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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Showing most liked content on 07/23/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    Finally, we have a short (and I do mean short) video on my YouTube channel of Loudmouth and Baker, filmed and narrated by Mrs. Prof! Here's the link:
  2. 1 point

    Loudmouth's Journey Inside

    The new babygate for Loudmouth's room arrived: Unfortunately, it was a miserable failure. Baker didn't want to eat. Loudmouth ate some, then jumped the gate and went to our bedroom and leapt up onto our bed and assumed a relaxed posture. This was probably due to him getting comfy on our bed earlier in the day when he and Baker were out and interacting with each other: Baker allowed the intrusion. In fact, he relaxed in his window hammock. He's still not 100% comfortable with Loudmouth being out and about, but he's growing to tolerate it. Anyway, a bit more gate jumping took place before Loudmouth settled down in his room. Mrs. Prof asked me if we should let him out again. I said no—Baker's probably had enough for the night. So, she closed the door. Loudmouth's finally using the litter box on the floor again. He's still using the bed litter box, though. Perplexing. I'm not about to have Mrs. Prof move the box off of the bed. It's too soon. Baker was strangely feisty tonight. He usually jumps up on the sofa next to me and lets me pet him. However, I was scratching Mrs. Prof's back on the other side of the sofa when he jumped up this time. I went to my normal spot after Mrs. Prof's back scratch and tried to pet Baker, but instead of a docile cat I got teeth and claws. It took me several minutes of slow blinking at him to get him to let me pet him. So, things are slowly progressing, sort of in a zig-zag manner. I hope we aren't screwing things up.
  3. 1 point

    Story Friday July 21, 2017

    I wouldn't be so sure she meant it literally. Nioi knows him well and thinks this is not the case ... of course, she may be naive. Prometheus was Titan, not mortal. And Adam ended much better than Lilith, his first wife. But otherwise yes., the concept of gods fearing humans will surpass them is very old.