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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    They're Lesser Seyunolu, sure, but they wouldn't have Uryuom DNA so how would they have Uryuom Power? It's possible that the reason Hedge and Guineas could morph was because they had DNA from 2 species that would normally be incompatible with each other, but the egg compensated somehow to make it work. If the DNA was from 2 or more compatible sources, the egg wouldn't likely need to do any extra work. Also the egg may function much like a womb, maybe nutrients need to be injected on a regular basis for several months before it hatches.
  2. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    Technically, definitely, as Uryuom eggs works by mag- .... Uryuom power. Usable level, hard to say. Alternatively, if you meant to ask if human genes containing magic talent will activate in chimera, that might be even more complicated question ... I would think that if someone took DNA from 2 (or more) humans and put it in an Uryuom egg, the result would still be 100% human. I would also think that magic aptitude wouldn't be affected either, and still be up to chance whether or not the offspring became a wizard or which affinity if any they inherited from the DNA donors. Not sure if someone could have multiple affinities though, haven't really seen anything to suggest it, but there hasn't been anything to suggest it isn't possible either.
  3. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    So you're a catsup person then, eh?
  4. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Counter with Ketchup and Relish gas?
  5. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    I think the fact that we haven't seen any greater chimera shapeshift into an Uryuom form without the help of a CMD says something though, at least we should keep this in mind for the next round of Q&A's and ask about it.
  6. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    Not sure how that explains how Noah could penetrate the barrier. No, there's no force field that actually blocks stuff, but the intense heat would prevent most from getting to Dex. Sure if Noah had the ability to resist fire or cancel the effect altogether then certainly, but we don't have anything to suggest he has that. Grace had limited shapeshifting because of her multi species nature, even Hedge and Guineas could shapeshift into their respective animal forms. The difference with Grace though was both the Uryuom and Lespuko DNA that let her take full squirrel form, she could do that before she got zapped. In the case of Noah, he seems to be straight Uryuom-Human so he might not have had even limited shapeshifting until he learned how to use magic to transform into the shadow guy. I don't believe Adrian would have had access to a CMD either, he was doesn't have any connections to the Paranormal Division since he and Edward couldn't have been on speaking terms when Adrian adopted Noah.
  7. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    Sarah? I know Lisa wondered that. Sarah also wondered it.
  8. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    That's what I meant, Noah wasn't powerful enough to counter that. I don't think he would have been able to penetrate the flame barrier to knock out Dex like Grace was able to.
  9. NP Friday Oct 27, 2017

    Those were just the basics, and Dan did go further on them with the commentary, also he said he'll elaborate more in commentary as the game progresses. So I'm sure we'll get at least 90% of it figured out by the end of it.
  10. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    Also note that Noah's parents (at the very least his father) would likely have been Seyunolu, considering his father was on the side that wanted to bring Damien into the world to unite all Seyunolus. There been no evidence that he did so against his will. Noah did get knocked down for a moment though, and he wasn't powerful enough to kill it. Also we'd only seen him use 3 abilities during that, flight, the disguise and summoned weapons. He probably learned how to fight from somewhere as well. She was flying during that, and she was all over Vlad who was staying still so she'd have to be pretty quick, in fact Nanase is better at using her martial arts moves while flying than Elliot is, it's just that once Vlad got moving he was certainly faster than Nanase was. Grace would have to have I still say that Noah was able to learn magic easier than Grace could because he'd never developed his Uryuom Power so he never had to suppress the urge to use it by default when trying to use magic. Grace had been using her Uryuom Power for a while and so trying to use magic to say, shapeshift, would be harder to accomplish because she would constantly try to default to Uryuom Power to do that. She'd probably need a spell that she couldn't do with Uryuom Power, but the chances of her getting one might not be as likely.
  11. Story, Friday October 27, 2017

    She might have treated Justin the way she did because he reminded her of Rick? Maybe she had the same experience with Rick that Melissa had with Justin and when she heard about Justin from Melissa's Sister in school, it hit close to home? I think over the course of the past couple weeks, she's really been looking at how she feels about things, or maybe she's known this for a while (like back when she was trying to recruit Nanase into her group) Overall, it's possible that Diane considered gay men in a separate category than gay women back then, like "it's ok if women are gay because they don't affect me" so it's not like she would have thought all gay people were defective, just gay men.
  12. Story Wednesday Addams October 25, 2017

    Diane's a closet nerd though.
  13. Story Wednesday Addams October 25, 2017

    I think the physical contact issues and such stemmed from catching her dad with another woman so it's likely it wouldn't matter who she caught him with, though if the woman was a dark haired or redhead, she might not have dyed her hair. My line of thought was that if her dad didn't cheat, or if Susan never caught him, she might have grown up much less cynical about things and even might have considered cheerleading or something.
  14. NP Wednesday October 25, 2017

    Yeah, but I meant that the players need to have those transformation cards in their hand to begin with and play them in order to transform themselves (or others) to buy the space, like in the example, a player landed on a 2 point space, and just an animal TF wasn't enough, they needed an animal + clothing TF to buy it. Landing on a 3 point space they'd need an animal + clothing + physical tf card to transform and buy the space, if their hand only has animal and clothing cards then I guess they wouldn't be able to buy it. Also I swore I wrote this out but maybe I didn't hit submit, but in regard to what Hanma said in the last panel about a player who owns a space that another player lands on being able to transform that player but being short on cards for their turn. I'm thinking there's a strategic reason one would do so. like to prevent a player from using the shortcuts? Say Ashley had given herself a form that could use the underground shortcuts (the diagonal ones) and she lands on a 2 space that Catalina owned, if Ashley didn't steal the space because it would mean losing the form and not being able to take the shortcut, Catalina could play her cards to force a form change on Ashley and deny her the shortcut. But Catalina would risk not being able to buy another 2 or 3 space when her turn comes up.
  15. NP Wednesday October 25, 2017

    I think it's just standard monopoly style "roll dice, move x number of spaces", rolling doubles would let you move x number of spaces and then target another player to be transformed. It also hasn't been touched on, but I'm guessing that each player gets a number of cards to start with, and uses them to buy the spaces, and they need the right combination (for the 2 and 3 point spaces) of cards or else they can't buy the space, like they land on one of the corner 3's but only have animal and clothing cards in their hand, they can't buy the space because they don't have a physical card.
  16. Story Wednesday Addams October 25, 2017

    Dan showed us long ago that Susan wanted to avoid being seen as a cheerleader type because of the fact that it was a young blonde cheerleader type that she caught her dad having an affair with. I think we'll be getting to that soon though, but hopefully Diane learned from the last time she judged someone for not dating and won't make that mistake again.
  17. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I'd be more worried if mlooney mentioned having a rats nest. If it was actual rats it wouldn't be much of an issue, but if it was anything like this: I'd say burn the place and start over.
  18. NP Monday October 23, 2017

    Considering he posted the rules to Sumo recently (after having thought they were lost forever). I think he'll post the goonmanji 2 rules as well, from what I gathered, it seems like he's only going to touch on the basics this week, but expand on them as the game plays out both in comic and in commentary. So we'll just have to make sure to read everything.
  19. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    Maybe it was they was you worded the post, I got the impression that you was thinking the sparkles were actually happening. I was just trying to say that it'd be more obvious if they were. That's just an indication that Charlotte didn't tell anyone about the doll before she mentioned it to Nanase. But Dan had left the readers with the obvious question of "Nanase made 2 dolls, 1 was taken with Ellen and later destroyed, what happened to the other one?" I dunno if anyone actually asked that question though as I wasn't actively reading/on the forums back then.
  20. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    They were hiding in a section that security cameras couldn't see and Ashley said it was all clear. Also there were no sparkles there either, the entire sequence was exaggerated for the reader. Even Dan stated as such in the commentary: The only time there was a light that people noticed was when Elliot transformed into Cheerleadra.
  21. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    And what about the other mall goers? I would think that after the previous week's excitement, there'd be more than a few people looking out for anything unusual. A section of corridor lighting up in sparkles would certainly draw someone's attention.
  22. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    That's what I meant when I said I didn't think she'd go that far, I don't see her having been passionate about another guy besides Elliot. Though we're not sure if she still wants to pursue Elliot after seeing what he can do and his interaction with Ashley. I meant guys rubbing her feet, get yer mind outta the gutter. Considering Diane didn't comment on the sparkles, I would say they were for our visual entertainment only, each time Tedd glowed, there was always a reaction from those nearby except in the one case where Grace and Elliot weren't looking but the flash did actually light up the room.
  23. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    Alright, she'd probably accept foot rubs.
  24. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    I honestly don't think she went that far with guys, I think Elliot might have been the first person she thought of doing things with.
  25. Story Monday October 23, 2017

    The hair on the "young teen" is darker than Francine's hair, when Francine first appeared I speculated that she might be related to Duck because of the same hair style, but maybe Dan just likes using that style from time to time when drawing a bunch of extras in the comic. Also while the herd does seem to appear out of nowhere from our perspective, it's not unheard of for a group of teens to be seen moving through a mall like that, I've always veered out of their path in advance though so I've never had to use any fancy footwork to dodge.