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The Old Hack

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Everything posted by The Old Hack

  1. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    And? I am not you. I am not particularly fond of war, genocide or dictatorships in general, and I nonetheless have spent a great deal of time studying European history from 1919 to 1945. My entire reason for learning German in the first place was so I could finally begin to unlearn my reflexive fear and hate of all things German. I do not like misogyny, racism or homo/trans/queerphobia either but I am still studying their mechanisms in an attempt to learn how to deal with them. Your motivations are not mine. And that is absolutely fine, you have a right to them. But conversely, I have my own reasons for acting the way I do. It is that simple.
  2. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    Oh absolutely. It was a great episode. My friend mostly made his remarks because it annoyed him past endurance to think of any military unit equipped with weapons that unreliable. And unfortunately it is not even unrealistic -- for example, during WW1, the French managed to design an early submachinegun that functioned so badly that it would often jam after firing just a handful of rounds or less. Mind you, it is also worth considering that the Enterprise was not a military vessel per se but also meant for science and exploration. It is not completely unreasonable to think of its main armament as a 'hopefully never needed precaution' rather than as an 'absolutely vital defence mechanism which the crew will be staking their lives on the functionality of'. It might be a prototype or an early generation model of the involved technology.
  3. Things that make you go WTF

    Signore Mlunatico certainly likes his comfort, too! o.o
  4. Things that make you go WTF

    Damn. Your Italian twin knows and likes his cars, doesn't he?
  5. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    My late friend Jens said much the same about the weapons designers who worked on the classic Enterprise. In one episode -- Balance of Terror, I think -- they fire the main armament three times. Every time they fire, the phaser banks overload and burn out, and they need to resort to desperate measures to get them to work again. Jens stated that any company that tried to sell military hardware that bad should itself be made the target of properly functioning main ship guns.
  6. Things You Find Amusing

    I think one of my best-loved strips with Roger is the one where he is getting bandaged up after yet another incident with the Do Not Push button. And Doc tells him, "Maybe you should stop pushing that button." And poor Roger howls, "I CAN'T!"
  7. Things You Find Amusing

    Also, Roger is funnier. At least I think so.
  8. Story Wednesday Jan 25 2017

    There was this old space board game where a ship's sensors had a 3% chance of missing a planet the size of Jupiter while within 11.000 miles range of its surface. I always did wonder who designed those sensors and just how thick the ship's crew would have to be if they had not noticed the planet WITHOUT technical aids before then.
  9. NP: Wednesday January 25, 2017

    Depends on application. She could make her clone of herself and tell it to immobilise someone with a grapple or hold, for example.
  10. What Are You Watching?

    Normally yes. Mind you, Neil Gaiman did that with a lot of Sandman, and he got away with it.
  11. What Are You Ingesting?

    I think my favourite episode so far was the one where White House security decided to tighten the defences. By keeping the front door locked when it wasn't in use. I am certain this isn't nearly as idiotic as it sounds. At least, I hope it isn't. But at the time I heard this, I laughed and laughed.
  12. Things that make you go WTF

    I still think it is awesome he is driving a Veyron. In my opinion, he is not getting rid of it. He just wants some extra cars for those situations where his Veyron isn't practical. Maybe he is like an old friend of the family who lives in France. The old gentleman owns several cars and drives all of them. He loves driving and each of his cars has some particular trait or set of traits he adores it for. He also personally maintains them. The funny thing is, not one of his cars are French. They are all either German or Italian. When asked why he didn't drive French cars he replied, "Mon dieu, I would never drive such trash."
  13. What Are You Watching?

    I still remember this show where a character at one point declared that he had to go to the loo. He left and was never seen again. In fact, he was never even spoken of again. I really wonder about how toilets work in that universe.
  14. Things that make you go WTF

    Sheesh, that dude is really doing la dolce vita, isn't he? Fast car, cool hardware, speeding tickets...
  15. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    About 90% of that of an unladen Demonic Duck.
  16. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    I hadn't worked it out that far, but yeah, that doesn't help matters. I figured being lost somewhere in solar orbit would be bad enough.
  17. Things that make you sad.

    I am so sorry.
  18. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    It was the sheer speed. The entirety of the jump took less than a minute to complete. This meant an airspeed of some 2000 miles per minute or 120.000 mph or 33 or so miles per second. That is around four times escape velocity.
  19. NP: Monday, January 23, 2017

    You could do so many things with this system. Some of them awesome, some of them ridiculously awesome, some of them just ridiculous. One of my friends invented a superleap power with so large a noncombat multiplier that he could jump from Denmark to Iceland in just one jump. The big problem with that power was that the math just didn't work. He moved at such speed that he easily broke escape velocity which means he wouldn't actually arrive in Iceland but just go on into space, lost forever.
  20. Things that make you go WTF

    I can't wait to see what sort of home the guy is going to get.
  21. NP: Friday January 20, 2017

    Or fire elementals, for that matter. :/
  22. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    This is some forum thread! When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for what to post?
  23. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    All right. YOU WIN. XD
  24. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    Yes, it was. I just cleaned it out. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  25. Story Friday January 20, 2017

    Who is this? What is your operation number?