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Everything posted by mlooney

  1. Comic for Friday, Jan 31, 2025

    Also true. I keep forgetting the DGB is a branch of the FBI, which gives them access to a whole raft of toys
  2. Comic for Friday, Jan 31, 2025

    Plus, there aren't a lot of official footprints for a 6-year-old, particularly if we assume the 2002 start date is “canon”, which means the events took place in 1991, which mean minimal publicly searchable internet resources.
  3. Comic for Friday, Jan 31, 2025

    That is my basic view on it.
  4. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Having migraine auras. Going to the dark(er) room and pray that they don't develop into a full on attack.
  5. Comic for Friday, Jan 31, 2025

    To be fair to my waifu, she did lock that memory away so that she couldn't get at it, or for that matter, know it existed. Makes it challenging to explain.
  6. Things That Are Just Annoying

    No, but they can make you quite uncomfortable and not “nice” person to be around. Both belches and the other end.
  7. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    “I see a bug on the ceiling. Need to Get It!” - Explorer the Cat.
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    There are a few exceptions to that. GasX actually tastes good, sort of like a cheery sweet-tart.
  9. I've been having the reverse problem.
  10. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. Things That Are Just Annoying

    And my nose is a dry as McGregor Range in July. And that's pretty dry.
  12. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I keep forgetting that even “flavored” Alka-Seltzer tastes nasty.
  13. NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 30, 2025

    I was thinking it was more an allegory of about steel armor. Too much heat and hammering and it becomes brittle. Not enough, and it's just mild steel and can't protect anything. I may be reading too much into this due to my recent time spent researching AFV armor for project X. I'm fairly sure that Dana isn't up on armor metallography.
  14. Things That Are Just Annoying

    My timer just went off. I can take “Cold and Flu” meds now. I hope they don't make me too drowsy. They don't always, but they do sporadically. Sniffles be gone!
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Joy. In addition to my knees and back, my nose started to run, giving me the sniffles. The only thing that I have to deal with them, that works any way, also has acetaminophen in it, which means I've got about two and a quarter hours to go before I can take it. Today is not the most optimal day I've had recently.
  16. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I'd rather have a full on storm. This sorta raining, sorta misty, just damp and miserable thing sucks.
  17. NP Comic for Thursday, Jan 30, 2025

    Well, there is this from the previous strip commentary: I am not sure if that means that the bracelet is self is a DS invention or it being made of flowers is their idea.
  18. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Well, that means they will be leaving soon, as sirrah is incapable of STFU in the best of times.
  19. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    “The Human is moving slow today. His knees and back are telling him about the rain. I'm gonna jump up and help him! He needs help this morning!” - Explorer the Cat.
  20. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It's currently not raining, however the next band is due in about 30 minutes. I'm out of bed and will stay that way as long as my knees will let me. I strong suspect that I'll be back in bed around 10.
  21. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Mainly spaceships for illustrations for my space fantasy game.
  22. The Weather.

    I'm on the northern edge of that. Just enough of a storm to make my knees and head hurt.