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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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    banneret got a reaction from mlooney in Age Brackets (Bunny Demographics)   
    Not only is the hill not symmetrical, it isn't even consistent across trips. What a disagreeable formation.
  2. Like
    banneret got a reaction from RainbowWizard in Story: Friday, June 17, 2016   
    Grace has always been overpowered, Dan simply moderates her impact through her naiveté, discomfort with violence, and placement in the narrative.
  3. Like
    banneret got a reaction from mlooney in Age Brackets (Bunny Demographics)   
    Not only is the hill not symmetrical, it isn't even consistent across trips. What a disagreeable formation.
  4. Like
    banneret got a reaction from mlooney in Popularity of gender flip in the general populace   
    If safe and reversible, I wouldn't surprised if most people would try it, and many would settle on the other side. Of course, the adoption of the technology would cause a cultural revolution which would undoubtedly improve gender relations and the treatment of people in general.
  5. Like
    banneret got a reaction from mlooney in Popularity of gender flip in the general populace   
    If safe and reversible, I wouldn't surprised if most people would try it, and many would settle on the other side. Of course, the adoption of the technology would cause a cultural revolution which would undoubtedly improve gender relations and the treatment of people in general.
  6. Like
    banneret got a reaction from mlooney in Age Brackets (Bunny Demographics)   
    Not only is the hill not symmetrical, it isn't even consistent across trips. What a disagreeable formation.
  7. Like
    banneret reacted to CritterKeeper in Age Brackets (Bunny Demographics)   
    Grey hairs?  I got my first grey hairs in junior high!  Came in handy, too, when I was fresh out of vet school, a year younger than most of my classmates, and trying to look like I was old enough to know what I was doing.
    Now that I'm old enough to look like I know what I'm doing without the greys, my hair has magically returned to being 100% Dark Auburn.  Or occasionally Medium Auburn.
    By your logic I should've been over the hill before my first quarter-century.
    Besides, the hill isn't symmetrical.  There's a relatively gentle slope on one side, and a sharp drop-off on the other.  (My goal is to hang around on the side of the hill in between.  ;-)
  8. Like
    banneret got a reaction from The Old Hack in Story: Wednesday, June 15, 2016   
    When it comes to romance, it is greatly about how you feel on the way, not merely how you feel beforehand. I think this is what people miss when they ship characters - the viewer has more information, but limited access to the interior of the experience, and this distorts her view. In this case, I feel there is too much attention on a full triangle, while the individual relationships don't have the requisite mutual understanding. If a healthy polyamorous relationship is to arise between Grace, Tedd and Sarah it has to start with an exploratory relationship between Sarah and Tedd or Sarah and Grace - the experience there would inform and clarify her position, afford her choice if you will. Simply "adding" another person is seldom functional, because a polyamorous relationship is a composite of component relationships between individuals.
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    banneret got a reaction from ijuin in Is EGS:NP becoming too important?   
    Anyway, I like the fact that canon has leaked into NP. I remember when we were lucky to get a new page here and there, for years of real time, and in my opinion there can never be enough canon material for EGS. If it took over the Sketchbooks and the Pinups I wouldn't mind either.