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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story Monday April 9, 2018

    We didn't saw him cast anything, he was surprised by Elliot, and while it would make sense to have something prepared for fight with Sirleck, he wouldn't risk having ANYTHING cast on himself because it could interfere with dewitchery diamond. On the other hand, we didn't saw him casting flying either. ... speaking about getting more behind, what do you think Ashley is currently doing? Did she also jumped to conclusion?
  2. Story Monday April 9, 2018

    I understood why Elliot wasn't able to stand against Tara, but Magus is human and is not flying around or anything, and neither does Elliot. They both just hover in place. That doesn't seem THAT much different from what Elliot WAS training. He did NOT used any spell. And he's speaking as if dodging Elliot's punches wouldn't even require any effort from him. I would expect that he would eventually be able to defeat Elliot. But outclassing him this much seems weird. The "clap" is mostly about strength.
  3. Story Monday April 9, 2018

    ... so, Magus WAS going to wake up Ellen. No surprise. Also, Magus might have point with men being physically stronger. He didn't have any problem fighting cheerleadra, and cheerleadra is supposed to be superhero ... and Elliot is supposed to have ASMA training, which shouldn't be THAT much worse in PUNCHING than Magus's battlemage training.
  4. Story Friday April 6, 2018

    If the CiC isn't required to be out in the field, then there's no need for physical boosts. Studies here have suggested that women are better multitaskers than men so I would think that multitasking would be an essential skill for someone running the country. Even not in field, I would think men way of thinking is better for battle strategy. Women would lead the diplomacy, but if diplomacy fails, the war will be done by men. Of course, it's debatable how would change of sex help with way people think, but that may not stop the division of jobs based on sex. That's definitely not something we know, even less so "obviously".
  5. Story Friday April 6, 2018

    Quite likely, although the commander-in-chief of army could be man, meaning it wouldn't be one of president roles.
  6. Story Friday April 6, 2018

    There ARE other options ... It might be the lid for the diamond crate, though that crate is on the opposite side of the window as seen in the overhead shot just after Sirleck's demise, you can see the diamond shards on the floor in front of it. Looking at THAT image however it DOES seem there is one crate open there ...
  7. Story Friday April 6, 2018

    Quantum physics says that there are infinite many possible directions single photon can be polarized in, but you are unable to measure it. Where did you get the "nothing was really uncountable" bit?
  8. Story Friday April 6, 2018

    It's possible that most combat spells in Magus's universe scale off of physical strength, similar to how Nanase's fairy punch spell is as strong as her punches. Magus directly SAID that on this page. Seems so. Dan, have characters avoid needless violence by talking to each other instead? How unprecedented! ;-) Well, Nanase was talking with Abraham WHILE fighting. Sounds quite likely to me. It seems reasonable to believe that because magic is so public in his world, that the cycle of system changes was broken much sooner, or didn't exist at all, which would mean that the ability to switch sexes has likely been known for a while. There could still have been a sexist lean before gender changing magic was ever considered, but for all we know they might have been more matriarchal before, heck they might still be matriarchal and the idea of becoming male is considered a necessary step down for them. Magic being public doesn't mean the cycle was broken that much sooner ; could be just few centuries and the gender change itself might be something which was not seriously researched until their universe version of women right movement, which somehow took the turn of turning females into males ... I'm not sure but you may be underestimating the number of possibilities. The correct word would likely be uncountable ...
  9. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    In EGS universe, seers are wand-makers, kind of wizard, but are not able to get their own spells. Terra used spells, and it did seemed she didn't used wand, but, well, different universe, different rules. IF there are some seers in her universe, it would be hard to recognize them because the rules not only can, but obviously are different there, based on how Magus's magic works differently than EGS primary universe magic. Also, dragons.
  10. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    Was less likely to do anything. Now that Arthur's experienced what being a Seer is about and how Magic has both changed and not changed, I think he'll be more likely to act, especially if he wakes up and is like "Oh my god, that building full of useless artifacts is now a building full of potentially dangerous artifacts." That still doesn't change what is he likely to do with Magus. Why should he be party to it? He's not seer. It's possible Terra is, but she would probably not qualify anyway because she's using magic of different universe, not speaking about still BEING in that universe. Abraham was seen as a threat because he attacked public school, hurt one teacher and almost killed one of students. No. There wasn't that many of them and they were at ground level - the X Winter is when the ash is high in atmosphere and not coming down fast enough.
  11. Story Monday April 2 2018

    The difference was that Tedd was there, as opposed to three young women all of whom she probably felt more comfortable with...And the rather iffy continuity probably helped, too. True. Also, the "myth" was that women are ALWAYS happy, which is quite easy to bust.
  12. NP Wednesday April 4, 2018

    An NYPD officer in California is an officer by courtesy only, with no legal authority. (Except possibly in the context of a prisoner transfer - but the prisoner will be handed from one police force or prison-guard force to another, not encountered randomly, and with a bunch of paperwork, prior notice, and scheduling involved.) Therefore wearing an NYPD uniform in California is not impersonating an officer. Ok, THIS answers the legality question. Thanks.
  13. NP Wednesday April 4, 2018

    That costume is more akin to Amy Pond's kissogram costume than to any real police uniform. That was the whole reason Susan found it so embarassing. That doesn't answer the legality question.
  14. Story Monday April 2 2018

    Funny comparing Tedd's "experiment" with what happened when Susan ACTUALLY got transformation with bigger breast.
  15. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    To be fair, that was under Edward. Arthur Arthur leads the DGB differently ... and by differently I mean he is even less likely to do anything. Yes, what is Magus afraid of? Almost as if he saw some darker side of DGB that we never noticed in comics ...
  16. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    Firefox, only addons I use are ublock Origin for adblocking and tampermonkey for the forum layout script, both were recommended by members here. See edit. Wikia is using fastly CDN, which probably has some geographical caching which is buggy enough to give you older version of page because you are in different region and when you refreshed the page it updated.
  17. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    Ok I see what happened, I don't know why, but your link has the #vandalism in the URL but the page it directs to doesn't have a vandalism section, previous version of the page maybe? I removed the #vandalism from the URL and it loaded the updated page. That's extremely suspicious. Web browsers shouldn't work that way, even with caching involved. What browser did you used? ... ... oh. Right. Wikia is using fastly CDN. Apparently, fastly have some bug in their caching.
  18. Story Monday April 2 2018

    That would be obviously impossible to do inside universe which follows theory of relativity, but considering we don't know if EGS is such universe ... ... it would also explain why Adrian Raven noticed. And, well ... I'm not sure if it would be harder than the retroactive changes.
  19. Story Monday April 2 2018

    The "oblivious wand waving" series involved retroactively changing the universe - which implies time travel. (As just one example of the retroactive changes, Tedd waved a wand and became Tess, and all Tedd's friends (as well as Tess herself) were unaware that anything had changed - Tess had always been Tess.) Time travel is one of the few things that are known to be impossible even with magic. Therefore, the series is non-canon for ANY canonical universe. Technically it's not time travel but it would be forbidden by the same rule which forbids time travel in EGS universe because it's causality violation. Hmmmm ... no, that can't work. Every use would need to interchange very complex part of universe. Of course, it COULD've been explained by MULTIPLE universes, but ... the explanation would be that the wand doesn't actually change anything except what universe is currently shown on page. (Which, frankly, is more solid explanation that those retroactive changes, as those retroactive changes would need to be quite complex to change universe just the correct way.)
  20. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    So it's not "Dan forgot to draw shadow". Ok. I don't see anywhere on that page mentioning the hack, but I was on discord when it was discovered, there was mention of updating the wiki though. You mean "a security hole that allowed remote editing of the site without any credentials" doesn't sound sort of like a hack to you? You knowledge about computer security is either really bad or really good
  21. Story Monday April 2 2018

    "Was trying" implies that Tess gave up. "But I think I'll stick with being girly" fits more with someone who was curious about what it would be like, and then after trying, decided it wasn't their thing. I repeat that my read of why she decided to stop was that she was not satisfied with being not-so-manly man. Reading Tess' description there, Tess didn't experience the gender confusion that Tedd did, Tess was born female and despite being androgynous looking, the fact that she dressed female didn't get any reactions from anyone. Also the transformation interest Tess has seems to be related to size changes rather than gender change "Tess often wonders what it would be like to be bigger". She may find other types of transformation interesting too, but if an Immortal were to mark her, she'd be more likely to get Rhoda's size changing spell rather than Tedd's gender changing spell. Hmmm ... true. In this case, Occam's razor is on your side and says it's more likely she has other kind of transformations on top of her list. That said, she probably WOULDN'T get Rhoda's size changing spell ; instead, she would get some general camouflage spell with minor size change (not breaking square-cube law, not sweet, not over limits of TF gun) being one of options. Would "male" be another option? Based on what we know, probably not. It definitely wouldn't be PERMANENT.
  22. Story Monday April 2 2018

    Sorry for double post but found more info. So, let's talk about AF4 Tess. She has as much interest in transformation as Tedd does, though she lacks the means to do much more than fantasize. ... sounds like she MIGHT be genderfluid, considering this was written before Dan known what genderfluid is ...
  23. Story Monday April 2 2018

    Either way, that Tess isn't the AF04 Tess, sooo... ... yeah, I apparently mixed them up. The wand is apparently doing retroactive changes - instead of changing something now, it makes it always changed (or at least changes everyone's memories as if that would be true). Auryn from Neverending story was also capable of that. So, she WAS born female and WAS trying to turn into male.
  24. Story Monday April 2 2018

    Sarah might only know about that one time and assume Tess was interested in it enough to keep playing with it. Remember Tedd's opinion of the 4 breasted morph? she tried it once and decided it wasn't as sexy as she thought it would be, if someone had known about that one time then "Hey Tedd, figure out how to make having 4 breasts sexy yet?" could very well be a question that gets asked. And it would be good question Yes, it COULD be explained in way which doesn't require Tess trying multiple times, but Occam's razor says it's more likely she tried multiple times - until we get more informations at least.
  25. Story Wednesday April 4, 2018

    I looked at today's comic last night, and then this morning the most recent comic was last Friday's. The Monday and Wednesday comic were simply not available, even by direct links. Same for EGS:NP. My guess: whoever manages the server found cause to do a file restore from a weekend backup. So some abnormal re-posting had to happen. Apparently, whole CMX missed EGS was sort of hacked.