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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP Wednesday Feb 28 2018

    Sooo ... cat being pet by dog? There may be people who don't consider acting like a cat acceptable side effect. They will need to find other seer researcher than Tedd to fix that, probably.
  2. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    Nice idea, but Tedd can see magic, and magical illusions are magic. Tedd needs to focus on seeing magic. And he's not paranoid enough to check random people on street yet. Forgot to react to this ... Tedd glowing is sideefect of him using his seer ability to analyse magic. But it's true we so far don't know why he's activating that ability to help with his love life ... or if that really could help.
  3. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    I don't think Agent Cranium - or Agent Wolf - has the qualification. I predict someone new or Edward again. His ears don't seem to have the correct shape, yes. But I think Elves can be seers if the mortal parent is wizard and already carries most of the mix. Seems like a stretch to me, but he is a horndog and he has (or had) the money to travel to Europe. And where did Susan get her magic from? Likely from her father, so Mr. Horndog could be a wizard or a monster hunter or both, and if he is and Noriko knows he is, he'd be a good candidate for Noriko if she was trying to do her duty of continuing the family line of monster hunters. Noriko might actually have been married to him when she conceived Van, which sounds like a dandy excuse for future plot points. Hmmm. Seem to be arguing with myself. Well, far from the first time. Alternatively, Mr. Pompoms has no idea about his ancestry but Noriko looked him up. Because it will be TOO messed up? I don't think the timeline would fit, however it's interesting idea: Noriko might be able to put on illusions herself, and what if Tedd never seeing her doesn't mean she wasn't visiting from time to time? Noriko presumably has more exercise ... mostly consisting of dodging. He may be concerned with the fact that foreign kid is unlikely to travel to US where the lab will be. Arthur is experienced manipulator. Don't assume he was surprised just because he looked that way. I already implied several times that Arthur might be PRETENDING he doesn't know about Tedd's research ... actually, look again: he was more surprised Tedd is girl than about the fact she's working on understanding magic. Arthur doesn't HAVE those years - so he needs to hire Tedd. Head of the paranormal might not be as powerful as legendary monster hunter ... and definitely not in the flashy way. Hmmm, possible. Although Diane is irrelevant for this, UNLESS you propose that Woman with Susan's Face is both Van's father and Diane's mother. ... although it would explain why she put Diane to adoption. Counteridea. Van's father is not-Tengu. It's the only reason he survived fight with Noriko - she was holding back. Would explain how he would know so much about her. Now ... was he actually able to fool her for some time, or did she saw through him from start of their relationship but went along because she wanted the child?
  4. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2465 It's so obvious kid can see it ... well, Arthur would also realize it if given time, he was just shocked by it. Also, "guilt's a waste of time" ... sounds too philosophical for him, did his mother told him that? Perhaps related to some guilt she feels but likes to pretend she doesn't? Also, Arthur offered work to Tedd. Took him much longer than I expected. Seriously, thousand seers is more that they expected, but it's still rare enough to employ any seer before someone else does. Not speaking about the fact that if he would be reading Edward's reports, he should've already realized Tedd's potential. Note: It's not just ticking clocks. If there are some issues in current magic system, DGB is already aware of them and can handle them. Unknown magic system would have flaws which would get longer to notice than just learning how to cast the spells.
  5. Story Wed Feb 28, 2018

    Yeah, Tedd would be very distracted by that revelation. And yes, I can see Tedd being very instrumental in easing the transition to public awareness of Magic. Tedd would be very distracted indeed ... but I don't believe Will of Magic would realize that. Not saying that before Tedd's argumentation, ok, that I can believe, but telling Van now and not telling Tedd ... I'm taking back the bit about not having flair for drama. Different kind of seers? Unlikely. But yes it's very weird formulation, "magic can only benefit" ... hmmm ... will WE learn the secret or will we need to wait for Tedd finding out? Another question: is this "truth" something Noriko knows (and just didn't tell Van) or something forgotten longer ago? Maybe related to which immortal is the one who started that family? The fact her mother is a monster hunter is quite new to her and she had lot on mind during this. I wouldn't be surprised if she realizes the possibility later, maybe while telling it to someone ... like, she would probably say it would be too much coincidence but should note it. Agree with all of that. I was always considering "Noriko slept with Adrian" unlikely for same reasons you stated, BUT it's true Adrian is only one we know who would be at least LITTLE suspect. Well ... not only one actually. Second one would be Edward, but WoM said "half-sibling" so he's out. EDIT: Does Arthur hint that he expect they will fire him for this fiasco? Because this is unlikely to be solved quickly ... more like never. The mess got worse. Also, this might explain why he didn't hired Tedd before: until now, even if he would consider him as candidate for DGB scientist based on the reports he should've read, he would wait until she's older. Now there is reason to hurry, however, and he doesn't have any OTHER candidate for that.
  6. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Yeah, definitely, it's rare for human to bounced back the way - wait. Is it possible Grace was able to recover from that better thanks to her Uryuom heritage? Grace is not allowed to snap until we actually have the Undo Button. Definitely. She would leave quite a lot of dead behind her.
  7. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    I suppose if Vlad would be actually shown killing it wouldn't be as easy to avoid killing him. But note that it's more that "forcing Grace out in the open" than just the killing which wasn't matching EGS's tone - effectively, Grace, who already has too much burden, would feel responsible for death of those people. How could've I forgot him ... note that it is hard to believe that the vampires didn't killed more people when homing on Moperville. Also note it wasn't shown. BTW, I also forgot Sirleck's host. Who might or might not died on the page he first appeared on.
  8. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Technically he killed off 3 characters if you include Pandora, we know from tweets and commentary that writing her reset/refresh was pretty emotional for him. But yeah I have a very hard time believing that he'd kill off someone like Grace or any of the main cast. The score would depend on how much exposure we require to count someone as character. Like, Noah's parents were just mentioned, but original Grace appeared, Mr. Guyur appeared multiple times, Blaike had three following pages, Jerry 16 ... then we have Damien and Pandora. And how many vampires, six? With the spider one having 11 pages. Of course I still don't believe Dan would kill off one of main eight characters. But it's hard to argue it's completely impossible. Like ... he MIGHT eventually get to point where it would be possible, with Pandora's death as one of stepping stones. ... might be due to old age. Quite possibly, the methods Tedd and others would be using to reach immortality will not work on part Uryuoms.
  9. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    I believe not all of us were. Some withheld judgment. As far as I am concerned, the jury is still out, but there is definitely new evidence to consider now. We were led. Not everyone went with it (followed?), of course, but there were definitely signs in comics designed to make us think he's villain. Or does that phrase not translate correctly to english? As I already mentioned, I would expect the line of people willing to risk nudity, not speaking about potential worse effects of failed transformations, would be quite short. So DGB will be glad Tedd already has guinea pig. (Meaning Sarah. I don't think Tedd can do any experiments on Grace. Well, successful experiments.) However, DGB can insist on all experiments being filmed, which can have similar effect. While I personally don't have any issue with it, Dan certainly wouldn't be the first person to do this. I can only guess that one other instance of it could be Grace with her "you must try for better outcomes" speech to Adrian. And I wonder if the other instance would be Akiko the Cookie Fairy giving emotional support to Nanase. Although Sarah and Tedd giving Pandora emotional support might also work (though in the case of Pandora and Tedd, they gave each other a fair bit of emotional support). I don't think Grace, Sarah or Tedd would count as children, although relatively to Adrian or Pandora they are. And I don't have any issue with it either. (Also, I don't see anything about being offended in that post.) Pandora's last spell used the connection made by the reset to get all the other Immortals all over the Earth to kill the aberrations. So, she probably was using very little magical energy herself. It was sort of a magical version of a judo throw, using the strength of your adversary instead of your own. We should find out pretty soon (in EGS time) whether the ambient magic in Moperville has been drained. Tedd should be able to tell right away; Sarah would find out as soon as she tries to use her spell. Although it's never been mentioned, perhaps the base level of ambient magic for the Moperville side of Earth might change. If it was raised, it might make developing magic resistance through exposure faster and easier... She explicitly narrated that she used her own power and any available ambient magic to make it possible even for young immortals. I don't expect it would have permanent effect, but likely consumed more magic than Sarah. Yes, this is the DGB, in a comic written by someone who was barely able to kill two characters so far, one of them totally evil and the other only just introduced a couple of comics beforehand. Dan is not writing that kind of story. Exactly. We don't need to be worried about things like THIS happening in comics. What I proposed is probably the darkest thing Dan would write. It would be unrealistic to not expect DGB has stuff like this ready, however. Arthur Arthur does seem like someone who would authorize stuff like this if he considered it necessary. Just ... we are not likely to see it in comics. Um....wow. What can I say, except that your head is a scary place to live. It's not his head. I'm not sure about "entire race" and "countless governments", but just the stuff which was PROVED that CIA done is scary enough. It may be crazy conspiracy theory that 9/11 was orchestrated by CIA, but it IS proven that bin Laden was trained by CIA in past. Well, ok, is proven that CIA financed the mujahideen in afghanistan which included future Al-Quaeda fighters, personal involvement of CIA and bin Ladin is not proven. ... and I suppose we shouldn't continue this discussion, at least not here.
  10. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    That's obviously assuming Arthur is not just pretending he doesn't already have those notes. I guess any attempt to actually force her would necessary be bluffing, just like sending someone after Grace doesn't mean that someone would actually fight her. Yes, convincing genius researcher and seer you are evil is bad idea, and any use of force would likely anger 1) Edward and his friends in DGB, including Agent Cranium and Agent Wolf 2) Grace's siblings 3) rest of main eight and their friends, which likely at this point doesn't include Catalina and Rhoda, but may plausibly include Mrs. Kitsune and Adrian Raven (and Greg, yes). On the other hand, Tedd may not realize her situation ; just as in past he was afraid he might lose access to TF gun, as that is top secret technology and he is not supposed to use it without being allowed by DGB, they can plausibly claim it's legal for them to take Grace and without Edward calling them on that bluff Tedd might not realize DGB can't afford to fight him. Of course, Tedd really doesn't have any reason to reject offer of resources, money, equipment, assistance ... he was able to get far with the stuff Edward brought him but official (well, as official as top secret stuff can be) laboratory is obviously better, and Arthur shown himself as reasonable man in this only encounter Tedd remembers, so Tedd doesn't have reason to fear him. In fact, Arthur seem even more accepting than her own father to her gender fluidity (although it's mostly because he doesn't care). We were led to perceive Arthur Arthur as villain, but none of reasons we had is really known to Tedd, and even those reasons don't seem so serious in light of his interaction with Tedd here. And his opinion of DGB in general is more formed by his actual experience with his father instead of movies and series like X-Files and our world news.
  11. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    She might attend a party if someone brought it up as challenge. And yes, that WOULD be one way they might be introduced. Aaand just few days after we found Greg has a girlfriend we saw this image of Vladia. Suspicious coincidence, isn't it?
  12. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Maybe they just weren't working in security. Well, sure, you CAN get famous if your stupid mistake everyone did ends up crippling generation of security keys for two years or if it crashes a $18.5 million space probe ... or $326.8 million one.
  13. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Yes, statistically speaking, random effects ARE dangerous, especially if you get several of them on single places. "Chaos Magic" might be accurate description (in mathematical sense) of what the storm is throwing around, not the storm itself.
  14. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Maybe not, but I'm not so sure they would be willing to force her to do anything. If they were sent to convince her of a certain position, she might be more likely to listen to them than to strangers, and then Tedd would be more willing to listen to her. The idea is that they would approach her when she will be without Tedd and tell her that they must take her to undisclosed government facility because of national security. No, they don't know any details, top secret. No, she can't call Tedd, time is an essence and there is risk of someone eavesdropping the call. Didn't Vladia got out on that date with Greg? Or is that just headcanon of several forumers, myself included? Yes agree, we should get a progress report on them. But I understand why we didn't, with how much stuff is happening. Maybe at Grace's next birthday?
  15. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Not sure if Edward is even aware of that, quite possible that Cranium told him, but equally possible that Edward might have reluctantly agreed that sending agents out in the open like that wouldn't have been the best course of action. Arthur didn't send anyone. Edward would probably send agents with orders to try to get opportunity to take that dragon out when not in open. It might end up the same if the dragon would keep being too much in public, but he would TRY. Edward doesn't even need to be aware of this: Agent Cranium was working with him as director for long time and can predict what he would do. She was asking Arthur because she expected he will do something, BECAUSE Edward would. ... but they KNOW her, so why would they make such mistake? It's not like they will be locking her in dungeon cell. Thinking about it, they might send her brothers (and sister) to take her. She wouldn't hurt them.
  16. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Let's see, Grace is fireproof, has a force field, can fly, can lift a car... any volunteers for this mission? Grace is also afraid of hitting punching bag with face drawn on it and wouldn't consider looking at illegal copy of Star Wars. They can take her just fine unless they make the mistake of making her lose control like Damien. Like, trying to take her by force might be mistake ... but they KNOW her, so why would they make such mistake? It's not like they will be locking her in dungeon cell. To be honest I don't think any forcing would be necessary, Arthur was Edward's prior boss and taught him everything he knows and while Edward was thoroughly confused by Arthur's actions when retook the position as head of the paranormal division, I don't think Edward had any disrepect for Arthur, and we know Arthur has loads of respect for Edward since he agreed to doing the fake Cheerleadra sighting. True. There are things they didn't agreed on, but they probably would be open to compromise. Are you kidding? The FBI could make Tedd an intern who is "Paid" in college credit. They could keep Tedd working twenty hours a week for the next six years or so, until earning a Masters (or Lordship), and pay Tedd less than the custodian. I don't think money would really be problem here. However, it MAY make more sense to let Tedd finish Moperville North (it's less than half year remaining isn't it?) and THEN make some college program for him.
  17. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Did you ever faced one of Lords of Chaos?
  18. Maybe she can make a moneybin filled with coins and shrink you down to be able to swim in them? Shrinking won't help. It's metal. Too heavy and hard to swim in. I remember some episodes of ducktales where it was shown that while Scrooge McDuck can swim in his money, normal "people" just goes splat when they jump into them. That it's some sort of scottish superpower or something.
  19. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Yes. And she needs to remind it to herself from time to time because humans are bad at controlling their feelings and no matter how good monster hunter she is she's still human. (Well, she certainly won't do the mistake to became aberration, will she?) Except as far as we know, doing that would be something noone else can do. ... although Edward might not know that. Finding that out is probably harder than finding what genderfluid is, and he didn't knew that either. Yes, exactly. Hmmmm ... I would argue that it would be bad idea (even if Tedd WOULD be more fragile), but that's sort of the point, right? Just because it's bad idea doesn't mean Edward don't think it's better for Tedd that way ... His ultimate goal may be preserving his power (evil), DGB (unclear) or human race (good), but he does it in way that makes all three align most of the time. And yes, totally: giving Tedd a laboratory is a way to control her research. Definitely. They can take away not only TF gun, but also Grace if they need to give him more encouragement. That's only assuming this would anger Edward's superiors. If Arthur will explain it correctly, the superiors can say that it makes sense and tell Edward to not worry that they will protect his son if Arthur tries something bad. You assume Arthur trusts Tedd or Edward. He doesn't. Considering the difficulties in getting test subject willing to risk as much as Sarah, they would be glad she already has someone who agreed. Her parents would probably be glad she's finally getting paid. In something else than unimaginable power, I mean. Let's see, failure to realize the wand was being resisted, failure to realize Tedd could see magic, failure to realize that Tedd was empowering the watches and not some fancy technodohicky he made, failure to realized Tedd's genderfluidity... I don't think we have enough palms. We do, if we get everyone on this discussion server to help. However, I don't think whole named cast of EGS has enough palms. Reminds me other parents who wanted the best for their child and almost TURNED her into supervillain by the mistakes they did. If only they let professionals handle it instead ... There are probably other (less noisy and scary) ways to detect magic potential, and while seers were forgotten, wand makers were not. Van probably has wands in his normal clothes. Sounds extremely likely. If you can't answer that question yourself, you might be reading wrong comics. (But otherwise yes, it would be bad for Will of Magic.) ... that wasn't done yet? Hmmm ... nothing on google, except some arcade ... Definitely possible, although note that Uryuom are not earth-native species. The paranormal division would certainly remain relevant due to them already being trained to deal with situations where magic is involved but they also deal with other paranormal stuff like aliens so I wouldn't be worried about them becoming defunct just yet. It's possible Leifeld won't be too happy about what happened, Arthur had assured him that the situation will either be contained or they wouldn't have to worry about it at all for decades, as it is neither of those possibilities were met so Arthur might have to really push to get Leifeld to approve of funding Tedd's research, we know Leifeld thinks highly of Edward as well so that might help, but we'll see how it goes. It's possible they would want to punish Arthur ... but they may not have anyone else good for this job except Arthur and Edward. Sooo ... either they give Edward the job back, or maybe they get BOTH on board and force them to cooperate on strategy and maybe oversee them more ... You mean after he recovers from that facepalming? I think he does. Now, question is if he remembers he should do it. Note that what Pandora did certainly reduced ambient energy levels a LOT. Could take months before they reach dangerous levels again. On meeting: Agent Wolf, commander of monster hunter unit: "We need more people for this, or perhaps some civilian full-time monster hunters." The head of paranormal research division, Tedd Verres: "Uh, I would have some candidates ..." Paranormal director, Edward Verres: " ... Mrs. Kitsune will kill me."
  20. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    I already pointed out that the clothes growing to maximum size is something different. However, I agree in general: You CAN'T be ready to handle every possible situations. Batman must be doing it by cheating and reading movie script in advance. It's because order has better PR. People are generally more afraid of chaos and not enough afraid of order, despite the amount of destruction various Orders did in past. Also, magic in general is force of chaos. No magic at all IS the most orderly behaviour of magic. Also, the best think human can do to become less chaotic is to die and get mummified. Life is sooo chaotic.
  21. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    The spell was also cast by an individual that later became famous as an idiot for what he did. Abraham wasn't exactly the best at thinking things through... Yes ; the fact this made him famous suggest the dangerous failures of spells are rare. Noone get's famous for writing if(i=0), because almost everyone who tried to program did it at least once. (And who thinks he didn't he just didn't found it yet.)
  22. I probably am. The longer I read EGS the less sure how much cis I am, though. I hope I won't get under 50%.
  23. Don't think that would matter to Rhoda. Wish for $1 million and the bills would all be 1/7th size. No. The bills will be normal. YOU will be at 1/7th size so you will be drowning in them.
  24. NP Monday February 26, 2018

    Of course she's ok with it, it's not like anything changed for her, right ? Also, that "especially if I can shrink you later" ... obviously, Ashley will do ANYTHING to guarantee Rhoda will be shrinking her later ... and Rhoda knows it so she didn't even bothered to formulate it as a threat. Also, Kitty pet? Sounds like form Rhoda has already some experience with. Unless it was always Catalina in that form.
  25. Story, Monday February 26, 2018

    Yeah, I suppose that's how Dan intended it ... I just find that hard to believe. Tedd gave Edward the watches and told him they're powered by magic and needs to be tested if working outside Moperville magic anomaly ... HOW could Edward interpreted it without realizing that what Tedd is doing is noteworthy if not groundbreaking? ... I want to see his face when he realizes this. I know, it would be covered by his palms, if not desk of table, but still.