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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP Friday Feb 23, 2018

    Not sure how "modern" that is. Weren't the same "jokes" about Sherlock Holmes and dr. Watson? Frodo and Sam? They definitely WERE for Kirk and Spock. I would say it's still not that bad around where I am ... and yes, this is definitely going overboard with it. On the other hand, this may be more about awareness of homosexual and incest relationships: it was ALWAYS seen as "suspicious" if unrelated and unmarried girl and boy were alone together ... and often for good reason. Of course feeling cat purr on your stomach doesn't mean you start thinking about bestiality. The idea is that it makes you thinking about having someone else warmth and purring on your stomach ... despite humans not really being good at purring, which may actually be one of reasons catgirls are so popular. Connection doesn't mean it's the same thing. It can be strong or just weak. However, going down from adrenaline high is supposed to increase libido. There is reason why there were more children after war, and it wasn't just because noone dared to have light on during bombardment. And yes, our culture IS perceiving the link stronger that it is in many cases. Just like the girl and boy alone together ... nothing may happen, they might not even think about it yet, but it's not like someone decided that it's related to sex: it's just recognizing what's happening in many (although not all) cases, generalizing it and blowing it bigger, often completely out of proportion.
  2. Hmmm ... I don't remember that either. It would be "default", exception is how meh Elliot is about his gender, but that doesn't mean Susan isn't another exception. Another question is if Susan is even attracted to men in her male form. Sure, she SHOULD be bisexual, but that only works on assumption she is heterosexual normally, which may not be true. She was attracted to women in male form which is the direction added by TF gun. Of course, it SHOULD be better for her if she manages to get better with physical contact in her normal form, but I wouldn't be surprised if she at least though about it ... ... wait. Maybe she wouldn't though about it BECAUSE she's not attracted to men normally. Maybe she would only start thinking about it when transformed ... wait no. If she's not attracted to men normally the transformation won't change that ... Maybe this fantasy is from before he met Luke?
  3. NP Friday Feb 23, 2018

    I suspect they WILL fill that blank if you add she's into male-to-female transformations. Actually the word is already there, as it's transformation of sex. Well we did saw her blushing. Although technically that may not be limited to sexual arousal either. I think our bodies makes that link just fine even without culture. The culture is just reflecting it (and enhancing in the process). Why do you think winners tend to hug after race? If they are not so exhausted they barely stand, that is. Of course, wanting to hug doesn't mean you go directly to sex. But the connection is there, only question is how strong it is, and if you go with it or attempt to stop it. You can like something without any connection to sex, but the physiological reaction is from connection to sex. (On the other hand, I was more sure about it before I went over my arguments and realized how many of them would actually be explainable by culture.)
  4. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Actually catpocalypse sound more like another "wiggle room". Most likely results of two transformations being too strict to be compatible would be that target would be transformed in way which kills him or constantly hurts him. Something like here on Dragon Doctors ...
  5. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Can we count the dewitchery diamond as such a spell? I think trying to create an item that decurses but results in an unwaking werewolf that goes on a killing spree would be a dangerous failure. ... right. Ok, ONE case of spell failing dangerously. And it was still only dangerous in combination with another spell (the werewolf curse).
  6. NP Friday Feb 23, 2018

    I'm not sure. Those examples we were given were little ... short on plot. Definitely. ... maybe. Probably not. Unless they shrink Elliot as well. How would that even ... no, don't tell me, I don't want to know. I feel almost bad not reacting to whole of your post ... it's good but thats what the emoticons are for. But regarding these bits ... her "exhibitionism" gets new angle: she was probably hiding this part of her personality, because of fear it wouldn't be accepted. Even Liz was negative about what she share with her ... granted, Liz is goth and is probably negative to everything, but it could still confirm that fear. But now she's with people who are into transformations themselves. Maybe not as much as her, but she still feels like she can finally stop hiding. ... makes sense she overdoes that. That would require not only stop being people, but maybe stop being sapient completely. Labels are how our thinking process works. We translate reality to symbols, label things so we can recognize them. We look around and label things: this is rock, this is also rock despite looking very different, this is plant, this is piece of wood and it was plant. Computers are bad at this and until they got better, they wouldn't be true AI. Sometimes we overdo it. We forgot that when we used labels we simplified reality. We use labels to divide and ignore that the division in reality is not as neat as it looked with just labels. It's bad, of course, especially when that happens with other people. But it's understandable. And it doesn't mean we need to stop using labels completely. We just needs to be more careful with them and not put so big emphasis on them. Especially on people we want to spend more time with.
  7. I'm sure she will shrink you on first attempt, however.
  8. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Out of range of the Chaos storms caused by humans who ignored the danger of using magic? ...I hear the Uryuom Homeworld is nice this time of year... I heard that Risa is nice all the time. Also, being in completely different universe, safely out of range.
  9. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Also possible. But that wouldn't have been so funny as a potential panic-inducing scenario for our seers. True. That's not wingle room. If the spells are written in something resembling programming language - OR math - error like this are EASY to make. Simplified example: Tedd was setting the clothes to grow until the force they apply to wielder is below certain value. The value she chosen for the resulting watches was smallest value which didn't result in the spell mistaking atmospheric pressure for force it applies and trying to grow more to stop doing that (which obviously didn't helped).
  10. NP Friday Feb 23, 2018

    Accidental, yes. Inevitable, no. Also, Ashley pretends the loss of clothes is accidental too. She's just doing it poorly.
  11. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Exactly. (I understood it already from comics but nice having it confirmed.) Of course, the REASON why magic changed in first place was too much exposure, so that damage control is unlikely to restore status quo, BUT they have at least chance to delay and form it somewhat. With thousand seers knowing new rules and them suddenly forced to re-teach all magic users they have, they wouldn't have a chance. Well, it was mostly just trying for humour, not positing a realistic scenario for EGS. There is also the tectonical problem of where this lost continent might be sited. Of course El Goonish Earth might differ from ours but on our earth at least I don't think there is room for any Atlantis on the tectonic map. I also made the rather large assumption that magic strong enough to keep a continent from sinking (even if massively powerful) would also be powerful enough to raise it again after it had sunk. That is by no means a given, particularly if its primary function was as a stopgap. For example, a boat is kept afloat by plugging a hole in its side. If the plug is then removed and the boat sinks, just returning the plug to its place won't really be enough to restore buoyancy. And related to the tectonic map note, there might not be anything to raise anymore. (On the other hand, maybe you - and Plato - overestimate size of Atlantis. If it was small, it would fit on lot of places.) Certainly. Try to explain that to the eager would-be wizards, mind you. Every single one. There is always another optimist. I'll rather do something more useful, like making sure I'm out of range. Also, you missed the option that making sure there is no tomorrow may be what they WANT to do. There are people like that.
  12. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    "minutes"? If it would be hour, it will make no difference. They only need to get there before the team Arthur will send.
  13. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Though it does make me wonder, if magic did change, Abraham could have been stuck as a statue until someone else convinced the WoM to do minimum change and made previous systems work again. Yes ; not only the spell making him human would presumably stop working ; also the dewitchery diamond itself, which is trigger of his awakening, will stop working. They would also most likely have more or less same organs inside. Most people won't do any changes to stuff they don't understand. Easier to hide from people. Harder to hide from authorities, as wide spread transformation magic likely brings wide spread identification magic. I though that most of them were excavated but seems not so. So, unless the ACTUAL last order was something different and they were only re-purposed as guard when their magic stopped working ...
  14. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    After all those years, probably not without external help.
  15. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Hmmm ... I'm skeptical about magic allowing something as strong when it tried to not be public, but on the other hand if it ever did, Atlantis likely was the place. Or it would be even MORE random and destructive, no matter how unbelievably that sounds to people who know warhammer. ... if those chaos magic storms are massive enough, there might NOT be tomorrow. ... what is there to argue about? Of course it does. Maybe seers can recognize which set of rules the specific spell belongs to? Also, most likely, the "resurgence" will be very limited. Wizards can definitely learn the spells FROM seers. There is word for that. "Balancing". Most humans would probably stay within human limits ... like, they would be stronger and handsomer but still recognizably humans. Minorities however ... it will be interesting to see how many races - as in, groups of people who obviously belong together - emerge as opposed to how many people ends up with form which would be totally individual. Still, presumably people will still be one species. In fact, so far we didn't hear anything about transformation affecting offspring. Unlikely. Maybe that's what he started as and maybe he does something like this from time to time for fun, but as a director of paranormal division OR diplomacy it's not his job now. Up until now, it ALWAYS weared off. I think that only the "minor change" allowed to keep the enchantment indefinitely if you like it. Yes. Uryuoms (and Greater Chimeras) don't have single base form. They can have as many as they want to. Vladia THINKS that Ellen did something weird with the spell, as it even removed her antennae, but I don't believe it was actually permanent. Even if she wouldn't be able to change herself, she could always use TF gun, which would likely unlock her completely. He did repent and now works with the elderly and volunteers at soup kitchens. Yes. It would only be fun for people who themselves are immune and shielded. Something like us (*knocking on fourth wall*). ...In search of enlightenment? Been done. Actually, no. The Terracotta army are golems, they simply follow the program. Sure, they damage everything in their path, but noone told them to be careful and not damage bridges as there were no bridges there when they started. Now, let's hope someone will find the artefact which designates him as someone with authority to change their orders before it's too late. And that such someone is not some dangerous lunatic (with small red button).
  16. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    I suspect they would quickly be outlawed. Because, you know, they would be harmful to the children. Sigh. Yeah, learning something is now considered harmful. I hope it would end as prohibition. Or as attempts to keep kids of the porn sites. Actually, did we ever saw spell to fail dangerously? Spells seem very reliable an consistent in EGS and even interference between two spells more likely ends safe. (That's argument against the war chicken part. I suppose the exploding will be possible, although not as dangerously as Samsung phones. Something more like Susan's fairies when unsummoned.) Very good point. And yes, that seems to be what Will of Magic was doing.
  17. NP Wednesday Feb 21, 2018

    Was that bit about bigger and stronger predator true in nature before we reduced the size of it and forced the predators to get uncomfortable close to each other? ... on the other hand, MOST animals basically reproduce until they reach the point where surviving is a challenge. That's how evolution works. Only humans are so spoiled (spoilt?) they can not only survive without serious challenge, but even overeat. Originally it was so they have time for art and science, but now most of them just loaf it away.
  18. NP Friday Feb 23, 2018

    Although I'm sure Susan would object. Actually, I'm not sure why she wasn't objected IN this comic. "Wearing"? I would predict total wardrobe malfunction. What's surprising is she only had one relationship before Elliot with this attitude (well, two, but one was over internet). Although, maybe she's exhibitionist only when transformed? She went with super cute, not deadly sexy for her date ...
  19. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    Ellen's magic is human magic mimicking Uryuom magic, that was directly said in some Q&A. Tedd's watches are likely based on Ellen's magic (and Elliot's), not directly on TF gun. Possibly. The WoM said at least 30 days, FV5 takes month (and that was with enchantment resistance), maybe it can go over limit. ... hmmm ... Well Tedd IS seer and intuitive leaps are how her abilities work, so ... ... but I think the missing step is that inclusion of the "ticking clock" mechanism was forced "negative" trait of that configuration and that some negative traits are necessary. Still sounds like few leaps happened. Didn't Dan explained it better on twitter or somewhere? The magic in "Dies the Fire" either isn't or is very limited. I wouldn't want to deny the importance of video games, but the major problem with loss of technology is that in current world, it would mean billions of dead. THAT doesn't sound like Dan's world. Note the reference to Dies the Fire from The Day the Earth Stood Still. I probably didn't read Dies the Fire, but I think I've read enough post-apocalyptic novels. Most people in our world won't be able to survive without food being transported all over the world constantly ... not speaking about fact that without technology, our agriculture wouldn't produce enough food for everyone. Also, without tap water working, there would quickly start epidemics, as people would be forced to drink from unclean sources of water. In middle ages, the size of cities was actually limited by level of hygiene. ... damn I should go to sleep ...
  20. Story Friday February 23, 2018

    "It will only affect those who want to keep a transformation" ... transgender transformation potential confirmed. Also lot of catgirls. Maybe we WILL get more races like in Shadowrun, but instead of orks and trolls it will be elves and catgirls. Who would like to be troll? ... besides football players ....? "the default magic system" - so other magic systems ARE accessible, but some things still defaults to using the last one. Meaning resetting month later COULD bring little better rules. That is, IF someone would have some idea which would be possible. Current configuration settings MIGHT be as good as possible, OR the reset might set the rules worse because is basically random ... like, ticking clocks. "massive storms of chaos magic" ... well, what would you expect from magic without rules? "yes. People would stop using magic" ... also, lot of them would die, but I guess Will of Magic doesn't care about that so much. Kid wizard Sarah ... what is wizard Sarah doing with that sombrero? Oh, right, it's just bad angle. "oh no, youth restored, ... the absolute dreadful horror, obvious sarcasm" ... I would argue that yes, being youth again IS negative, if it's too much. Sure, growing again makes it sort of not really permanent, but I don't think anyone wants to be potty trained again. And most would put the line even higher, even if being youth doesn't make you forget anything. "magic ... severely damage modern technology" ... Harry Dresden? And yes, we wouldn't believe Dan would make it happen. This way, I went from "they will totally prevent the reset" to "maybe the reset will happen" and back to "maybe it wont". And yes, there IS potential for the debate. I don't think it's big, as I explained in last thread, but at the same time that last thread proved that the potential is there as the debate happened.
  21. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Considering the likely required amount of "vaccination", I would say do BOTH. Using wands just for education brings risk that children will get aversion to them, which probably doesn't work nearly as well as more exposition. Also, if he wouldn't, how long do you think the toy industry will need to find someone who will? I bet it would be much simpler than turning mainframe computer into handheld toy. ... or that. Wands which changes your skin color to blue or green would be popular AND educational. ... also, it will finally allow to separate the "race" issue from social issue. Because while there is no absolute difference between "those groups" as qwerty called it, there is quite obvious (luckily getting smaller) correlation between skin color on one side and poverty and low education on other.
  22. NP Wednesday Feb 21, 2018

    None of the noble cats are much suited for it to be honest it's a heyenous business... I was going to counter with one bank with lion but when I looked which bank it was I found it already went bankrupt, so ...
  23. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Dan clearly said no undo button, so no Tracer.
  24. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    ... well, Tedd didn't created any device consuming cartridges with compressed magic ... yet.
  25. Story: Wed Feb 21, 2018

    Let''s see ... Dresden Files magic interferes with technology. Elliot's cheerleadra can merge with smartphone. Shadowrun have multiple races and cyberware, but beware, cyberware lowers esence (magic). EGS have one race and closest thing to cyberware is cheerleadra's smartphone, which doesn't seem to hurt Elliot's magic in any way. And Shadowrun's awakening was quite big event, in EGS magic changed minimally before going public. Harry Potter has all but best wizards needing wands to cast spells, and everyone is learning the same spells. EGS wand is device for casting spell you don't know and only wizards, which are rare among magic users, can learn spell from someone else. I would say EGS goes perpendicular to all of those. EGS world also have some version of Masquerade ... is failing, but still in place for now. I think Magus's universe have magic working differently. The Griffin's one, meanwhile? It's other half of the same world, with same magic ... it makes sense that after Will of Magic stopped limiting magic, the rules will be same on both halves. Doesn't mean EGS half of world get it's own griffins, unless Andrea and Tara would like Moperville so much they will stay ... I think we can safely assume Pandora was the oldest fairy and she didn't remembered it (at least not directly). Mantle of Heka likely does, true. However, I'm not sure the only non-summoned dragon we saw survived being so close to Pandora. Didn't he already won?