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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!

Amiable Dorsai

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Everything posted by Amiable Dorsai

  1. Story Monday May 24, 2021

    Evolved on this world or one of its analogs, left and then returned? An expatriate returning to their original country is not usually thought of as an immigrant from the country they had lived in. By analogy, Uryuoms returning to Earth after a time in space would not be from outer space. Bit of a stretch, maybe. Yet another alternate universe? Uryuoms not having space-faring technology would explain their inability to dominate bronze-age humans. But that leaves a whiff of smoldering continuity in the air. Or perhaps they are from the same side of this world as the Griffins. That could explain how they could have coexisted with humans since the time of ancient Egypt and still be a secret on this side of the world. Not to worry, Dan will explain it in a decade or so. Which will be about a month in continuity.
  2. The Weather.

    Clouds of virus seem to be dissipating, but don't let down your guard. Expect occasional faces to be visible.
  3. Is this thing on?

    The irony was not lost on me. I've been checking in now and again, hoping that this resource, and more importantly this community, was not gone with so much else. There is a Facebook group, but it simply isn't the same. You've checked in, I may make mention on Facebook, can you think of a way we might alert the others that Brigadoon has reappeared from the mist?
  4. Is this thing on?

    Let's give a big hand to Michigan J. Frog! <Wild Applause> Hey, your Highness, how've you been?
  5. Is this thing on?

    <Taps microphone> Hello?
  6. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Coming to this a bit late, but I have long said that Trump had turned me from someone who felt no allegiance to either major party into a Yellow-Dog Democrat--that is, someone who would vote for a yellow dog rather than The Donald. Bernie Sanders may yet make a liar out of me. He strikes me as a "True Believer" who is willing to wreck any and everything to achieve his vision. History is garlanded with the corpses of the victims of such men. Less dramatically, from truly hideous architecture (See Tom Wolfe's From Bauhaus to Our House), to the Prohibitionists' inadvertent creation of organized crime in the US, to the attempts of Iconoclasts of all ages to erase cultural history, single-minded pursuit of The One True Vision has usually left chaos and misery in its wake. And yes, I know, Donald's cynical opportunism has also saddled us with problems that will take generations to fix. Both men make me more grateful than ever for the US system of checks and balances.
  7. Things That Are Just Annoying

    ProfessorTomoe's car alarm problem reminds me that I had my own alarm problem last week. An alarm went off in my neighborhood just as I was drifting off one evening last week. My annoyance grew by an order of magnitude when Mrs. Dorsai reported that it was our car. She turned it off remotely after looking out the window and seeing no intruder near the car, but 15 minutes later it went off again. Not wishing to start troubleshooting at midnight, I went outside in my pajamas and disconnected the battery. Shortening a much too long story, I finally found a broken wire in the rear hatch. At a guess, it was falsely signaling to the car's computer that the hatch was suddenly open with no key involved. Fixing the wire, and replacing a few dodgy-looking ones has, so far, fixed the problem.
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Please forgive the late reply, I'm still catching up. I wonder how much of the remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day is simply due to FDR's eloquence? "Yesterday, December 7th 1941, a day which will live in infamy...." Certainly, remembering that line once helped me on a history test at a time rather farther from 1941 than we are from 2001. That said, I personally don't think I'll ever forget the morning when bemusement became incredulity became horror.
  9. Story Friday September 06, 2019

    Snerk. Many years ago, Mrs Dorsai, who knew precisely what she was doing, embarrassed him quite bit when she asked him how he liked her new fanny pack.
  10. Story Friday September 06, 2019

    One of the things that used to trip up a friend of mine from Oxford is the fact that when our east-west interstates (even-numbered for your convenience) hit Lake Michigan they turn southward. While this is cheaper and more logical than tunneling under a Great Lake, the road signs don't change. This meant the signs kept telling him he was on "East 94" when he knew damned well he was going south and had been for some time. After complaining about it a bit, he admitted this was not the most confusing thing he had encountered in the USA.
  11. Story Friday September 06, 2019

    Nah, Chicago boy, born and bred. More difficult for me to make side trips these days. but you never know...
  12. Story Friday September 06, 2019

    Yeah, good to see you too. I won't go into why I've been gone (medical, boring, take care of your pancreas, trust me on this) this feels like home, in many ways. I wish I could invite you all to my real home, for a chat.
  13. Story Friday September 06, 2019

    It's cruel of me, I suppose, because it would hurt her, but I wanna see Grace go all Bruce Lee on magic steroids. And I want Tony to be there.
  14. This Day In History

    I believe that was the point being made, yes. Along with a large initial volume of air, usually quickly supplemented by new air pouring through the places where the stained glass windows used to be.
  15. This Day In History

    I once saw a fascinating documentary about arson and arsonists that made the observation that churches in general are essentially built the same way one lays a campfire--a hollow space arched over with firewood.
  16. This Day In History

    Shortly thereafter,John Marshall is declared Judo Champion of North America. Also, the principle of emergent properties is discovered.
  17. This Day In History

    Sadly, they were, but her manager ran off with the barrel and hired a younger, prettier woman to pretend to be Annie.
  18. To the forum at large

    I can only echo the hopes that you get better and my very best wishes.
  19. Things You Find Amusing

    It couldn't happen to a nicer gang of thugs. Once upon a time, back before the first Mayor Daley's doze became permanent, a friend had his car towed from a space he was legally entitled to park in. His complaints were ignored, and he ended up paying for both the original tow and a few days of "storage" in their heavily-fortified lot. A number of us spent a good deal of time talking him out of using some of the skills he learned as a Marine in response.
  20. This Day In History

    14 September 1814 – British forces fail to batter Ft. McHenry into submission. This inspires a lawyer named Key to write a poem. It is fairly successful, as poems set to the tune of old drinking songs go.
  21. This Day In History

    Dude, it was totally on sale, think how much money we saved. Besides, that jerk, George was sniffing around it. Couldn't let him have it, he was still making a nuisance of himself in the Northwest Territories.
  22. Things You Find Amusing

    My wristwatch just texted me to tell me it was time to take a walk. This is not quite the 21st century I was expecting.
  23. This Day In History

    April 14 in history: John Wilkes Booth gives a performance at Ford's Theater so legendarily bad that people still talk about it.
  24. This Day In History

    1726 - Benjamin Harrison V, signer of the American Declaration of Independence, father of President William Henry Harrison and great-grandfather of President Benjamin Harrison, is born in His Majesty's Colony of Virginia.