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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. NP Friday Sep 15 2017

    "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they fight dirty and cheat at cards." -- J. R. R. Tolkien, liberally paraphrased
  2. Story Friday September 15, 2017

    I suspect Elliot's emotions are quite simply running high in general. What with all that is going on he is under quite a bit of stress and sometimes that can escape when it finds any vent at all. I know that when I am stressed, I react much more angrily to things like that than I normally do. Of course, he might return to the mess only to find the 'guilty' party already cleaning it up. That has happened to me once or twice, too. It usually serves to deflate my righteous anger and remind me to not fly off the handle.
  3. Things that make you MAD

    Last night I was in a chatroom I occasionally frequent. While it is moderated, it is not heavily so and things have a tendency to go off the rail at times. Homophobia, misogyny, you name it. But this time one particular winner started going on about how bad Muslims were and how Jews were worse and that he would like to shoot them -- as a 'joke', of course. I got hold of the head mod and he shut the guy down. But still. I've mentioned bits and pieces of my family history before. It may be readily apparent why I do not think that genocide is particularly good 'joke' material -- that is, if one is willing to accept that "I want to shoot people" is a good basis for a joke. Especially not now when politics in my homeland are being skewed by so much hatemongering and we have actual bollocking Nazis prancing about on the streets. There may be such a thing as freedom of speech, but there is also such a thing as consequences for your actions. And if someone preaches about how much he would like to kill me and my family, I DO NOT SEE HOW THERE CAN BE TWO SIDES TO THAT ISSUE.
  4. Story Friday September 8, 2017

    http://www.egscomics.com/?id=2395 Ashley gets it. In fact, she's got it.
  5. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I absolutely agree. I suppose that means that I might 'only' have been using somewhere between a third too much to half again too much sugar. I just remember it as tasting like a 'sugar nuke' (my brother's words, he tried it in spite of my warnings) and coming to the conclusion that the 'cupful' measure I had been using was way too big. (I should probably stress, I was using the measure for a cupful I was taught, which might well have been a bit bigger than the standardised Danish measurement. To be precise, it was my grandmother's family tradition using the same cups she had used.)
  6. Things that make you worried.

    Do not panic yet. Find out if you have options. Write them and ask if you may get a postponement for fulfilling the requirement due to health reasons. Someone in there may actually be a human being who is open to reason, after all. And even if that is not possible, ask them if it is possible for you to return to full status once you are healthy by fulfilling the requirement then. And if all other options fail, well, then, let me be brutally honest. What matters to me is that you get healthy, not whether the Grammies foolishly throw away your expertise and keen appreciation of music. I would rather see you healthy three, six or nine months from now than still in pain and on however many voting boards there might be in the entire music industry.
  7. Things that make you worried.

    One thing at a time, old friend. One thing at a time. See if your current pain doctor can't make some progress in the next few months. If he does, everything else will follow. Your health is your priority number one. Focus on that.
  8. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Precisely a cupful. Unfortunately, near as I can tell the standard cup size in the US and what I was taught was a cupful are two different things. At a rough guess, the cup I used was at least twice as big as what makes a cupful in American measurements. At least. Given that I was measuring out sugar at the time, this did not work out very well. (I dunno. Maybe an American cup is an 'A' cup and a Danish cup is a 'D' cup? That could explain a few things.)
  9. Story, Wednesday September 13, 2017

    Upon due consideration, I think Elliot's brain would operate more efficiently if it wore better shoes.
  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It is a splendid work. I can highly recommend it. Cautionary note: look carefully at any and all measurements it use if you do not use standard American measuring cups and/or methods in the country you live in. I have gotten into a lot of trouble assuming that a 'cupful' means the same thing as the Danish equivalent does, for example. (Actually, this applies to all recipes translated from one language to another. 'A package of yeast' in Danish means 50 grammes or 1 3/4 ounces of yeast. In German it means 20 grammes, or just 3/4 ounces of yeast. Either way you are in trouble when you set the dough to rise, though arguably Danes following German recipes are in bigger trouble than the other way around.)
  11. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Printed directions are the devil, especially when it comes to premade food from the freezer. I'd rather have a good cookbook that actually gives you an idea of where you need to be flexible or to watch carefully.
  12. Story, Wednesday September 13, 2017

    Susan is one of my favourite characters in any comic and I love her interactions with Elliot. Today's comic gives a good example of why. I am very much looking forward to her encounter with Diane.
  13. Things That Are Just Annoying

    This sounds like quite the improvement. Do keep us posted about how things go.
  14. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Yeah, that can happen. My own sleep patterns tend to be disrupted and once in a great while my body decides 'blow that for a game of soldiers' and I spend most of a day asleep or near asleep. It happens somewhat more often to my wife, especially when she is under stress.
  15. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Hmph. At a guess, the darn thing has a layer of accumulated dust somewhere that doesn't actually burn but gets heated up enough to cause the 'burning' smell. It is possible that simply wiping it down carefully will help. If not, the smell will still go away eventually as the involved dust particles deteriorate enough to 'melt' or drift away on the air currents. Other than that, how is the new duplex?
  16. Star Trek DS9 versus B5

  17. Story Friday September 8, 2017

    That, or the entire Jedi Council was a bunch of ossified hidebound imaginationless has-beens. I lean towards the latter.
  18. Star Trek DS9 versus B5

    To be frank, I actually liked this bit. George Lucas actually listened to the fans when they said how much they hated Jar-Jar and gave him a much smaller part in the second movie, and he all but vanished in the third. And Jar-Jar proposing that the Senate vote Palpatine special powers made sense. At the time, everybody still trusted Palpatine with the possible exception of Yoda, and even Yoda only had a vague suspicion that he could not actually support with evidence of any kind. And let's be fair. Jar-Jar was a complete idiot. It speaks quite well for Palpatine's plotting that he was actually able to turn Jar-Jar into a useful idiot. Jake Sisko... *sigh* I have such mixed feelings about him. He was quite good in some episodes, pretty darn annoying in others and absolutely awful in his war reporter role. And some episodes they just wasted his potential completely. In Valiant he could have been an amazing counterpoint to Sisko himself and have exposed just how short the Valiant's crew fell of their dreams and ambitions, but all he could do was amble around and vaguely mutter, "Dad wouldn't have done it like this."
  19. Story Friday September 8, 2017

    No, it was only told to Anakin. Mind you, it proved to be absolutely true. Yoda was afraid of what would happen if they trained Anakin. Later on, the Jedi Council feared what Anakin might become and kept circumscribing him with limitations that made him more and more dissatisfied with his situation and slowly drove him into Palpatine's fold. "Mmmm. Hard to see the Dark Side is, when old and senile you are."
  20. Story Monday Sep 11 2017

    The Moderator: Ahem. Perhaps the science fiction discussion could be moved to the Off Topic forum? Today's comic has barely had a chance to be mentioned and while I ordinarily do not mind this kind of topic drift, I would like to see the comic in question to at least get a chance to be the topic of discussion. ~tOH.
  21. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    American? All right then. How about a Ford Cougar? Closest I can think of when it comes to feline-based American cars.
  22. Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Nah. We're most likely looking at a Ferrari. Or in case he doesn't go Formula One, a Lamborghini Countach.
  23. NP Monday Sep 11 2017

    Still, Susan is adorable in this strip. I am very much taken with her and amused by the fact that her analytical mind reports with merciless honesty even in a matter as embarrassing as this one.
  24. Story Monday Sep 11 2017

    One of many imbecilities I loathed him for. As far as his abilities as investigative reporter went, he ranked somewhere between the Boy who cried Wolf and the Baron von Münchhausen.
  25. NP Monday Sep 11 2017
