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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. What Are You Ingesting?

    Don't say that out loud. They might hear you and think it's a good idea.
  2. What Are You Watching?

    Granted it's not what I'm watching today. I hope I live long enough to see humans on the moon again.
  3. What Are You Ingesting?

    No. Just no. Of course I don't drink coffee any more, so this really doesn't effect me other than by being cursed and I have to live in the universe as it. https://www.fooddive.com/news/kellanova-eggo-coffee-two-rivers-waffle-flavor-marketing-launch-august/721452/
  4. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "Leave me alone. I'm trying to take my morning nap. Too bad you didn't use the flashy thing before when I was running around. Deal with it." - Explorer the Cat.
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    My blood pressure has been running a little high this week. Wondering if that has any thing to do with morning headaches.
  6. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Headaches suck. At least it's not a migraine and seems to be responding to acetaminophen and caffeine. Might get out of bed at a normal hour.
  7. Comic for Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

    Given that Diane is a virgin, not a very good one.
  8. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    /me. That's lame. just a star.
  9. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Never mind wouldn't embed right.
  10. Sad news

    I was just coming it to post that. Really sucks.
  11. Comic for Thursday, Jul 18, 2024

    Wonder if Diane remembers Derek?
  12. 30ish minutes left. Yes is leading about 75% to 25%
  13. What Are You Ingesting?

    Despite brewing for way over 4 minutes today, my tea is remarkably good. Not the best I've ever made, but in the top 20 easily. Might increase the brew time on purpose tomorrow and see what that does.
  14. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    "What is The Human doing up there? Is he getting The Dot out?" - Explorer the Cat.
  15. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    Yes, but until the meeting with Edward and Tedd, he never met Tedd the Son, but he did meet Tedd the Daughter. He must have talk to Jay between the two meetings
  16. No they just drop the "after hours" blog. Still 2 DS blogs, one EGS only, one EGS and Random Dan
  17. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I should get up and get milk while it's a cool day. On the other hand my legs just told me "fuck you stay in bed"
  18. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    And we know she has teenage hormones, she just can't seem to get over the whole no touching thing.
  19. https://www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-087 Looks like Jay is more about Susan than Tedd now. Of course Susan did make her heart go Ba-Bump, while seeing Tedd has confused her or made her a bit annoyed.
  20. Important poll on Dan's thumbler https://www.tumblr.com/danshive/756278168865980416
  21. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    We don't know that Susan has an aversion to exchanging bodily fluids beyond her "I don't touch other people if I can avoid it" thing. If she gets over that she might be willing to swap spit with some one she is close to,
  22. Comic for Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024

    She also knows about Tedd from AJA, granted AJA thinks Tedd is a girl, and she knows that Tedd is "The Wizard", information she would only get from some one in the magical community.
  23. NP Comic for Tuesday, Jul 16, 2024

    She is shown using a sword 2 handed and the hilt of the sword is long enough for 2 hands. Greatsword if I had to make a guess. Might be a long sword, but it's not the classic knight's arming sword. https://www.egscomics.com/egsnp/doubledate-018
  24. Who's hot

    Technically we don't know that Jay is related to AJA via her mother. Could be be AJA son's child. GIven thing said in the comic it's unlikely but possible.