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Comic for Friday Jun 14 2024

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Yay for gloomy cloud background in panel two!

(space for spoilers)












It's nice to see cowgirl Guy again.

And now Tedd has seen AJ's spell. I wonder if Tedd can tell exactly what the spell does? And what can Tedd do with that info? I mean, he could tell Justin, but I assume Justin can't just arbitrarily kick someone out of the tournament, and it would be pretty hard to prove AJ is cheating without getting into the existence of magic. Also, kicking AJ out of this tournament wouldn't prevent him from doing the same or worse at some point in the future.

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Magic existence isn't hidden any more, so Justin removing a player for unfairly using magic would be OK.

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It's not hidden, but it's still in the "more people don't believe than do" phase. If Justin says "AJ cheated using magic", AJ will just respond with something along the lines of "Everybody knows magic isn't real." Of course most of the people we know are there do know about magic to one degree or another, but I'm not sure if Justin would realize that.

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A casino can and will eject a player for suspicion of cheating without incontrovertible evidence.  

But that hardly seems likely in a small time tournament like this one. 

If Tedd knows AJ is cheating with magic, he might be inclined to arrange some magical "justice". 


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19 hours ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:

If Tedd knows AJ is cheating with magic, he might be inclined to arrange some magical "justice". 

As long as it isn't lightning bolts from the sky, I'm good with that.  Actually might be good with the lightning bolt idea.

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31 minutes ago, Pharaoh RutinTutin said:


We're saving that one for Galileo. 


He’s just a poor boy from a poor family!

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