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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I let my coffee get cold. I [redacted] hate cold coffee.
  2. NP: Wednesday, Apr 26, 2016

    How come I don't get that sort of result when I roll a nat 20?
  3. Story: Wednesday April 26, 2017

    I don't think so, mainly because she is in Egypt right now and because she seems to have a soft spot for Tedd's friends. Of course she might not be aware that Jerry is on Susan's side so she might be in defense of Susan right now. Of course The Dan is under a bridge right now, so it will be a few days before we know one way or another.
  4. The Weather.

    We are having a thunderstorm. Oddly my body didn't give me any warning. No body aching and, thankfully, no migraine. Must not have had that much of a pressure change. Meh count this as a win.
  5. Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    That is less than optimal.
  6. Gaming Webcomic

    So do I. Maybe if she put some short hair in her magic chest of summoning.
  7. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    /me gets out the list. Stops, actually pretty funny. Puts list away.
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Anddddd just as I got my files in order, my back goes out. [redacted]
  9. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Wizards of the Coast, in their mercy, released D&D 5 as an SRD. This is cool. They released it as a PDF file, not a zillion RTF files like they did for 3.x This also cool. At least I though it was cool... What isn't cool, and is in fact annoying as [redacted] is that if you cut and paste from their PDF file, there is a tab and a ^M (carriage-return) after EACH FREAKING WORD. Thank all things lawful good some one converted the thing into Restructured Text and put it up on GitHub. I'm less than totally gruntled by needing to add yet another mark up langage to my list of things I have to use, but at least a dot rst file is just flat text. And I found a GUI type editor for is. STOP PRESS Pandoc will do a direct conversion of a dot rst file to LaTeX. Granted it wants to make a whole document out of it, but I can remove the preamble and be ready to go.
  10. NP: Monday April 24, 2017

    My recon trainer would have his water bottle checked for LSD. And use the term "What hell just happened here?1" about 2 times a minute for some time. 1 That was one of milder things he said when a trainee was less than perfect on a task.
  11. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    And damn did it work. The Q is one of the best sleep aids of all the many drugs I take.
  12. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    The Q is calling me and I shall not resist that call for I feel the cough coming for me.
  13. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    In postdrome. With any luck no more for a week or so, but there is a front coming.
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Why almost all my migraine medication has caffeine in it. For about 2% of the population there is the possibility of "rebound migraines" from taking caffeine, but, thank all things lawful good, I a not part of that unlucky 2% From the National Headache Foundation's web site:
  15. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I got very freaking lucky. Knocked it down to "meh, I might have a headache, I don't know, maybe?" I'm not in postdrome, so it's possible that in a few hours I might be back to hating life, but right now it's a freaking win.
  16. What Are You Ingesting?

    For Reasons, I'm not getting to do my weekly shopping trips. This has resulted in me running out of liquid dairy products. To fix this I bought a pound of dried heavy cream. I added 1 teaspoon (what it said was a serving) to a mug of tea that I would normally put about 1/8th cup of milk or half and half in. Result? Tasty, but a bit to much dairy. Looks like I'll be trying a half teaspoon next time.
  17. The Grammar Thread

    For those of you people that think the AP guide is the say all, end all of modern usage, sorry, it's not. The Oxford comma is legally required. I don't care what the AP guide says.
  18. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    I woke up. Migraine down to "I hate life" level. Not the "please, just knock me out" level. Off to take mid grade drugs and see how they do. If they don't knock it down to "ouch, my head hurts" or lower, I'll take the last 2 good stuff as soon as it's safe.
  19. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    See y'all in a minimum of six hours. Just took 2 of my last 4 "really top end " migraine pills. Even the laptop is too bright. I hope this under control by dawn (or I am knocked out) or I'm going to need to move into the bathroom or the bathroom closet for a while. Drugs are starting to kick in so bye bye.
  20. Story: Monday April 24, 2017

    Simple Jerry. Get grabbed, go to the material plane. Scream. Susan and her flight of fey awaken and kick the butt of who ever is attacking you.
  21. What Are You Ingesting?

    You know how you aren't supposed to go shopping while hungry? I have found that cooking 500 degree roast is tricky when hungry as well. At least with my rub about ten minutes into the cook stage I start getting really hungry from the sounds and smells.
  22. On culture appropriation

    Most of them, at least those that are not Lovecraftian, and even some of those, are with in normal human ranges.
  23. Story Friday April 21, 2017

    I had always assumed that to be the case. Well angst plus vision quest, a rather powerful combo in many esoteric traditions.
  24. Story Wednesday April 19, 2017

    There is a difference between having a "you are here and this is a detailed map of where here is" and "Turn left at State Road 44 and go 13.4 miles, then take exit 355..."
  25. Things You Find Amusing

    While I will be doing that also, I really don't find it amusing, rather depressing as a mater of fact.