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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Comic for Thursday, Sep 12, 2024

    Winded after casting a bunch of spells together. She must have metamagic, she's a sorceress.
  2. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The aura stopped. I'm in headache phase, however the ACA I took during the aura phase is keeping it to a low roar. Problem is it's gonna wear off in a couple of hours and I can't take any more for 4 hours more or less. FML
  3. Comic for Thursday, Sep 12, 2024

    It's my head canon, sorta based on what Luke told duffus about the girls he accidentally double dated, that Lucy has magic that has something to do with swords.
  4. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    There were a lot of "cost overrun issues" with that plane, plus a lawsuit about the contract, just for what it's worth. Hopefully they are made to a better standard than commercial A/C from Boeing seem to be of late.
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Flat on my back, using the Chromebook, hoping I don't get a full migraine. Will know in 30-45 minutes.
  6. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Damn it, starting to get auras out of the fucking blue. Gonna take ASA and lay down and prey it's just an aura phase. 3 of the last 4 have been.
  7. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Google doesn't respond to quote marks correctly any more. That's another thing that is annoying. I was trying to find if there really was someone that said "Man who spends day in cat house spends night in dog house" but it didn't do anything like the right thing Ah, found out how to do it. The correct syntax is ["Man who spends day in cat house spends night in dog house"] And nobody said that according to google.
  8. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Yeah, I noticed that as well. Here is what Brazil says the exercise is for: "In this context, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense explained that the purpose of the exercise is to simulate amphibious operations where warships conduct attacks on a hostile coastal region, using live ammunition." Why in the fuck is the US helping the PRC train to attack Taiwan? The mind freaking boggles.
  9. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    What the actual fuck? https://www.zona-militar.com/en/2024/09/10/chinese-navy-and-u-s-marine-corps-troops-participate-in-exercise-formosa-2024-in-brazil/
  10. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "OK Human, why you booping my nose with that?" - Explorer the Cat.
  11. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    You are aware the the USAF files Pegasus now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_KC-46_Pegasus
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Ah, you know that cat house has rather risque meaning in America right?
  13. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I love Explorer. Best cat I've had in decades. That being said she's in the dog house right now. She woke me up about an hour ago by jumping off the bookcase on to my chest. She's play attacking my feet right now and just drew blood. Love her, but sometimes she's a bit naughty
  14. One D&D

    Amazing, a Ginny Di video that I totally agree with. You should read the DMG at least once all the way through if you DM.
  15. One D&D

    The latest One D&D has dropped. This covers Druids and Paladins. Sorta nurfed druids wild shape. Removed the "Roll a 1 get Heroic Inspiration" rule and returned it to DM's call. https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/one-dnd
  16. NP Comic for Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024

    There is a fan fic where she is riding a motorcycle on the day that Susan invites her over for Pizza And A Movie.
  17. Comic for Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024

    Some people spend most of their adult life in atonement. Hope has the problem that she was born an adult.
  18. https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-109 Hope grows a spine. She needs one to hold up that hammer. As a secondary note, this arc has give us more Epic strips than a normal arc does. Today's being high on the list.
  19. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Oh, it's a dress uniform, not a Class A uniform. Big difference.
  20. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "The Human got up before 9:30 after all! And the grits are done so jumping up on the desk isn't so tricky!" - Explorer the Cat.
  21. What Are You Ingesting?

  22. Discussion of Military, real or fictional

    Remember that 9/11 is also the anniversary of when Poland saved the west.
  23. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Well, fuck. Hope you get that fixed soon. When is the next time a nurse is coming by?