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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    She can only repeat what Pandora said. It would be hard for Raven to guess correctly what it was about unless he already has some suspicion. True. Not necessary. "Adrian, your mother is making problems, tell her something" - "I will, IF she appears. I didn't see her for 12 years" ... only problem with this is that Edward seem to not speak with Adrian for long time. On the other hand, what other immortals could he know? His friends? Helena and Demetrius? She WAS supposed to keep it secret, so maybe she didn't talked that much about it? Even if she did, I still think that would be very long jump.
  2. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    He should have more doubts. He should have more doubts sooner.
  3. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Dismissing most likely possibility as boring IS conclusion jumping. Regardless the fact it sort of was true (we don't know if they hear about him, but he definitely lives near).
  4. Story, Wednesday June 21, 2017

    Of course brushing teeth is dangerous: after all, you usually do it when already sleepy, so with worse reactions ... However, I usually consider stains on pyjama shirt acceptable ; after just splashing it of with water, it's not that much apparent, it's not like I'm wearing pyjama in public, and it's not happening THAT much often ... Seconding that: it's nice and she's right, but I suspect she's jumping to conclusion, as she can't have enough informations. Although she can easily ask - like, "How common are half-immortals?" ... wait. If she ask Verres, he would be curious why and can do some conclusion jumping on his own.
  5. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    Those were not separate events ; he is moved from physical plane of his universe to astral plane of our universe. By her own explanation, she didn't caused Magus departure from his universe, but did caused him arriving in ours. Of course, immortals can lie. She probably didn't planned whole thing with Adrian so much in advance - more likely, she caught Magus because he was interesting. Magus role in Adrian's lesson was actually superfluous. She totally made it up and Magus called her on it. She PREDICTED how it will end. She just hoped she predicted wrong. Although ... maybe she wasn't so sure? I would really prefer if she would STILL play with him, BUT now with better intention. Helping him, but no apology and not be too clear about helping. But yes, considering her current mood, she may even apologize. He already had doubts AND he probably already can't call it off.
  6. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    He went to see Sirleck right after he vowed to end her. I think the massive vampire attack is more appropriate for making Pandora over-react and reset than just getting Ellen to zap Elliot. Except there is high probability Magus has no idea how (and if) can he actually kill immortal. (Of course, this assumes he didn't learn that on Helena and Demetrius ...)
  7. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    She DID had her son - they probably used to be closer than now. But yes, not exactly replacement for friend. Wow, does that site have a lot of video ads trying to play! Do they assume everyone has optical connections now? I don't see any - (tries to log out) - it gets better if you register. Sorry. Me, I'm hoping whenever it is Pandora resets, she'll turn into the college-student-persona from "Marker" and end up roommates with Sarah and Grace. :-) I already mentioned that Pandora might actually LOSE ability to look like child and will be forced into teenager instead. Because teenager seems to be default for young immortals while child is result of shapeshifting. Also, yes it did seemed like foreshadowing. Even if she wouldn't actually be attending the university, she may spent lot of time there. Meaning it can easily take year, yes. So far, Dan didn't shown any signs of becoming GRRM. Even if he would need to get rid of someone, he would probably tried non-fatal option. Susan also repeatedly says she's not ready, so removing Ashley seem premature. Note however that there IS a non-fatal option how to remove Ashley: if she will be injured, her parents might decide to move and take her away from dangerous places like Moperville. She likes Elliot, but probably not enough to elope. Regarding the cover, note that Justin, Grace and TEDD are also not present. Tedd will DEFINITELY not only survive, but play important role (unless he will manage to play his role and THEN die). As visible on Voltaire aka the Illuminated, she may be capable of explosion-like light without being harmed. Also, I'm not sure if fairies CAN die permanently. But yes, speculations about her sacrificing herself and being reset are popular, and with the college student foreshadowing ...
  8. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    Note that Mr. Verres may not officially be able to allow access to the Diamond due to change in his position. He would probably be able to find where it is, though. But yes, Magus's biggest problem is that due to not asking right away, everything he did and will do could be interpreted as nefarious. And with vampires attacking, people may be less willing to listen. Especially if they realize it's Magus's fault, although I can see Edward making Magus own body just so he can lock him up. That, or do it just to stop Magus from coming up with another, even more dangerous plan.
  9. Diane's a closet geek, we've seen her geek out about magic on few occasions now, especially if it pertains to Nanase. I can see this being a natural reaction for Diane, Charlotte thought does seem a bit disoriented though, maybe she was too close to Diane and got caught in the zappage by accident? Also remember how Susan reacted to being FV5d - and she's normally trying to pretend her look doesn't matter to her. Meanwhile, Charlotte really doesn't care. She only agreed for scientific purposes and is already overanalyzing it. Also, she's probably more interested in "traditional" spooky stuff like ghosts, and probably werewolves and vampires. She is interested in magic in general, but sexy transformations are not center of her attention. Meanwhile, Diane is less interested in research itself and more in participating. While not mind-bending in same level as Elliot's hidden identities, the lowering of inhibitions probably feels good. After all, lot of people are drinking unhealthy amount of alcohol for similar effect. Including Diane previous New years eve.
  10. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    ... I always forget people can have different usernames Local cache is allowed Even with optical cable, local computer is faster. Also, it makes no sense to copy Dan's commentaries on wiki just so they can be fulltext-searched. But thematic indexes should be put on wiki. Like I just did with hugs. I'm probably not OCD enough, since my local archive is years behind in sorting. That, or I'm too OCD to sort it suboptimally.
  11. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    You mean you haven't built your own cross-indexed archive yet? You mean you are building your own instead of helping with wiki? I don't expect to classify all hugs. Especially between Grace and Tedd the numbers would be too high. I just want all pairs. Thanks for Grace.
  12. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    We may even find out what the relationship exactly is - the word Pandora didn't tell to dream wizard. Eh, I just wanted an excuse to make a collage of Sarah being hugged. After spending more time than I should on compiling references, I think Elliot will win and that even Tedd was hugged by more people than Sarah. Although I probably missed some Grace's hugs. On the other hand, Grace will win the "not really hug but looking like one" category, with fire monsters, Greg and Dex
  13. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    Magus may already know that. Alternatively, it doesn't matter WHICH of her spells she will use and Dan will introduce the spell Ellen will later use to have something more interesting (or less confusing) than another girl Elliot. Maybe Magus will end up being half-sized?
  14. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    Good point. Also, yes, would totally crap his host. Immortals on THIS half of earth CAN lie, but note that Pandora was also avoiding direct lie when talking with Sarah ... so, either it's because they actually WERE on the other half and don't want to get out of practice OR it's just more fun like this for them. I think that if she would VOW to kill him, she would end up remembering it at least as well as Helena and Demetrius remember they need to protect Elliot.
  15. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    .... dewitchery diamond obviously.
  16. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    The amount of spells is huge, but versatility is low. It's probably not supported in the software itself, so we need to wait for version with such support to appear and then beg for upgrade.
  17. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    Ummm, so Sirleck is brave enough to organize an attack on Pandora's son? I think you're right about the cowardice, but Sirleck has to know that Pandora is very, very smart and will likely track him down even if it isn't apparent that he organized the attack. If Sirleck knows about Immortals resetting, he may be angling to force Pandora to reset so she'll forget that she needs to kill him. Sirleck wouldn't be only one who is braver on distance. He may assume either Pandora will be reset, or that she will not find out who organized the attack ; meanwhile, attacking Adrian would be risking Adrian will destroy him AND if successful, he would have no chance hiding from Pandora.
  18. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    Fighting on the astral plane? I don't think that would happen very often, since there seem to be many such planes and it is canon that most Immortals are invisible to each other most of the time. Pandora is likely to have enough power and knowledge to find any other immortal if she knows to look for them, though, and I think in that situation Voltaire would deliberately stay on the physical plane near Adrian, in the expectation that Pandora will be worried about resetting, and that she would be afraid of harming her son. Hmmmm ... didn't took into account Voltaire will likely use the physical plane to HIDE. Obviously, fighting on astral plane might happen if both immortals think THEY will win. Sooo, you expect that based on those hints Adrian will be able to deduce what Pandora wanted to tell him? That would be Sherlock Holmes style accomplishment. Well, there only needs to be some reason for them to be at Mall ... I don't think Sirleck is brave enough to try possessing Adrian even when distracted by vampires. Also, Sirleck plans to possess Magus. Probably magic reset. Seer is already in "correct" mood (traumatized), just causing enough public magic sightings might be enough to trigger magic reset and if Tedd wouldn't get better meanwhile, it may end up as Voltaire wants ... not sure how exactly, but somehow. However, he expected he will die and got some time to write everything down. Victor Hugo managed to wrote it in prose just fine. I would prefer links. Filled here, as this is important topic for research. But yes, it seems this would be hard to beat, especially with the additional "hugged unexpectedly". The most serious competition would be Elliot, but ... while the hug from Grace is clear, the ones from buldog dragon, Catalina and Nanase might be declared "not hug enough" ... Susan probably won't win but her score would be surprisingly high considering her problems with being touched.
  19. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    The immortal law doesn't prevent PEOPLE from doing something. The action was clearly initiated by Susan and Jerry hugging her back was self-defense, which is allowed. Is she? This would require rereading of comics and making notes ... I think Elliot get hugged often too. Every signs point to "Yeah...", plus the odd fact that Dan/the strip calls it Saturday, the site timestamp calls it Sunday, and anyone residing on the not-Americas calls it Monday. The subtle consistency of time is real absent here. Note that the exact timestamp for comic, as visible in image filename, is 1497838656 aka Monday 19th June 2017 02:17:36 AM GMT. Agree, she will be surprised. But it shows that she really isn't so all-knowing as she claims. I think this might be bigger than Damien. In fact, I already fear that Dan won't be able to make it up to the expectation, because all battles he shown were relatively small and quick. If they will be fighting on astral plane, there will be NO collateral damage. If they will be fighting on physical plane, both will be reset quickly. Dan DID promised we will get the answers before end of the arc AND currently Pandora is only one who may do it (Heka is unlikely to leave Egypt and Voltaire likely don't know everything). So she WILL tell someone. This someone, however, may not be Adrian. How she described the reset it even suggests there is no option for her to tell it while being reset, as sort of last words. That would be quite accomplishment, considering the the note on the margin was written in 1637 and he died in 1665. Also, based on how hard was to do the proof, it is generally believed Fermat didn't actually had it (or, possibly, only proved it partially).
  20. NP Monday June 19, 2017

    It's always good having option because by definition, you can always choose to NOT use that option. On the other hand, that "testing with lose clothes" is totally something she could be disappointed with. I mean, sure, they already are short of money for clothes, so it really makes no sense to destroy some, but she can totally be disappointed about it because it would totally look great and I'm sure both Ellen and Nanase would enjoy it (Nanase already fantasized about it). BTW, while I would totally prefer if Dan would be more willing to show wardrobe malfunction (where it makes sense in story), Ellen is Elliot's copy. She probably was uncomfortable with the spell not affecting clothes, which, given what we know about the mechanism for getting new spells, might be reason enough to get this option. We still didn't get Sarah and Grace tickling her. Does it mean the form became canon? What?
  21. Story, Monday June 19, 2017

    Damn. Saturday. After the vampire apocalypse. Precognition failed. I would expect that Pandora having child with Blaike also included some hugging and other things which were not strictly speaking "empowering and guiding" ... ... although there was always option that Blaike started it and she just "defended". IMHO Tedd. Not sure what exactly would happen, but I suppose Pandora will be reset because of that.
  22. NP Friday June 9, 2017

    That depends! Remember, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from SCIENCE! Which is likely EXACTLY the reason why EGS-earth magic don't want to go public. It's one thing when seers are doing it, it's another if everyone would be analyzing it. Maybe EGS-earth magic have similar view on being science as Diane on being nerd?
  23. NP Friday June 9, 2017

    No, but it is very common with real-life identical twins for their dominant hand to be mirrored. Interesting ... (looking for it) ... well, 21% is not that much (although it's more than average) and it's supposed to be caused by environmental factors in womb, which is not exactly applicable for Ellen. Of course, she MAY be left-handed because of flair for drama and the fact that this phenomena exists for "normal" twins. We can't exactly say earth magic is scientific enough to ignore reasons like this.
  24. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=630 To be fair, despite Ellen being born by magic, her talent likely isn't as big as Rhoda's AND resizing is Rhoda's affinity. Also, good example why is this not canon: in canon, Ellen will NOT be surprised she has this spell (unless that was her reaction for reading it in spellbook) AND will not complain Rhoda has better especially considering she doesn't know it.
  25. NP Friday June 16, 2017

    Even if it would be just water with fizz - wait. Maybe it IS water with fizz and it only tastes due to some weird effect related to being shrunk. IMHO we will see on Monday - if she has such spell, it will be mentioned immediately after shrinking.