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    • Robin

      Welcome!   03/05/2016

      Welcome, everyone, to the new 910CMX Community Forums. I'm still working on getting them running, so things may change.  If you're a 910 Comic creator and need your forum recreated, let me know and I'll get on it right away.  I'll do my best to make this new place as fun as the last one!


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Showing most liked content on 02/26/2017 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    Ok, I hate to say this, but I honestly had no idea the person Elliot was dreaming about the night before he asked Ashley out (Asian, with pigtails) was still Tedd. Fuck it. I think I'm officially a shipper now.
  2. 1 point

    Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I still love the line, "I'm too young and too male to be the mother of a seventeen-year-old female me!" It encapsulates the absurdity of the whole series in a single sentence.
  3. 1 point
    There are many ways you could interpret a butt catching air. Most of them are none too fragrant.