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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story: Wed, Aug 3, 2016

    http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1833 No Tedd's not doing anything that risks a system change. Yeah, but Tedd's ability does allow him to basically write out an encyclopedia of spells and how they work. That might be worthy of being a dangerous rarity, considering he hasn't actually created said encyclopedia and his notes likely wouldn't be made public because Edward wouldn't approve, that would mean that someone else have been keeping notes that are nearly as accurate as Tedds and plans on making them public at some point. Theory: Luke has a spell that lets him detect who has magic, it doesn't really give much detail other that differentiate between normal magic and Uryuom Power. His friends have also been marked and have some sort of spells that we currently don't know what they are yet. If they've been researching magic trying to figure out what they have and how to get more...They don't have DGB telling them they need to keep a lid on it and they have no idea that it should be kept secret. They've been laying low about it so far because it would probably make people think they're crazy if they do anything before they have more information to back them up.
  2. Games of the XXXI Olympiad

    GO CANADA! I didn't really have many hopes for my country doing well in the summer games, We're more Winter Games focused.
  3. Note that when Tedd said he'd been in Grace form for 15 hours, he didn't just immediately turn back to normal, he had to use the watch to change back, so Tedd could have gone even longer if he wanted to. Not saying there isn't an absolute limit to the duration of an enchantment, just doesn't seem like 15 hours is it, Tedd did also say that transformed clothing transform back after a day when not benefiting from a person's resistance, so considering clothing doesn't actively resist enchantments giving a 24 hour duration, I would expect that a person not actively resisting an enchantment should also make it last 24 hours. The TFG having a 30 duration is likely because it uses a form of Uryuom Power which is different than Magic so it would likely have it's own rules of resistance.
  4. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    Yeah, all the skill training, excel spreadsheets and ISK that needs to be saved up just to buy a Wyvern is insane. Only to just get it popped 4 days later by Goonswarm.
  5. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    Sorry, not sure how that happened, was supposed to be "but I can still see Dan...."
  6. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    True, but I can still Dan using that idea as inspiration for the 200 rule.
  7. Story: Wed, Aug 3, 2016

    I'm wondering if Immortals are dependent on the magic system as it is now. Like, as DW said "how magic power can be gained..." maybe Immortals wouldn't be able to mark people or awaken them anymore if the system changed? Though it's probably just as likely Immortals and those that already have magic and spells would just automatically migrate to the new system.
  8. Yeah, on the cover page for Painted Black VI.
  9. You know, now that you mention that, this subject probably would have been better done as a sequence, the first stage with default female Tedd, and stages 2-4 being being decent, and stage 5 being "Whoops! Too much"
  10. Games of the XXXI Olympiad

    I would think that having a race around a normal olympic sized track, at the speeds Maxima would run, would probably spawn a tornado in the stadium. Indy is a 4km Track, Talladega though is a 4.28km track.
  11. Pinup Wed, Aug 3rd

    Interesting how the glasses turned into half frames in the third stage.
  12. I honestly don't know how someone would think Tedd finding out how much was too much would be sexy. Sketchbook material? Yeah, I can see that. As a pinup? When I saw the option in the polls I was like "Why?" I was hoping for Panda Ashley personally.
  13. We know Susan didn't like being tall and lanky looking, so this probably feels more comfortable to her. Sarah was jealous of both Nanase and her own sister for having bigger boobs, so her form makes her feel more confident.
  14. Considering the tea affects clothing as experienced by Carol, if Téa spills any on her, bye bye apron.
  15. NP, Friday July 29, 2016

    Ellen is more restricted by the fact that she needs to be nearby the person or animal she wants to copy, if she's in a crowd, not a problem, but alone... Elliot at least has the freedom to change whenever which helped him get out of those ropes at The Nest.
  16. Story: Wed, Aug 3, 2016

    Yeah, I got the impression from the "why does that sound..." as something she would have likely experienced or hear about in a previous incarnation, and she's probably thinking "Ok he probably does have a legitimate reason for being here. Even though he is using a backarsewards method of communicating." I'm guessing she's going to be interesting in finding out who gave DW the spell and why they had him use that to contact Grace rather than being more direct. If whatever handles how magic works is an actual being, Pandora might be tempted to find this being and try to prevent it from doing a system change, that likely would not go over too well for anyone. Another possibility would be that she realizes that what she's doing would likely end up doing more harm than good for Adrian and try to unclog the flow of magic and remove some of the marks she'd already given (if that's possible without awakening them). She might also have to find a way to destroy any of the research that had been gathered so far as well. I'm actually beginning to wonder if Voltaire is involved in this somehow. Giving a person a spell that lets them go into a specific person's dreams and only have knowledge of who the person is and what message needs to be conveyed, but not remember any of it when awake seems like something Voltaire would do.
  17. Sarah's Magic

    Despite what Pandora said about what could happen if Sarah told Edward about the mark and spell, I'd think Edward would still do his best to protect her, he's apparently got enough pull in the FBI that they couldn't fire him after the incident with Abraham, so he should be able to go to the head guys and go "She's off limits unless she herself chooses to work here." Then Edward would likely warn Sarah that he wouldn't be able to do anything should she use her powers for bad stuff or decide to work for another group.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least 1 person that looks at that and is like "Ooooh beanbag chairs!" I know better though, pretty certain that wouldn't be any more comfortable for Tedd than it is now.
  19. NP Wednesday, August 3, 2016

    Umm...that's Monday's (technically) NP.
  20. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    I kinda think maybe ageing for Immortals is very similar to Humans. As Jerry put it, when an Immortal passes 200, they start getting more clairvoyant and more powerful, and more bored. Kinda like someone who's turned 65 and retired, they don't (normally) have to work, so they're always trying to find stuff to do. Pandora at 150 was like the 45-50 year old that decided what they were doing wasn't fulfilling and basically had a midlife crisis. Now as they get older than 200, the chance of getting Immortal's version of alzheimer's or dementia or something increases. The Immortals rule of reset at 200 is similar to that one race of people in Star Trek:TNG where they have a tradition of assisted suicide at 60 because they believe that going at their peak is better than allowing themselves to become a burden to family and society.
  21. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    She wasn't the main reason the NP is canon. And I quote from here: Basically Lavender being in the office was something that readers would have expected in canon anyway, but what really cemented the fact was Edward's comments about zombies and variants that could pass as zombies had the tone of "this is how these things work in EGS", a non canon comic likely wouldn't have had Edward exposit the way he did.
  22. NP, Monday, August 1, 2016

    Yeah, a lot of the dates that Dan had put out correspond to the year he started the comic which was in 2002. 2013 also matches the timeline and the second year in EGS is following 2014 so far so good. The issue, as you point out, is the leap year, which if we follow the original 2002 layout, 2004 is a leap year so year 3 of EGS would presumably have 29 days in February, however if we go by the 2013 layout, 2015 is not a leap year, 2016 is so EGS year 4 would have to be a leap year. The next possible match for 2002 would be 2019 AND 2020 is a leap year, so we'll be close to confirming or debunking that possibility soon enough. After all that though, 2030 is the next possible match with 2032 being the leap year and so basically it's an exact match for 2002 with 2004 leap year. That's pretty far ahead considering what they're currently using technology wise. But then again, technology in EGS has developed quite rapidly over it's year.
  23. Story Monday August 1, 2016

    Extremely crazy might be a bit harsh, Disco Wizard did state he sensed "a bit of instability", as I stated before, the fact that she has family that she cares about might have helped her keep focus longer than most Immortals would, if she didn't have Adrian, living past the reset date would likely have been more boring for her since all she'd likely have been doing was playing tricks on people and stuff. Voltaire could also be past his reset date as his behaviour and monologue about plan CM suggests a bit of instability there too.
  24. NP, Monday, August 1, 2016

    The is a timeline that was put together a while back by forum members, but Dan's been pretty vague about the actually dates ever since pretty much New Years. Squirrel Prophet starts with a conversation between Tedd and Edward that was stated to have happened January 2nd, but there's not mention of exactly when Identity takes place. I firmly believe that Identity covers the first week of school after the holidays which would be from the 6th to the 9th with the card tournament for Squirrel Prophet being on the 10th and So a Date, Playing with Dolls, and Question Mark being on the 11th. This would of course make Sister 3 cover the 12th to whenever.
  25. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Yes, she is, Dan covered that in the "New and Old Flames" story arc on what happened after Edward got reassigned. Last we saw her with Edward was in the "Zombie Plans" NP which is canon. Not sure when that story takes place in canon though, it's definitely cold so maybe anytime between November and just before "Squirrel Prophet" takes place.