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Everything posted by ijuin

  1. There's a reason that "Boobs of Steel" is "the most common superpower".
  2. Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane

    Diane might also have felt guilty about tearing into Justin after the fact, and her defending Elliot online (where she is safely anonymous) is her way of dealing with that guilt.
  3. NP Wednesday August 31, 2016

    I would have thought she'd turn into a Lina...
  4. Story, Wednesday August 31, 2016

    In real-life genetics, brown/black hair is dominant over blonde. Let "B" represent a gene for brown/black hair, and "b" for blonde. If both parents are "Bb", then one-fourth of possible genetic combinations will be "bb". Thus, two parents who have dark hair but both carry genes for lighter hair could produce blonde children.
  5. NP Monday August 29, 2016

    Hmm, EGS cast cosplaying as Neon Genesis Evangelion characters . . . who would wear what costume? I can imagine Nanase as Asuka (redhead, prides herself on being a top fighter/protector and top student) . . . who else?
  6. NP Wednesday August 31, 2016

    Name-based affinity being the "worst" form may be like puns being considered the "lowest" form of humor by some people. Anyway, Pandora speaks as if she is clearly familiar with Catalina, so she probably has been watching some of her interactions with Tedd's group of friends (she mentioned Susan and Sarah specifically).
  7. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    To paraphrase Sarah, "I have discounted that theory as being 'boring'." (Does anybody recall the page of the original quote?)
  8. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    I think that Edward knows enough about Immortals that he is aware that they can mask their magical auras if they so wish. Pandora would register as a magically inactive entity until she started tossing spells around.
  9. Unsolved Mysteries of Susan and Diane

    Technically, Susan and Diane were born in different years despite being only twenty minutes apart, since it was 31 December/01 January.
  10. NP Monday August 29, 2016

    She is all made up for her date with Catalina.
  11. NP Friday, Aug 26 2016

    Being good to the degree that they are is rare, but being good enough to not want to go on a highly destructive rampage is probably common enough.
  12. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    The IVF argument (or any similar "came from a single fertilized ovum" argument) seems too much like having them be twins in every way that matters genetically and philosophically, while making them "technically not twins". I sincerely doubt that Dan is going to have the plot be hung up on such a technicality. Susan and Diane are connected, but not in the normal identical-twins sense.
  13. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Well, in Pandora's case, it's already been established that Immortals have magical stealth that cannot be penetrated even by other Immortals, so I wouldn't expect any magic-sensing alarms to detect her via magical signature.
  14. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    Since Diane did not know prior to age six that she was adopted, then it almost certainly happened before her earliest conscious memories--probably by the time she was three, at oldest.
  15. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    I thought that Jerry was at the party to watch Nanase. He does owe part of his promise to her after all. Also, if he was aware of who not-Tengu was, then he would have specific reason to be watching over Nanase and her friends.
  16. Story Monday August 29, 2016

    If Edward's information is correct, yes. However, it does seem to be a bit of a coincidence for them to be born twenty minutes apart if they are not twins. There's definitely far too much setup here for there not to be some cause behind their near-identical-ness, whether it be blood relation, parallel world shenanigans, or what-have-you. I love the back-to-back poses and expressions in the first and fourth panels.
  17. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Tedd did refer to automated defenses/alarms having been set up in the Verres house by his father in http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=1519 I think that this indicates that anything that would create an easily-detected magical signature would be noticed.
  18. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    Edward is still skeptical about Tedd having encountered the Whales, so it's probable that none of Edward's magical security methods were able to detect them during or after their contact with Tedd. It is probable that the Whales exist on one of the astral levels, and thus are undetectable short of "scanning the entire spectrum" of astral levels in the vicinity (like detecting a radio transmission by scanning the whole radio spectrum).
  19. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    From what we know, Sarah can not Awaken until she has developed more energy capacity through exercise. However, she could give Sarah a magical-energy battery that she could wear and trickle-charge (similar in principle to Tedd's gauntlet).
  20. Story Friday August 26, 2016

    It looks to me like Pandora plans to tell Sarah what must be done to break the energy clog. Also, I think that the Frozen reference is deliberate, given what Pandora's current costume resembles.
  21. Pandora is Being Framed

    That's a fascinating idea about the Diamond--and would fit completely with Abraham's boneheadedness. Given the attitude that he's taken about deliberately extending his existence in order to stop the creations of the Diamond, I would not at all be surprised if he would consider suicide if doing so would actually ensure the Diamond's destruction.
  22. NP, Wednesday August 24, 2016

    You're looking at "now" now. Everything that you see now is happening "now".
  23. NP, Wednesday August 24, 2016

    Repeat to yourself: "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
  24. What are you reading right now?

    Yes, it's loads of fun to see rational deconstruction applied to the Wizarding world.
  25. Things That Are Just Annoying

    I'm pretty sure that GED only applies if you did not graduate from high school. If you have a regular diploma, then that should replace all of the GED stuff.