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Everything posted by CritterKeeper

  1. NP: Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Logically, she would have just pulled the voluminous sweater on over the spaghetti-strap tank top in the last strip, not taken the tank top off first. Thus when she takes the sweater off -- it did look awfully hot! -- she should be back to the tank top. However, even (Susan's) Logic itself has admitted there are times there is just no place for it in this comic, so have at the headcannons!
  2. Word of Dan Discussion

    Hmm, while I could cheerfully accept Dan not being able to talk about any new games in-comic, as the gaming strips are rather meh to me, I would regret if he tied his hands regarding ever discussing any post-SW:TFA movies....
  3. NP: Monday May 8, 2017

    So more of a you-win-some, you-lose-some? Exactly! She's all about that bass, lost her treble. :-D
  4. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Ah, yes, sesquepedalian loquatiousness, a favorite of cunning linguists the world over. I see what you did there!
  5. Story Wednesday May 10, 2017

    Yes, this is what I would hope for, either gender-meh or cisgender once transformed. However, Justin at least stated that he didn't like being in the female body the TFG gave him, so it would seem things are not that simple and convenient. If we're clarifying the distinctions, I'd specify that gender fluid can experience dysphoria if their body does not match their gender at a given time. Or, maybe they'll just declare that those parts are private, and it's none of anyone else's business. It's also much easier to search than it was when the comic started. There are both a great many more web sites covering every given topic, and much better search algorithms and indexes. I sometimes have a hard time understanding how great a leap we've made, and I lived through it all! (Anyone else remember when Yahoo! was a giant branched index?) I could see them taking turns, but both being pregnant at the same time, with similar due dates, seems like a crazy idea, or at least very, very impractical! Even normal twins are a lot more than twice the work of a singleton, and to have both parents recovering from a painful, exhausting physical challenge at the same time would be a very bad start. They'd have both babies waking up at different times during the night, for extra sleep deprivation above and beyond the usual newborn fog of exhaustion, and they'd have to wrangle two toddlers at once, not to mention two college tuitions at once later on. There's a very good reason most families who can, choose to put at least a couple of years between babies! Perhaps that goes both ways, and I just haven't met the person(s) whose particular blend of kinks matches my ability to fulfill them.... ;-)
  6. Video Game Discussion Part 2

    For themed threads, TOH has been pretty chill about posting gaps. Stuff like Favorite Quotes and What Have You Been.... have died down and come back to life without a problem. It's mostly stuff like the threads about a particular comic or event that have a short expiration date.
  7. Things That Are Just Annoying

    Oh, no....please tell me you did not just say that! :-( I jest, really. I don't believe in that sort of jinx -- it's bad luck to be superstitious!
  8. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Often, the scan is read and the official report written by someone different than the person who ordered it and talks to you about the result. I know there have been times when I've been in the room for an ultrasound, and been told what they think they're seeing, but the final report (written after they've had time to review the images further) has had something additional in it, occasionally something that changes how we would proceed with the patient. Of course, some doctors tend to give only the information they think is relevant, thinking that anything more will be too confusing for their patients. If it's something that they can't treat, or that they don't think is the cause of what they see as your real problem, then they'd just not take the time to discuss it. I'm hoping that this is not your situation, or that if it is, they'll catch on from your questioning that you are a patient they need to discuss everything with. Doing your own research is always a good idea, as long as you know how to get good info out of Dr. Google instead of getting lost in the "99% of everything is crap" portion of the internet. You can learn a lot and be a more knowledgable and useful participant in your care, advocate for yourself, and coordinate information between your many physicians more effectively. You can also scare the bejeebers out of yourself reading all the horrible possibilities.... For cold feet, I have a heating pad at the foot of my bed. If it's on top of the blankets, and my feet under them, I find that putting it on a low setting warms up my feet nicely without the risk of burning anything while asleep. As for the weight loss, I kinda wish I got that side effect. My mom had it the other way 'round; when she was on amphetamines for weight loss as a young woman, in hindsight she thinks she had fewer ADD symptoms as a side benefit. *hands Prof a book with large, friendly letters on the cover* You would think, in the electronic age, it would be simple to set things up so that everyone working on you got the reports from everyone else working on you, without you having to get involved. The charitable interpretation is that this is what she meant, whether you wanted to see the doctor in the office, or talk on the phone, or email, or whatever, rather than asking you what treatment you'd like. And having Mrs Prof along is, as always, an excellent idea. In the future, if they're rattling things off too fast, don't be afraid to ask them to repeat what they said, including asking for spellings of the unfamiliar words. ;-) I would think the info should be given to the cardiologist, whether the primary care thinks it's relevant to them or not. Let the expert decide what affects their field! Plus I can't even guess at how many times the FDA's email list we're on has included recalls of OTC "supplements" because they had actual drugs in them, sometimes dangerous ones that could interact with other medications or cause side effects. So either it doesn't work because it's really lawnmower clippings in those "herbal" capsules, or it works to some degree but has worse side effects than whatever a physician might have prescribed because it's an older drug MDs know better than to prescribe any more. If you must get supplements, go to a web site like consumerlab.com, where an independent lab tests supplements of various sorts to see if they actually have what they're supposed to have. (That one's one of the best, but does charge a minimal fee.)
  9. What Are You Ingesting?

    And here I've been throwing out packages of colby-jack when they're beyond the Use By date....should just keep 'em in the back of the fridge for a decade, then sell them for medium bucks!
  10. The Weather.

    Tree pollen here, which might be why my cough is still lingering a bit.
  11. NP Friday May 05 2017

    Given that everything else stays her usual girly self, I only saw her being a flat-chested girl. Never even occurred to me that she might be supposed to be a guy. I think that at this point in Dan's artistic development, if we got that close a look at a male chest, there would be at least some muscle definition to identify it as such. I do want to tell Duck to quick, roll the D20 while looking away!
  12. Last Post Wins

    Tailored to what we bespoke about earlier. You need your doily dose or you'll be tartan stitch-n-bitchin'!
  13. I Have A Bad Feeling About This

    Wore my TARDIS-blue scrub top, my Vulcan IDIC necklace, and my Jyn Erso MagicBand from DisneyWorld. My own private little geek-fest, open to anyone who gets the references to join in. ;-)
  14. I Have A Bad Feeling About This

    I watched the trailer for The Last Jedi, as well as Emergency Awesome's commentary (not always the most insightful but he's adorkable ;-) I'll have to check later whether any new stuff dropped during the actual day. I think I'm up too late tonight because I got too caught up on sleep on my day off -- I'm short on sleep deprivation, need to catch up.
  15. Last Post Wins

    Really, sew juvenile and thread-bare a pun theme?
  16. Changing Medications (Level of Trust Required)

    Eh, if you're in too much pain to sleep, too frustrated to settle to work, and/or too groggy to concentrate on anything taxing, there are worse ways to pass the time than a Machete Order marathon....
  17. I Have A Bad Feeling About This

    Ah, yes, "Star Wars Day"! A holiday with both pun and geek cred. Gotta remember to wear something appropriate.
  18. Last Post Wins

    If you'll read the thread, it's been RP more often than not RP in the past....
  19. Story: Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

    There's a popular song from a musical (Was it Bye Bye Birdie or Anything Goes?) which starts out, "You say potayto, I say potahto, you say tomayto, I say tomahto...."
  20. Story Friday April 28, 2017

    ISWYDT ;-) I thought RenFaire. Bristol Renaissance Faire is just across the Wisconsin border, an easy day trip from anywhere in Chicagoland.
  21. All of time and all of space....

    They were a step in the evolutionary process. Stop their creation, and I might just have not been able to catch a missed Doctor Who episode on BBC's website tonight.
  22. The Weather.

    We had a bunch of rain tonight, sometime pouring rather hard, but apparently it was even worse in Dan's area. There's apparently flooding in Dan's neck of the woods, delaying today's comic. Best of luck to him!
  23. The Weather.

    The winking smiley doubts it, but could be wrong. Actually, come to think of it, that's got to be somebody's kink somewhere, so perhaps it was a saucey winking smiley?
  24. We're getting Goonmanji 2!!!

    Bah, that guy? What does he know? ;-P