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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    Ellen's FV5 beam transforms others, the copy beam transforms herself, that alone would suggest that the mechanics of the copy beam is different. She refers to it as a beam, but there's no substance to it, the target doesn't feel anything apparently, Brownie doesn't react to getting 'zapped' and I would be very surprised if she remained that calm if Ellen V5 zapped her. It's obvious that Pandora was the one that tried to guide Magus and told him that the only way to get a physical body again would be to have Elliot get zapped. Between Grace's Birthday and Sister II, we see Pandora meeting with Magus, she states "Twice bid for freedom, twice failed." We know for sure that one attempt was just before Grace's birthday party started, was the other attempt when Tedd originally zapped Elliot, we know Magus amplified Tedd's emotions to get him angry at Elliot's comment and zap him...but because Magus didn't take advantage of Elliot being transformed for the party, it's probably safe to say that the TFG isn't suitable for Magus getting his body back, so it was just the setup to create Ellen, who's FV5 beam is suitable. There's no real indication that an actual attempt to get Ellen to zap Elliot was made though so maybe Magus hoped for a certain set of circumstances that never happened. As for Pandora predicting things, it's been pretty clear that she's selective about what she wants to predict and what she wants to be surprised by, she didn't want to predict how successful Magus would be in getting a body back, as for predicting Nanase's guardian form, I think she knew Nanase was going to get it the moment Nanase started trying to warn Ellen. Also It's been very recently made clear that Pandora does care about those that are close to Tedd, so helping Nanase would fit that. As for Magus refusing to kill Abraham, I don't think Pandora was in the mood for whether or not she could predict the outcome. We do know that she didn't want to predict who would with the fight between Abraham and Adrian, but once Adrian was badly hurt, she didn't care about predictions, she wanted Abraham killed. The idea is, and Pandora emphasizes it in Sister II, that Magus needs the Dewitchery Diamond to get his body back. So the basic plan is to get Ellen to zap and force Magus into Elliot's body, which would FV5 Elliot, but Magus should be able to get Elliot to morph back to male, then it's just a matter of touching the diamond and having it split Magus from Elliot.
  2. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    I don't know, I don't think so though since the beam is invisible and it transforms her and not the target. Also the copy beam requires Ellen to be in close range so might not be enough room for Magus, and the copy beam might not even have the same level of energy that Magus needs to push him into Elliot.
  3. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    She was mainly trying to transform Not_Tengu, maybe thinking it would stun him the same way it stunned the goo, not entirely sure what would have happened if she succeeded, a FV5ed Not_Tengu would probably still have been difficult to fight. Jerry knew about Ellen's copy spell, but he likely didn't know about Ellen's lack of desire to use it on males. So his attempt to make it clear that Ellen should use her spell on Nanase's guardian form was just to ensure that she had that idea to do that, not leaving the snow angels for her to notice wouldn't have increased the chance of her trying to copy him. Catgirl Heidi might come pre-catniped, just as normal Heidi includes the "any outward signs of drunkennes are purely for show" bit. (Also, seconding that yes) Thirded.
  4. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    But the conversation Sarah and Elliot had, that Sarah flashbacked to in MV5 suggests that Ellen wears sexy outfits more often than we've seen, though the really skimpy clothes like that sweater dress over short shorts would be more rare. I do agree though that Ellen still defaults to what Elliot likes fairly often, we do know she has other styles of clothes, but it doesn't seem to vary much and still looks like something Elliot could wear. I'm not even entirely sure if Ellen owns any sexy outfits, the sweater dress she wore in MV5 was Nanase's, as was the large neck shirt she wore back in New and Old Flames, her and Nanase ended up swapping back later, and the skimpy dress she was wearing when her and Grace were planning the birthday party was one she got for Grace. Heck, I'm pretty certain that the white with light coloured sleeves shirt that Ellen and Nanase swapped is the same shirt that Elliot bought when he was first transformed and needed something to wear to school, the black sleeved version we see Ellen with later might have been bought at the same time since Elliot thought he was stuck as a girl for a month, can't wear the same outfit every day. I don't doubt that Ellen's bought herself new clothes at some point, most likely any summer clothing would have been her choice (maybe with the help of Nanase) but it does seem like a lot of the sexy stuff is Nanase's. I do wonder if the awkwardness that Elliot spoke of in the MV5 flashback was Ellen asking Elliot to morph sexy outfits for her, we know that the clothing morphs last for about a day so she could wear them on a date or to school an not worry about wardrobe malfunctions, though I guess one way to avoid Ellen's morphed outfit from suddenly morphing back into Elliot's shirt and pants and being too loose, Elliot could morph into Ellen, put on her cloths, then morph the clothes into something else that would still fit Ellen even if the enchantment wore off.
  5. The Justin/Susan Dynamic

    Other half of the world for one, maybe? Or one of the many alternate realities that she may be able to travel to at some point?
  6. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    For all we know, the last time Elliot saw or heard anything about Ellen reading her spellbook was when she got her Copy spell. Elliot probably felt that Ellen would show him any new spells she got, but at the same time Ellen's probably held back on showing him anything until he read his spellbook first.
  7. More Speculation.

    It's true, you live in a place long enough, the scenery becomes so familiar that you may not even notice if something changes, where as someone who's visiting for the first time are like "OOOOH, AAAHHH!"
  8. What Are You Ingesting?

    I'm having some mushroom flavoured Mr. Noodles, 2 packs, with some of that herb and lotsa garlic seasoning mix as well as 3 slices of Kraft cheese. The cheese pretty much completely dissolved in the water so it kind of looks like a watered down cream of mushroom soup with noodles, but it still tastes good.
  9. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    Dan did say that because EGS has multiple universes, it could be possible for the cast to visit an alternate reality that's in the 1970's(read commentary). I was assuming he meant C in HEX, which turns out to be 12 as well so... ::shrugs::
  10. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    Neither Rick nor Elijah wore a turtleneck, Rick's shirt is the same shade as the pigtailed girl's sweater dress but Elijah's wearing a light T-shirt over a black long sleeved shirt, also both have darker hair than the girls. I can't say for certain what Dan's process it for drawing a scene, but most tend to draw people first to set poses and such, then draw the props like furniture, so that leg would have to match up with the girl's body, it just that we don't see how because furniture and other bodies are in the way, it's either the left leg of the short haired girl, or the left leg of the pigtailed girl whom we only see the arm of in the second panel. If you flip ahead a few pages, we see the two girls making out and you can see the short haired girl's pants do go to her ankles and she's wearing light coloured socks, would make sense to see that detail, as our view is low enough to see it, but Rhea's shoulder seam could now be matched with the top of the shoulder, like where it rounds off is where the seam is. The punch didn't start taking effect until a few pages later though. What? If you mean this page, note that this is after more punch, meaning not only more alcohol but also more enchantment. They probably aren't lesbian, but the enchantment is turning them into Nanases, who IS lesbian. Dan's commentary on that page suggests it wasn't just the alcohol and not the enchantment, the alcohol likely helped turn them from "just pretending in order to get the guys riled up" to "hey, I really like this, let's find an out of the way spot and keep going" but it's very possible that they're now dating. Also the punch didn't make them look like Nanase until after the guys were turned into girls. Ellen and Nanase saw their first kiss, they didn't comment on how the pigtailed girl looked like Nanase at that time.
  11. All of time and all of space....

    How about convincing the creator of the GIF format that it is in fact GIF and not JIF!
  12. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2340 That's either a new look for Pandora's crazy chaos form. Or.....werewolves? Judging by the bottom right face.
  13. Story: Wednesday April 26, 2017

    Well, that doesn't leave any exceptions, guess we all better not drink any alcohol ever again.
  14. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    The angle of the "camera" change significantly between panels. Panel 1 appears to be from a standing person of average height's perspective, and panel is someone crouching behind the couch. There is also a little more distance between the "camera" and Rhea in the second panel which would make her look smaller. Also, that's not rick standing in front of Rhea, it's those two "lesbians" from the previous page. BTW, if you really want a conspiracy theory, you should ask why the pigtailed girl looks a lot like extra-girly Tedd.
  15. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    I don't think so, Diane's body covers Rhea's skirt. Rhea's also got dark skin which isn't seen in the second panel because again Diane covers that. Notice as well that the white streak from Diane's dive also affects the shading of the floor lamp, TV and couch.
  16. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    The only mention of LARPing that I can think of was during So a Date, when Tara zoomed past Rick, Elijah and Rhea, and Dan clarifying what LARPers were in the commentary makes me believe it had never been mentioned before. Tensaided did ask Grace if she'd be interested in joining his RPG group, I'm wondering if she took him up on that and at some point couldn't make it to a session so asked Ellen and Nanase to fill in for her.
  17. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=609 That kid looks a lot like the one from "Flipping Cardboard" that announced Nanase's arrival, and who also swooned when Melissa entered. If so, it really is no surprise that he'd noticed Grace's changing and intentionally try to get her to change in front of him. Also, the person in the background, can't tell if they are a guy or a girl, turns into a cow girl I think, got the horn and what I hope in an ear.
  18. On culture appropriation

    Tera Online is probably the worst offender I can think of when it comes to bikini "armor". Just googling "Tera Online armor" would give you plenty of examples if that blog hasn't already done so.
  19. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    That was one of Tensaided's D&D sessions.
  20. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    The makeout that I linked was days after Elliot and Sarah started dating, and even at Grace's birthday, Elliot didn't show signs of questioning how he really felt about Sarah. Elliot and Ashley's goodnight kiss is days after Elliot asked her out as well so there and Elliot's feeling toward Ashley are pretty strong. Mind you, chances are good that Elliot will still feel this way about Ashley 6 months or so down the road, as opposed to how Elliot went back to behaving as if Sarah and him were just friends and dates were basically hanging out together.
  21. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    Hedge and Guineas are lesser chimeras, as they only have human and animal DNA, their shapeshifting is also limited to shifting between human and their animal forms. Vlad(ia) is a greater chimera and (in theory) is able to gain new forms like Uryuoms do, the reason she almost killed herself when she first attempted to shapeshift might have been due to the large number of different types of animal DNA making things unstable until Ellen zapped her, though it's still a theory as Vladia refuses take any chances. Grace having Lespuko DNA allows greater control of her shapeshifting and lets her mix and match features. If Ellen and Nanase were to have Grace create an egg for them to have a child with, if it was just their DNA involve, then the child would probably still be considered a lesser chimera because of how it was conceived. However, because the child would be a Human/Human lesser chimera, they might not have any shapeshifting ability as there technically isn't a secondary form for them to shapeshift into like Hedge and Ginease have. I have a feeling that the nature of the egg allows it to allow greater compatibility between species, in the case of two different species conceiving through the egg, the resulting child would have the best of both worlds. Same species children wouldn't differ from their parent species aside from maybe the egg screening out any genetic defects the parents might have. That makeout session didn't really last long due to complcations in coordination.
  22. Dan's re-evaluated his patreon milestones, mainly dealing with the "Dan's Choice" portion, but also added that it seemed pointless to have the Goonmanji sequel as a milestone because what would be do with the slot after the comic is completed? So he's removed it BUT will still created the comic anyway and let patrons vote on who would take part in it. Someone had already suggested Ashley be part of it which I agree, it'd be fun to she her reactions to the mayhem, but I also added Diane and Charlotte because I want to seen how Diane would play with Ashley as well as Charlotte. And then to make it 4 players, I threw in Sam, no particular reason other than to get him initiated in non-canon hijinks.
  23. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    This looks very close, and note that Elliot considered that kiss to be a meal.
  24. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    I still say the old man was taking his final breaths just prior to Sirleck possessing him, Sirleck said "No, old man, you don't get to die yet." which to me says that Sirleck put his death on hold to get his wealth set up he can pick it up with the next host. Of course, as people said, the butler may just be temporary to be able to finish the plan, and it is unknown for certain if all hosts can be released without killing them, but I'd like to think that it's a possibility healthier hosts could survive being separated from a body snatcher like Sirleck.
  25. NP: Friday April 28, 2017

    He surely would have seen both Nanase and Justin casting illusions (as they both did during the Flipping Cardboard story) maybe when he learned Grace had been their friend before she started working at the store, he might have thought maybe she had some special tricks and paid more attention to her, eventually catching some of her change blindness play. Maybe it became a game to him to spot any changes she might make to herself.