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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Showing most liked content on 08/14/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Don Edwards

    Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Swiped from another forum's discussion of "designer dogs" (aka overpriced mutts):
  2. 0 points
    Update 8/11/22 Saturday: Things have taken a backward step, as it were. I did a good deal of walking Thursday as a catch up for Wednesday's lack of a workout due to monstrous nausea overnight the previous night. When the time came to take a shower, we noticed two things: large blood blisters on the sides of both big toes, and increased edema on the left leg. My nurse called the Wound Care nurse. By the time she got there, the blood blister on the left toe had broken open. She put an alginate bandage on it and a Curlex wrap around it, then wrapped the left foot and leg in an ACE bandage. She then wrapped the right leg and foot in a double layer wrap of ACE bandages to protect the blister and compress the swollen leg. The ACE bandages are going to have to stay on all weekend, until the Wound Care nurse gets back on Monday. I'm supposed to reduce the amount of walking I do and keep the leg elevated, which means these updates are going to come few and far between. I'm sincerely hoping that my next stop isn't a stop isn't a stop upstairs in the LTAC to get hooked back up to another Bumex 24/7 IV diuretic drip again. We'll see what happens.