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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Everything posted by Stature

  1. NP Wednesday November 07, 2018

    Feels like a "George of the Jungle" situation: The tree gets you knocked out. Although, the pins sure look denser than they seem. The old squash-and-stretch to exhibit exaggerated motion of physics.
  2. NP Wednesday November 07, 2018

    Big pins, big strike, big whoomp, big ouch. Ouch.
  3. NP Monday November 5, 2018

    Even with the "coolness" of this, I can hear Nanase's head bonking a mile away.
  4. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-08 Not the best chamber makers, then.
  5. NP Friday November 2, 2018

    Okay, who tapped into the Four-Course Gum?
  6. Sketchbook Oct 29 2018

    She has got that Dr. Strange scheme going there. Mix that with Wizard Sarah and Bunny Susan, well, we got an aerial magic team going.
  7. Story Monday October 29, 2018

    It sure is a big 180, that I am still skittish.
  8. NP Monday October 29, 2018

    If Diane is behind this, I shall trigger the next trap.
  9. July 2017? The backlog is strong. We would have wanted an expanded version of some of the spellbooks already.
  10. http://egscomics.com/comic/tlod-025 *bites lip in awe* Diane, you know proper vindication is what friends do. *still pushes this strip as a thesis to something bigger*
  11. http://egscomics.com/sketchbook/2018-026 No logic here. Just two forms of Elliot. Cat-Mall-Cheerleadra Elliot, though, oh my!
  12. NP Friday October 26, 2018

    Dynamite hand? Also, Sarah has the look as if Jason D. Poit, the nerve, had walked up to her.
  13. https://www.patreon.com/posts/adorable-angry-22029601 *reads whiteboard text* People and their puffery.
  14. http://egscomics.com/sketchbook/2018-027 Alt is, of course, familiar...
  15. Story Friday October 26 2018

    Oh, it is an absolute HOOT! I need to go the laughing bunker now! Also, adding the cursing makes the reaction of Rhoda more hilarious and stiffer, in a sense. And a delayed reaction from Wednesday... huh. *mutters to self while looking at list* I still cannot get over the hairstyle of Diane. There needs to be a subtle color boundary. Otherwise, panel 2 makes it look like Diane had a magic scar.
  16. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-01 Huh. I need to get a canteen.
  17. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/assorted-18a-013 Huh. Yup.
  18. NP Wednesday October 24, 2018

    Uh huh, her red hair is keeping her warm; not her outfit. Simple logic.
  19. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/assorted-18a-010 Eh. I dissent. People would, like, instinctively say "like".
  20. 23 October 2018, Tuesday

    ... The Rich and goth trends are mildly showing? This pin-up is not "rich" to me, though.
  21. NP Monday Oct 22, 2018

    It feels like below 0ºC/(32ºF) weather. Ab-surd. Absurdity aside, good luck with the solitary backpack.
  22. Story: Wednesday October 23, 2018

    *breathes in* *rings the bells from the nearby church like a madman* *Moperville now confused by the sound* This is the thesis. Defended by Dan, Chekhov's gun at the start. Also, it is the 24th and not the 23rd.
  23. http://egscomics.com/egsnp/nanasecraft-03 She is evil for extra credit!!!
  24. http://egscomics.com/comic/tlod-027 I am just happy here. I need to get some tissues. Industrial size.