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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. NP Wednesday May 03, 2017

    This is canon as far as I go. It's canon that Grace plays with change blindness. It's also canon that Duck notices stuff in the background. I have no problem with Duck and his friends playing a game of checking Grace from time to time to see if she changes. Because boobs. Also Duck is wise beyond his years. He knows you don't cheat at games because if you do you are no longer playing the game.
  2. Next, Next set of theoretical pinups Single Point of view of Ellen checking out someone they just FV5'd Ultra badass warhammer wielding vampire hunter Susan Double Rhea and Charlotte catgirlified when Charlotte reads from a supposed (actual) magic book she found Tensaided and George as women, recognizable mostly be loose clothing and hair, somehow transformed by a miscievious cursed d20 Comic Elliot transforming while Ashley says things to affect the outcome Looks like a good set.
  3. Things You Find Amusing

    Looking over the favorite food options in The Whiteboard cast page other than Doc, Tawny, and the fridge monster I really have to say that I would love a TWB buffet.
  4. Things You Find Amusing

    Never mind.
  5. What Are You Ingesting?

    Bless me older religious person, for I have sinned. I ordered a bottle of Dr Pepper with my monthly pizza. It's the first HFCS Dr Pepper I have had in about two years now. This two liter bottle may last a while, it is too sweet, in a different way than the sugar version and way more carbonated. Will not do again.
  6. The Weather.

    That does pull about a quarter of a Ll. Unless it the thunderstorms turn twisty and such, then it might pull a full Ll
  7. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    But Kitty can zap others.
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    See, thats one one you are different than me. I could never do that. I loath, hate, and despise cold coffee in any form.
  9. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Prof, I really feel for you. Having a medical procedure done that induced either a migraine or a cluster headache? That is pretty close to my idea of hell.
  10. The Weather.

    I need to go for a walk in the Riverpark. Over the last few storms there has been a lot of [redacted] close lightning strikes. If I wasn't awake before, I damn sure am now. And the poor dog upstairs is still freaking out.
  11. The Weather.

    Thunderstorms and body aching. Meh. The thunder is going to keep me awake so I took the middle drugs.
  12. I think as of the May 3 comic we can say two things. This pinup is canon Elliot loves or at least strongly likes all her girl forms.
  13. Story: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

    I called, sort of. Elliot is Gender "meh". Sometimes he feels like a man, some times like a woman, but it's a "whatevs" Plus his girlfriend is into it. I'm saying "meh" instead of fluid because Elliot doesn't seem to be quite as driven about is as Tedd.
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I wonder if the drink lots of caffeine is for the same reason I posted up thread about pain drugs working better with it.
  15. What Are You Ingesting?

    I just had the "Cream of Shrimp" soup I mentioned up thread. I know why they called it that instead of Shrimp Bisque. It wasn't a Bisque is why. Wasn't bad but wasn't great either. May or may not buy again.
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Thursday is shrink day. I have a laundry list of issue to give him.
  17. NP: Monday May 1, 2017

    Meh, The book in between Duck and the other dude looks like it was just raised up, not flipped, but depends on if there are 2 or 3 rows. Really not enough data to go on.
  18. The Weather.

    Last note on the flooding. Tulsa had the most rain in recorded history for an April. About a half inch more than the killer flood of 1984, in which 13 people died. Effect this time? One intersection in way south Tulsa was blocked for about 12 hours. There is a reason why Tulsa has the best flood rating in the country and flood insurance is 45% off in the metro area.
  19. NP: Monday May 1, 2017

    That is what I meant. Raised like a window, for example.
  20. NP: Monday May 1, 2017

    The wall of comics raised in the final panel.
  21. Story: Monday May 1, 2017

    Sceptical Elliot is sceptical. Last panel.
  22. Things That Make You Happy

    The United Nations has made it easier to get a copy of their military/peacekeeper manuals. I has the!.
  23. What Are You Ingesting?

    Yes, that is a thing that happened. Pills taken.
  24. What Are You Ingesting?

    I'm making 3.5 servings of black-eyed peas (1 can) with four "servings" of bacon left over from the baked bacon. In what human inhabited universe is 1 slice of bacon a serving? It was good, but what do you expect from Trappy's black eyed peas with four slices of bacon added.