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Everything posted by Circe

  1. Story Comic for 2016 April 25th

    Is anyone else concerned that the title of the book is now "A Perfectly Normal Book"? It could be that it's just the way the title has always been, and this is like the "Totally Human" t-shirt gag....but what if it means that the spell book is no longer a spell book, and Elliot is now stuck with only his current spells?
  2. Sketchbook: Thursday April 21 2016

    I really love FV5 Greg. We need to see more of her! Also am I the only one who is imagining Justin changing into Justine mid-jump? swish-swish-swish-boing!
  3. Story Wednesday March 30, 2016

    This is the sort of thing I wish Dan would edit out. It doesn't really advance the story line, only adds a little characterization, and while it is somewhat funny IMO it's not funny enough to justify spending an entire strip on it. I'm probably in a minority there I just would rather see the plot move along more. This bothers me for another reason. Maybe I read too many Dresden books, but there is big difference between not lying and telling the truth and I would expect someone with Tara's intelligence to understand that. I suppose you could say that none of the immortals in her half of the world have bad intentions and so she never heard of one twisting the truth....but that seems a bit unlikely to me. Ah well....at least Nanase looks very cute sitting on floating Elliot's leg. And the griffin couple continue to remind me a lot of couples I know in real life.
  4. NP Friday March 18, 2016

    Way back in the mists of time I played a computer version of chess (Battle Chess) that included little animations when you took an opponent's piece. I remember wishing there was a better animation when the pawn became a queen. It was basically a "poof" transformation. Still it was fun to do....I do recall setting up a board with all of the pawns turning into queens. Tedd would have loved it.
  5. NP Friday March 11, 2016

    Well poo.....no male-tf'ing for Sarah OR Ellen. I'm sure it's all logical and some stuff but I'm disappointed anyway. And yes Sarah seems to be getting used to nude Grace. Sooner or later that will freak her out.
  6. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    Not really what I meant. In a lot of transformation-based stories, spending too much time in an alternate form can lead to permanent changes in personality. Since Elliot's secret identities are complete personalities of their own, I'm just wondering if there would ever be a danger of him slipping into the background and one of them taking over. It's probably not likely given that the superhero form + secret identities are all part of a single spell, and as others have pointed out there are supposed to be safeguards built in, and finally Dan just isn't likely to go that route from a story standpoint. I could possibly see Elliot getting stuck for a while as one of the secret id's. It would be fun to see everyone's reactions when "cousin Heidi" or "long lost goth sister" comes to visit town for a while. I would like to see a storyline in EGS where someone is permanently changed. In a way Tedd has been, of course, but that's not exactly a huge change. I think the best bet would be Sam eventually getting a magical female-to-male transformation. I'll even fearlessly predict that will happen (mostly because it will be years in real time before we ever get to that point in the plot and no one will remember this post by then! ). EDIT: Of course there is the storyline with Hedge and Vladia....but we have not seen them in a looooong time.
  7. STORY: Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I suspect, but have no proof, that each alternate identity counts as a separate person. My only reason is that it makes sense since these are supposed to be secret identities - their whole purpose is to disguise him. If he ever wanted to hide from a magic user this ability could be handy. I wonder though...if he spent too much time as, say, Heidi, would that personality start to become dominant?
  8. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I'd love to see Tedd there as Tess with the other three MV5'd. That would make for a fun sketchbook entry! I agree with Mackus; we probably won't actually see a non-binary form. It may be discussed a little more, especially if/when Sam and Sarah become a storyline. I hope Dan will address Ellen turning into a male form. She should be past establishing herself as an individual now, so if she's avoiding a gender change I have to wonder why.
  9. NP, Wednesday March 9, 2016

    I hope we're not winding down! We need to see Sarah trying out a male form again....I'm curious to see how she'll react this time. Not to mention Ellen's reaction to two hunky male Sarah's....