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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=623 Justin wouldn't asked Ellen to do that in canon. Would he? Technically though he has used Nanase for marketing purposes. Just read commentary, Ellen using Fox for target practice needs to be a patreon comic or something.
  2. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    She probably would have felt like using the spell was a bad idea in general, but she likely knew about the Whale's warning to Tedd about the ambient energy levels by the time she got the spell and been like "Nope, definitely not going to take any chances with this spell."
  3. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    Yeah but remember Sarah's got a high end, high energy requirement spell that's like 99% working off of the ambient energy at the moment, a spell like Ellen's AOE could run similarly, maybe even indefinitely if each person affected pulls energy from the area, if the energy has to go through Ellen though it'd just be until the local energy levels drop similarly to when Not_Tengu used up the local energy to power his form/flight/enchantment on the college students/etc. I imagine if it's localized to Ellen, then the transformations would probably be brief, with everyone affected returning to normal shortly after the local energy ran depleted.
  4. What Are You Ingesting?

    That explains why, even though I drink a couple cups a day, I still tend to feel tired. Though if I happen to have a few mixed alcoholic beverages (like Rum and Coke) I get wired...
  5. Story, Wednesday May 31, 2017

    I meant she dodged a bullet in that she didn't accidentally use the spell in a crowded area and have it wind up on the news. That's the sort of spell Pandora would have loved to have been able to give someone at the mall in "Marker".
  6. Political Discussion Thread (READ FIRST POST)

    So the Ontario provincial government decided that a great way to use taxpayer's money and corporate sponsorships to help celebrate Canada's 150th birthday, would be to haul a 6 story tall 13600kg rubber duck through the Great Lakes, stopping at 6 ports along the way to allow people to take selfies with it. What the heck does a giant rubber duck have to do with Canada? This is the same provincial government that decided to sell power generated by all the new wind turbines built around here to the US and buy power for Ontario residents from Quebec which drove the cost of power up...
  7. All of time and all of space....

    And on this memorial day, we shall remember those that will lose their lives to the Borg.
  8. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    I admit, I had to look those names up to be reminded they are Tolkien's work, it's been a while since I've read The Hobbit and I don't remember all the details from watching the LOTR films. Dan has also admitted he hasn't read much LOTR either in commentary, as well as having not read many books in general. I do get the feeling (mainly through Susan) that Dan has watched a lot of Star Trek so I tend to see many similarities.
  9. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Not if they never truly leave it. I think the only 2 cases we've seen a Q outside the continuum was first in "Deja Q" where de Lancie's character was banished from the continuum and made mortal. And then in "Death Wish" with Quinn leaving the continuum to become mortal and then committing suicide. There is a 3rd case that's more implied, as it happened before the events of TNG. The episode "True Q" has a starfleet intern who exhibited Q-like powers and Q was sent to invetigate. It was revealed that the intern's parents were members of the continuum who decided to live among humans as mortals and had a child together, and the continuum had them killed by a "random" tornado because they considered them a threat to the status quo. This episode might also have provided inspiration for Pandora falling in love with Blaike and restricting her powers and giving birth to Adrian. Though the episode "The Survivors" might have also provided inspiration with Kevin Uxbridge being a powerful Q-like being who fell in love with a human woman, they never had kids, but when the planet they lived on was attacked and Kevin's wife killed, his despair cause him to annihilate the entire race of beings that attacked them, just as Pandora wiped out the werewolves after Blaike's death.
  10. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    I can't remember if it was ever mentioned in the series, but I think the continuum exists outside of time, which would explain why they aren't affected.
  11. NP Monday May 29, 2017

    The commentary has the panels without text, and we find that Double FV5 wasn't kind to Ellen's shorts. Or maybe it was kind, depends on who you ask.
  12. Story Monday May 29, 2017

    Q would be if Immortals didn't have the 200 year reset guidline. Ancient, powerful, several had superiority issues, and some had severe boredom, and the civil war that ensue after Quinn's suicide disrupted reality, causing supernovae and auch. I can see Dan taking some inspiration from the Q when coming up with Immortals.
  13. http://www.egscomics.com/?id=2352 I love how Elliot is just "Nobody's perfect" when defending "Box".
  14. Story, Friday May 26, 2017

    I this is more along the lines of the past few months (comic time) Ellen's been "You need to loosen up more" and now she's "Whoa! that's too loose."
  15. Things that make you go WTF

    No wonder American military spending is soo high, each of the branches apparently refuses to lend their equipment to each other.
  16. Story, Friday May 26, 2017

    Considering they know that Pandora/Box is responsible for the energy clog and marking people and is the reason Magic is close to changing. The fact that she's enlisted Sarah in helping unclog the nexus with the promise of helping her awaken would be enough for them to believe she's stopped marking people. But yeah, this goes along with what Edward said about letting people have access to wands with beneficial spells, their use would still allow people to awaken and get more spells, and it's not guaranteed that those spells wouldn't be abused in some way.
  17. Things that make you go WTF

    It's soo confusing when the Navy has it's own Air Force...
  18. Things that make you go WTF

    That particular phalic object was carrying airmen, not seamen.
  19. NP Friday May 26, 2017

    That's why I'm thinking Tedd originally programmed FV5 to have a set height of 5'4" so like if Rhoda got zapped she'd gain 4", but because there's that limit of 79.37%, the bigger the person, the less likely that 79.37% height/half volume will result in a 5'4" form. And yeah I was specifically using height in my examples without considering half volume, but I think Dan's implying that it is also Greg's overall bulk that would prevent the TFG and Ellen's normal powered beam from getting him to the intended scale of FV5. So maybe Justin could be properly FV5'd to 5"4 after all because he's much leaner than Greg, but George might still have different results due to being overweight. Rich is overweight as well, but he's short enough for it not to matter, he's either already 5'4" or 5'6", hard to tell in the previous comic.
  20. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=619 Commentary makes sense, I can see that the reason we haven't seen Ellen use any new spells or something would be because it didn't fit the story, although Dan probably could have had her do something new at Charlotte's while Nanase was showing off the fairy to Diane, but then Dan would probably feel obligated to have Ellen explain it or something in story which would have added another page or two to "So a Date". Also this confirms that Ellen isn't much better at reading her spell book than Elliot, but amusing that she's wrangled Nanase into reading it for her. Their dates must be like story time.
  21. NP Friday May 26, 2017

    So...what Dan's saying...is that FV5ing someone like Greg would result in a not quite proper FV5 unless Ellen amps up the beam? I know back in MV5 Ellen mentioned FV5 had a set height, which I think is 5'4", there might be some leeway though and someone like Justin at 6' even might become 5'6", but someone like George who's I think is 6'3" might end up being 5'9" when FV5'd, and Greg being 6'6" would probably be 5'11"-6'. but Ellen's beam with extra oomph would force it closer to the intended 5'4". Even more energy would remove antennae from a greater chimera.
  22. Things That Are Just Annoying

    The only thing you should use local for is keeping an eye on how many people are in system, make it a separate window and make the chat side as small as possible but keeping players decently visible. Handy when going into lowsec, though it is useless when going into wormholes.
  23. http://www.egscomics.com/egsnp.php?id=620 Yep, this isn't canon, Ellen didn't really enjoy hanging out at the comic shop.
  24. NP, Wednesday May 24, 2017

    That bit that's circled? The little wedge under the edge of Rich's shirt? Looks like a lighter shade than Rich's pants. So I think you're right.
  25. NP, Wednesday May 24, 2017

    Larry's hips might be the same size, but she's shorter so they proportionally look bigger. But yeah, Rich is thinner overall so her shirt is probably all that's covering her now.