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Don Edwards

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Everything posted by Don Edwards

  1. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Quite a few varieties of animals, and some special cases in many species (some _insert-species-here_ are smarter than others), will actively help you find the right spot, or at least let you know when you've hit it. I've had cats and dogs move under my hand so that I'd be scratching the right spot. A pony found it easier to shove my hand a few inches.
  2. Comic Wednesday May 29, 2024

    Well, there's always the option of some sort of stuffing. And she'd have access to a few pairs of socks from an early age.
  3. Comic for Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    I would add: 1) Banning cards is the less important of the two obvious forms of planned obsolescence in M:TG. The other is that standard tournament format requires only cards of the basic deck and a few specific (most recent) expansions. Bunches of cards routinely get dropped from those tournaments simply because they've been out a while, and the company wants the players to buy new cards. (Caveat: it's been more than 10 years since I've played a game or even owned a Magic card. So my info may be out of date.) 1) The designers of these cards aren't perfect, and neither are the folks who choose which designs to approve. Occasionally they will produce a card that (probably in combination with some other card, or even any one or two of several other cards) works in a way they didn't anticipate and is obviously overpowered. Well, obvious once it's seen in action. Which tends to cut people who DON'T have it out of tournament, or more-serious "friendly", play - decreasing the market. Particularly if one or more of the combo cards are rare, so only a few will have it - and most of those will be folks willing to shell out significant amounts of cash to get it.
  4. NP Thursday May 30, 2024

    "Or if you must, make them about fingernail-deep."
  5. What Are You Listening To?

    I have something similar that seems weird even to me. I don't care if I can't understand a word of the lyrics because they're in some language I don't know - as long as I can hear them clearly. But mumbled lyrics, or lyrics drowned out by the music - that song can go straight into the dumpster.
  6. Things That Are Just Annoying

    First, my smart watch broke. Just a tiny break - a puny little plastic crumb that happens to hold the watch band in place. Fortunately, I have a spare. I bought two, one for me and one for my lady, a couple months before she died. Then, it turns out that within the smartphone app that goes with it, there's only one way to make the app forget one phone and pick up another. That's to go into app management and just plain erase that app's storage. Causing it to forget EVERYTHING it knows. So I had to go through all the setup again. And it doesn't help that the people who wrote this app are fond of some rather unreadable lettering - a color that is a slightly grayer version of the background color, and a 2-point font. Among other places such lettering is used, is the calibration of the X axis on a number of graphs. (And even that's technically an improvement on the Y axes, most of which have no calibration at all.)
  7. Comic for Monday, May 20, 2024

    Hers is in the shop, so she's borrowing Lucifer's.
  8. NP Thursday May 16, 2024

    It would be precisely 0% surprising if the memory of Panthera Catalinas is a bit bigger than the reality.
  9. The Weather.

    This motorhome has the heat-retention properties of a sieve. I can easily get a 10-degree temperature difference from one side of it to the other. The thermostat for the main room, controlling the propane furnace, is in the warmest spot in that room. The thermostat for the bedroom is nearly as poorly placed. With two little electric space heaters to supplement, I have yet to find a setting on either one's thermostat that will reliably turn it on when the temperature (read from a thermometer sitting on the floor beside and slightly behind the heater) is below 62, and also reliably leave it off when the temperature is over 72. And Montana is having an unusually cold spring. For Montana. The kind of cold that is measured in inches, or occasionally feet.
  10. Things That Are Just Annoying

    It pleads with the bed to let the singer stay. (Maybe I need to make that explicit, earlier in the song.)
  11. Things That Are Just Annoying

    ♩♩♫♩♬♪♫ Don’t take your warmth away from me Don’t you leave my arms all shivery ‘Cause I wish the night’s not through And waking up is hard to do. Remember when you held me tight Warm blankets wrapped all through the night So sound asleep the whole night through And waking up is hard to do. They say that waking up is hard to do Now I know, I know that it’s true Don’t say that this is the end Instead of waking up I wish that I could fall asleep again I beg of you, don’t make me glower Can’t we stretch the night just one more hour? Come on bed, I’ll stay with you ‘Cause waking up is hard to do. (original gets repetitive after that)
  12. Sad news

    I think Ijuin is probably right; however it's also possible that you've emotionally let go of the Dad drive to make life perfect for your kid. Or at least accepted that you can't fix things - the reality, or his emotions, either one - for him.
  13. Comic for Monday, Apr 15, 2024

    It worries me... because (a) some people have an overly-inclusive definition of "transgender" and (b) someone who is a borderline case, or who hasn't recognized their situation, could be seriously traumatized by suddenly finding themselves changing physical sex with no idea why or how it happened or how to consciously control it... As well as severely socially inconvenienced.
  14. Comic for Friday, Apr 12 2024

    I, on the contrary, suspect that she doesn't recall marking Sam. But she recognizes the mark as something she did, and sees why the spell she granted is particularly appropriate, and is having a "wow, neat idea!" moment. What she's missing is why Sam in particular, and not all the other trans people in town.
  15. Comic Wednesday April 10, 2024

    My high school had just under 600 students, grades 7-12. It also had two counselors to help the students with the bureaucratic stuff, and a head janitor kids went to for advice.
  16. Sad news

    I notice that the out-of-power party is eager to declare that anything the in-power party wants to do is crap... ... and then when they regain power and could undo the "crap," they instead set about polishing it.
  17. Sad news

    And to listen to a lot of Democrats talk, anyone who isn't pushing substantially identical policies (sometimes with the pointy bit in a different group's chest) in the name of anti-fascism is lurching uncontrollably to the right.
  18. Sad news

    And I see leading Democrats treating all non-Democrats with a similar level of respect. (IMHO anyone willing to run for elective government office is a candidate for a mental-health facility. And those who, having done so once, want to do it again...)
  19. Sad news

    Well, I figure that there's a reason the voters who align with the Republicans don't align with the Democrats, and "we find their nominees to be unpalatably left-wing" would be a good reason. I haven't noticed a shortage of Democrats who accuse Republican nominees of being unpalatably right-wing... which would make a similar amount of sense for the same reason.
  20. Sad news

    That characteristic is found in a wide variety of fanatics. Including on the US political left. And certain varieties of several religions. And some folks who have recently revised their lifestyle to an allegedly-healthier theme. And...
  21. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    Why not both? I'm sure that, by cat standards, the desk is a comfortable place to sleep.
  22. NP Thursday February 29, 2024

    But wasn't that while Tedd was thought to have no magical capability?
  23. Cats, Dogs, Other pets.

    You're a cat. Don't you need a nap to recover from that exertion?