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Everything posted by hkmaly

  1. NP: Friday February 10, 2017

    It wouldn't be difficult for Pandora to find out. Difficult? No. Boring? Yes. That does go along with not caring about hiding anymore. Yes. There's also the possibility that Rhoda accidentally using new spells won't surprise Pandora anymore now that Pandora knows she's awakened. Now it's a matter of "What will Rhoda do with her new spells?" After getting TWO new spells in one day, Rhoda is not likely to accidentally use any new spell anytime soon. Meanwhile, there is lot of potential in using spells she already have ... While we do have proof that someone can accidentally use their mark spell almost immediately after being marked, do you think Dan will go that route again with Kitty, or hold off for another story? I can see Kitty making another appearance before this arc is done, but it might be more a case of Rhoda and Catalina walking past her without her realizing they were the ones she was chasing. Well, it is good opportunity to have Kitty interact with someone from almost-main cast. Otherwise, she will effectively disappear. Or do you think there will be NP story with Kitty being the MOST known character in it?
  2. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    Once there was a snail who was tired of being slow.
  3. Story Wednesday February 8, 2017

    And importantly, the effects are no different from what direct rejection would be. It still hurts Tedd and causes pain. That pain alone is enough to render Mr. Verres unsafe. That he may mean well does not matter. There is a place that is notorious for being readily accessible by way of good intentions and this is where Mr. Verres is currently steering his relationship with Tedd. From outside, it makes sense that talking and risking rejection will be worth it because the pain wouldn't be that much worse. But from inside, the actual rejection always seem worse ... While Edward was right that magic could never be common knowledge, the reasoning for it wasn't completely right, sure Edward's fears of what might happen are real, but I don't think he expected that Magic itself would step in to prevent it from happening. If Edward knew that more was at stake with keeping magic secret, he'd have told Tedd. After all, Tedd's in too deep to be fed misinformation, and Tedd wanting to make magic public would be something that Edward wouldn't want to give any excuses to avoid giving a proper answer. Note that it IS still possible the EXISTENCE of magic will became common knowledge. What magic doesn't want is to be AVAILABLE to public. But, yes, that's exactly what Tedd wanted to do. I don't think it will be necessary. And while making something close to truth but not endangering Sarah would be hard, I suspect that keeping it secret from Edward without such plan would be even harder. I mean, with Tedd being the special kind of wizard, which is also connected to this ...
  4. NP: Friday February 10, 2017

    Why wait? Also, does Pandora even know where Rhoda lives? She said she didn't do anything, but just THINKING about ending the spell would be enough to end it given how it was already over expected duration. I think it's because giving her one earlier could have prevented the wacky hijinx we've just witnessed, and nobody wants that. I think that this is the exact point of time where Rhoda knowing her spells will not lower but raise chance of future hijinks. Also this. Yup. Remember that we didn't saw Pandora marking Rhoda: it's entirely possible she marked her BECAUSE of her connection to Tedd. I don't think Catalina and Rhoda would have more problems escaping ... but, yes, I do expect Kitty to appear now. And Catalina and Rhoda might delay they escaping due to her, although not forced to. I would suspect that as well, but THIS effectively confirm that immortal can do summoning magic on physical plane from spirit plane. (Note that different universes and sides of universes are something else.)
  5. NP: Wednesday February 8, 2017

    Pandora makes the point that what's keeping the enchantments going is how badly the two girls want to be disguised/hidden. Other things than magical energy can keep an enchantment going. Tedd's research supports this as well. The giant boar ate to support its enchantment, but expectations, desire and emotion can apparently do it too. Which makes sense since emotional state can allow someone to be Marked or even Awaken. Actually, not counting how Nanase used calories to keep her Guardian form going, magical energy is the hard limit. Your expectations, desire and emotions are how you subconsciously power the enchantment with your energy (which adds to the energy contained in the enchantment itself when casted). Which is something animals (like the boar) or Uryuoms and chimeras (like Grace) are NOT able to do. Note that Pandora MENTIONED that energy will not be issue because the high ambient magic energy and Rhoda's S-class talent. Normally it would be. Emotional state can allow you to be marked, but not Awaken - not by itself. You need to have enough magical power to be awaken. That's why Nanase was awaken but Susan just marked: even with Susan having summoning talent, she did NOT had enough power to be awaken. Obviously, Catalina pushed Rhoda up when growing. Although I find hard to believe the effect was THAT big.
  6. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    I think the most accurate way to check for major broken bones would be direct palpation. Put one hand above and one hand below, and see if anything wiggles in between. Likewise undressing a victim to look for lacerations versus making their clothes see-through, or pushing on the car at the cliff's edge to see if it's about to fall versus imagining a crane trying to hook up to it. (If the crane was already there, and she figured out how to work the controls, she might get a more accurate answer than telling the crane operator facsimilie to do it for her.) Agree. The more "normal" way she chooses, the more accurate the result will be. I'm pretty sure that making someone react will decrease accuracy a LOT. Which reminds me, major problem with this will be she would need to make body swap less on hair trigger. Otherwise, she's ending up checking the injuries by body swap, which, while accurate, would be quite painful ... It might be hard to make the spell really useful, but it seems easy to make it fun. She might have problems pulling car even without being attached. Although, raising her strength probably won't decrease accuracy so much ... Completely agreed. Sarah would by default pull back a half-car cutaway but could choose to put a front end on it. The front end would be whatever she imagined, not the car's real front-end, even if Sarah had a photographic memory and know exactly what the entire car looked like. I would say that even with photographic memory, the "exact" would be much less precise than what the simulation is capable of. I though you can't get driver ID without seeing car engine and being able to identify main parts.
  7. Story Wednesday February 8, 2017

    Elliot got a new spell recently and he is oblivious to it at the moment. For all we know, the acquisition of his new spell may mark the end of all the energy build-ups. The "I like being girl" caused acquisition of new spell, yes, but it might also caused end of energy build-ups. Which would be hard to distinguish from "new spell ended energy buildups" but Tedd might be able to confirm it. But he's aware of other ways Tedd can turn girl.
  8. NP: Wednesday February 8, 2017

    Also, it's explicitly said it's different MONTH. That's what Pandora meant by the disguise spell being the "linchpin" It goes and all the others go with it.. Yes. Also, they spent some time transformed: I think Catalina wouldn't have enough magic to keep her transformation so long without Rhoda powering it through the disguise spell. I would say they pushed away each other while growing. That "tried to occupy the same space" is technically true but it sounds as some incident with teleportation.
  9. NP Monday February 6, 2017

    I think it's Rhoda, as Catalina's hair look different.
  10. Story Monday February 6, 2017

    There are security protocols against that. In other words, yes. Remember that when Picard turned the security off, he was able to kill real borgs with holographics bullets from holographics sub-machine gun. Borgs. Who have personal shields. And in "The Naked Now" where Wesley was able to take control by splicing whole sentences together from things that Picard had said. I'm sure Data would be able to defeat any security measure which normal crew members are capable to use. But Wesley's method can be used by anyone, so they should do something with that. (Also, which episode did someone order something to computer not knowing he's on holodeck? Actually, that was probably the Moriarty's one ...)
  11. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    The simulation explicitly DOES include what's inside, and it doesn't matter if it's inside box, book or skin. Stripping layer by layer would probably be modifying the simulation too much. She would get much better results if she would use scalpel. Maybe even using imagined X-ray machine. Of course, unless she has actual medical experience, she's not likely to even try.
  12. Story Wednesday February 8, 2017

    ... right. I also though that Elliot noticed Tedd's girl by something, but it didn't occurred to me it could be the voice. He looks like that but I don't think he does. First, I don't think he forgot to transform for night, second, he might get over his energy buildups either meanwhile or with the "I like being girl", third, he used lot of energy as Cheerleadra wait that wasn't yesterday but the day before.
  13. NP: Friday 3 February 2017.

    Yeah I'll agree that it's not his job to deal with this sort of thing anymore, but considering he'd know that Catalina and Rhoda are friends of the Main Eight, there is a possibility of him taking initiative on it. Not only it's not his job, he might get into problems if Arthur Arthur will find out he's "taking initiative". Of course, he can still do it, but it might make more sense to him to NOT take initiative and just observe how main eight will inevitably contact them on their own. I mean, even if he had some suspicion.
  14. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    I would imagine there'd be instances where Sarah encounters someone just walking or running or whatever out of range of her spell and parts of their bodies are missing. Yes. And it might be better for her stomach to not look at it. Maybe she can't - or at least, it will not be on hair trigger as switching to "full" bodies. It's possible that she can't interact with the end of simulation without "activating" the change-the-simulation ability.
  15. Story Monday February 6, 2017

    I'm pretty sure at that point he was able to HACK the main computer. That is unfair to the Independence Day aliens. For one thing, the humans had one of the aliens' own computers. For another, they had Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith. Whereas in the case of Voyager, various aliens routinely log into the Voyager's main computer with no access to either Earth technology or Hollywood movie stars. Voyager's computer 'security' is so crappy that a three year old with an abacus could probably completely screw all their systems over in a matter of minutes. Don't exaggerate. Five year old. Unless it's Borg of course. As I mentioned, they probably use holodeck-compatible devices for stuff we use standard cameras for. It is possible ... technically, she should still be able to scan everything around that person, so she should get pretty good silhouette. Alternatively, the spell is taking some shortcuts when displaying the information (like recomputing lighting instead of using captured information for lighting) and these shortcuts would mask that missing person.
  16. NP: Friday 3 February 2017.

    The only person she possibly could have had the chance to learn spells from is Nanase since for a time she would float through the halls of school, and we know Diane's seen her so there's a good chance Rhoda was with Diane any of those times. Then again Nanase was burnt out for the entire time Rhoda was marked and then awakened, and is still burnt out at the time of the NP, so unless there's some sort of retroactive magic memory or something that unawakened wizards can still learn someone else's spells but not be able to use them right away, I don't expect to see Rhoda flying or swapping clothes or making fairy avatars. The spells we've seen her do so far fit her personality though so it's unlikely she learned them from someone else. Yup, I don't think there is any retroactive magic memory so I don't count this as opportunity. I still say that if Rhoda was a wizard, Pandora would have said so. I'd say what happened to Rhoda and Catalina falls under the same category as Nanase's fairy doll in Susan's summoning chest and Ellen copying Nanase's Guardian form. In other words, Catalina got her peanut butter in Rhoda's chocolate. I would say it's not exactly same category but I tried and wasn't able to tell the difference And yes, Pandora would definitely mention if Rhoda was a wizard. Even without repeating the linking, I think she could get catgirl spell just based on her just really liking that one experience. Except I don't think she enjoyed it so much, or at least she didn't had time to like it. Doubt it, I think he would have brought her in to discuss the importance of being being careful with her magic, also if he brought her in because of the incident, he would have had to bring Catalina in as well, and Catalina knows Tedd so she would have been included in the circle by now, heck Grace would have known sooner as well that Rhoda was marked and made that boar bigger before Disco Wizard hinted at it in her dreams because Edward would have allowed Rhoda to come to the house. He'd be like "Rhoda's background check is good, her and Grace get along really well, I can trust her coming to the house." Edward doesn't have any way of knowing who has magic or not without the aid of the magic analysis wand, if he suspected Rhoda was the one that made the boar bigger, he would have gone to her right away, used the wand, and then she would have learned more about her magic sooner, and known what losing her mark meant and once she did lose her mark, that she should ask him for a spell book since she'd be learning new spells. All good points, but actually, Edward is now head of paranormal diplomacy and caring about other magic users is no longer his work. So, most importantly, if DGB would investigate and decide to contact Rhoda, it wouldn't be Edward doing it. But most likely, they don't suspect her, because they still underestimate how many people Pandora marked so they assume other cause for incidents than marked people trying their first spell. Assuming they even actually try to contact all new magic users under Arthur Arthur.
  17. NP Monday February 6, 2017

    Catalina might play Magical Gatherings; she was very happy to join some nerd girls playing a Xena RPG back in Hammerchlorians. Which leads me into a speculation: Could Lucy have been one of those nerd girls? Lucy was roleplaying Xena online when Diane chatted with her in Family Ties, and she's dressed much like Xena in this arc. She's probably named after Lucy Lawless. There may be a pattern here... Not only she might, but I already mentioned that possibility somewhen around Susan and Diane in context of how far they were from meeting.
  18. NP Monday February 6, 2017

    Hmmm ... we didn't see Rhoda on the Magical Gatherings tournament, but she can know this even without playing ...
  19. NP: Friday 3 February 2017.

    We can't rule it out ... she learned ZERO spells from others till now, but she also had ZERO opportunity.
  20. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    That might be good reason to not look at it. Even if there wasn't anyone in that car, there will likely be someone who got divided by the end of simulation.
  21. Story Monday February 6, 2017

    And in the TNG espisode "Booby Trap", La Forge instructs the computer to use a person's personality profile to give the hologram of that person more natural behaviour. At least La Forge is a chief engineer who may actually have some "only supposed to be used in emergency" rights on main computer. Where Barkley got rights to Diane's image ... wait. Holocamera. Maybe the full scan data are as easy to get as you can get photo with some celebrity today. Still, better than VOY, where some random aliens removed weeks of data from main computer and Janeway was like "ok, that's resonable, sure". Apparently, they have as low computer security as those aliens from Day of Independence.
  22. Story Friday February 3, 2017

    I think the simulated space from outside would look similar to how doom map looks from inside wall when using noclip. Disturbing. This is winter in the Midwest. A featureless grey sky is completely normal. Sarah may not have noticed the difference until she got to the wall. Yup. Not disturbing. Entering Grace's dreams might be an ability that's exclusive to dreams. Depends if EGS magic treats dreams and thoughts as different but related things or not. And Pandora doesn't necessarily need mind reading to learn of their marking potential. Might be a kind of 'aura vision' related to the way Adrian can sense people's magical power. Dan tried to explain it little here (502). Apparently, she can read personalities, but not thoughts. I guess it would technically count as telepathy/mind reading, but it is limited. I agree that the point of asking the questions (and also point of trying few days before Halloween) was to make people think about it, but Pandora isn't reading exactly what they think about. Something being visible in aura might be good explanation. Maybe it's something like looking into foggy mirror - she doesn't see the thoughts itself but just the contours. Yes, the way immortals read information is unexplained. Even what Jerry deduced was well outside Sherlock Holmes abilities, and even Sherlock Holmes abilities often look like cheating. So, telepathy/mind reading? Clairvoyance? Whatever it is, there are limits on it which prevents to use it to read what is someone thinking, not speaking about deep scan of his memory. Also note that she mentioned she must find way to observe Sarah while casting the spell ... suggesting there IS a way. I would guess that dream entering is separate ability and that she does think about modifying the dream entering to enter the simulation, but is not sure how to do it yet.
  23. NP: Wednesday February 1, 2017

    Actually, first evidence - and pretty big - for Diane wanting something else from Elliot was in Family Tree, long before she discovered Elliot can be she. Susan was SPOILED with the money. She resisted, but only after she realized it. Meanwhile, Diane's adoptive parents might not be poor, but they could be strict in what were giving her, especially considering they adopted multiple children. Also, Rhea is sharing the cost of the apartment with others living there. Considering it was a month after meeting Rhoda that Catalina failed to hide the fact that she was dating someone to Susan, and thus 7 months prior to the current story (and nearly 5 months prior to the NP) I'm pretty certain Rhoda would have had to decline invitations to do stuff with Diane that early as well, and at some point, if not right away, would have mentioned Catalina by name and mentioned how they met, Rhoda would still have hid the fact that they were dating, but at least saying something like "Sorry, I'm going to be watching that new movie with Catalina Saturday" isn't as suspicious as "Sorry, I uh...have other...things, to do." There is also the fact that Rhoda and Catalina were on the news together, if Diane saw that, Rhoda would have to at least acknowledge it at some point, and she could still do that without saying anything about the relationship, like "yeah after the interview, I was still pretty shaken up about the boar so we just talked for a while." I mean, it's not the first time 2 people from separate schools ran into each other and immediately become friends. Also they didn't have to spend ALL summer, of course there are likely occasions where Rhoda had other plans with family and such. But we do have canon proof that makeouts in the back of the movie theater happened in the summer. Just because they hadn't see each other naked yet by October doesn't mean they hardly saw each other, they could just be comfortable with kissing for now and haven't moved beyond that yet. Makeouts in the back of the movie theater are good reminder, but I still think we know next to nothing about how much time Rhoda spend with Catalina OR with Diane, so saying Diane already noticed is just guess. Of course, it CAN be right. Rhoda doesn't seem experienced in lying and there is definitely element of chance here. On the other hand, she actively tried to keep it secret from Diane. She might've got as far as cancelling something planned with Catalina because Diana asked for the same time.
  24. NP: Friday 3 February 2017.

    We do have the word of commentary on a certain pinup claiming possibly spoiling the fact that she could transform others. Whether or not Dan's teasing us or not is something only Dan knows though. Considering he CERTAINLY teases in other pinups commentaries ... hard to say.
  25. NP: Wednesday February 1, 2017

    I did previously stated that I believed Diane had known about Catalina for a while before New Years and that there might have been several instances where Rhoda turned down going out with Diane and Lucy to "hang out" with Catalina. Diane and Lucy are at the mall as well, did Diane ask if Rhoda wanted to come along, offer to help pick up a guy for her? The decision to go to the mall could have been after Rhoda declined the invitation, I dunno. The point I'm trying to make is, before Death Sentence, Rhoda would have spent a lot of time around Lucy and Diane. After Death Sentence, it's likely Rhoda started spending less time with them and more time (at least for after school and weekends, and summer) with Catalina, and Diane's likely noticed this and deduced reasons for it. Hmmm ... it's true that time difference between Death Sentence and this NP story is bigger than time difference between NP story and New Year. On the other hand, they didn't see each other naked yet. Hard to guess how much time they spend together and how many opportunities therefore Diane had to find out. Note that Rhoda might had program which didn't involved Diane NOR Catalina for summer, with her family for example.