks you with using a spell that removes everyone's clothes (including everything the player has) at a dinner party as a way of "spicing things up a bit" the result causes the NPCs to run around panicking and because the spell is treated as an attack, the guards will attempt to arrest you. considering that's a specifically scripted event though, I don't really think it counts.

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Yay for starburst background in panel one! (For once I really mean it; it's refreshing to see a more stylized "sunburst"-like starburst, and it really adds to the fun drama of the scene.)

20 hours ago, hkmaly said:

She's NOT naked. Granted, she's not clothed either, but saying she's naked is exaggeration.

Well, if that's the least amount of clothes the game will let you wear, then in a way she's as good as naked.

Also, I think there are some cultures that don't differentiate between fully nude and wearing only underwear; at the very least I remember hearing that some of the instances in the Bible where it mentions someone being naked the author(s) likely actually meant that they were in their underwear (I'm talking about post-Flood here; it's pretty obvious from context that Adam and Eve didn't have any clothes at all in the Garden of Eden).

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1 hour ago, ChronosCat said:

Also, I think there are some cultures that don't differentiate between fully nude and wearing only underwear; at the very least I remember hearing that some of the instances in the Bible where it mentions someone being naked the author(s) likely actually meant that they were in their underwear (I'm talking about post-Flood here; it's pretty obvious from context that Adam and Eve didn't have any clothes at all in the Garden of Eden).

I wonder if this idea wasn't added by later, say Victorian, authors, who REALLY didn't believed someone would be ever naked.

Of course, getting definitive answer is harder than it seems: we have lot of art, but we also have lot of experience in how art can't be believed to faithfully depict common reality and there is little reason to expect our ancestors were more faithful.

(... not speaking about the amount of art which didn't even TRY to PRETEND it has something to do with common reality ...)

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1 hour ago, hkmaly said:

I wonder if this idea wasn't added by later, say Victorian, authors, who REALLY didn't believed someone would be ever naked.

You mean the folks who put skirts and other clothing on their furniture, so people wouldn't be over-stimulated or aroused by the sight of a table's naked legs limbs?

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