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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    I'm hoping to see Susan's mom again, we've only see Susan interact with her in the present once, and that was over 13 years ago! The other times were in flashbacks.
  2. I just happened to open my email one last time before going to bed, and the notifications popped in.
  3. Things You Only Noticed On Reread

    I think that comes more from the fact that they're agents who were working under Edward, and still loyal to him despite Edward getting transferred and Arthur taking over. For the Abraham incident, Edward could have told them to get in there as they were closer or they could just get there faster, and Edward arrived shortly after. For the Not_Tengu incident, Edward either didn't have the official capacity to call them in, but they did so anyway, or he was able to officially request agents and specifically asked for Wolf and Cranium. Cranium certainly showed her loyalty when she called in the heads up about Arthur being on TV.
  4. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    We may see him in Grace's dreams again, maybe to let her know if everything's ok or thank her for helping. I do wonder if we'll ever see him outside of Grace's dreams though.
  5. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    She's only offered to help Sarah because she likes her, also Sarah being pretty close to Tedd helps quite a bit. Susan is Tedd's friend, but they're not that close and Tedd hasn't even met Diane so I don't think Pandora would be too quick to extend the offer to her.
  6. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=2279 Alright, so this particular glow is not the same as the glow we saw when Susan summoned the sword during the goo fight. Also Susan is pretty darned sure that she would have known by now if she had a twin sister, half sister on the other hand, wouldn't be as easy if the mother of Diane never went after Mr Pompoms, heck Mr Pompoms might not even know he got her pregnant if it was just a one night stand. There is also Dan's tweets just prior to the comic's release: So is that referring to what Edward said about Diane, or what Susan said, or is Jerry wrong about Diane and her and Susan aren't related at all?
  7. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    If Tedd doesn't go further into depression over almost causing the system change. He might totally be against helping others get magic, even if it is Susan's sister. I dunno, maybe, he did offer to mark Sarah, the question would be whether Jerry could help provide the means for Diane to build up her own magic power at his "age", Pandora very likely has plenty to spare to help Sarah regardless of whether they succeed in removing the clog or the system changes,
  8. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    Older Susan doesn't make much sense, unless she's remembering back to the previous weekend when she had blonde hair due to Ellen zapping her (which I think might have been what triggered the dream flashback, though it could also have been Susan telling Tedd, Elliot and Sarah about the divorce that did it too). Though this could be the first case of "the woman with Susan's face". Though the woman obviously didn't have the same hairstyle...so I dunno. Considering the future of magic in Moperville (and the world for that matter) is in question, it may not be possible for Diane to ever get any spells, outside of Immortal help (beyond just marking) that is. If the system changes, Susan looses the ability to summon weapons and fairies, if the the plan to remove the clog succeeds, then there may not be enough around for Diane to be able to use her spells,though best case scenario would be that she's able to cast a spell, but it takes a heck of a lot longer for her to awaken than it did for Susan. Forgot about that.
  9. NP, Wednesday November 30, 2016

    That's why I think there's something more to Lucy than we've seen so far, because if Lucy doesn't like Rhoda so much, why would she put up with with Diane's treatment of Rhoda? Does she like the idea of having guys buy her things (despite possibly not liking guys) more and needs Diane to reel them in for her?
  10. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    I thought they did not meet until junior high, while Sarah grew up with Elliot. http://www.egscomics.com/index.php?id=319 That only confirms that Sarah knew that Susan's first name is Tiffany. As far as Susan not reading well at the time she caught her father cheating, there's no real indicator, the flashback dream she had after "Painted Black" shows her having trouble sleeping, and hoping that her dad reading the story for her would help, it doesn't mean she couldn't read it, he had probably read stories to help her sleep before, so it would have been a comfort thing. Then there was the other flashback Susan had at Grace's birthday party where even at that young age, she clearly associates her appearance with the woman she caught her father with and wants nothing to do with it by trying to cut all of her hair off. Her mom promises to take her to the stylist the next day to have it fixed up. Susan trying to chop her hair off suggests that it wasn't more than a day or two after catching her father cheating, and I'm guessing Susan asked to have her hair dyed at the stylists while they fixed her hair and she kept it dyed since. It doesn't really put an age to when that happened but she could have been dark blue haired for much if not all of elementary school.
  11. Dec 2016 Pinup polls

    If votes continue on the current trend, Amanda and Rhoda will still be done as the second 2 character pinup, so it's looking like your suggestions are doing well. That said, I'm hoping you posting this doesn't jinx* it. *not to be confused with the various types of 'jinks, jinx would be the black sleep of the family.
  12. NP, Wednesday November 30, 2016

    Remember, George tended to bug Justin about his "harem" and then his behaviour towards Elliot when he thought Elliot was Justin's boyfriend, and then when Justin finally stated Elliot wasn't his boyfriend, and then there's his reaction to seeing Justin with Luke. George has been hiding the fact that he likes Justin, Lucy could secretly have liked Rhoda but needed to hide it from Diane just as much as Rhoda needed to hide the fact that she likes girls from Diane as well. I'm going to assume the second "Diane" in that should be a "Susan". I think they are similar though, Diane has her group, while it is just the three of them, it is a group and there is a goal of the group, which is to get guys to give them attention and buy them stuff. Susan leads a larger, more academic group for sure, but while the groups themselves are different, the fact that Diane and Susan are leaders in them is what counts. Also, I don't think Diane has always been a boyfriend stealer. I think Elliot was the first time Diane considered it, although she didn't try to steal him away from Sarah, and while the idea of Elliot already having a date after the breakup upset her, she hasn't actually made any attempts, and while it still remains to be seen, her actually meeting Elliot, seeing him and Ashley together, an knowing that he can turn into various girl forms as well as Cheerleadra, she may not desire to have him anymore.
  13. NP, Wednesday November 30, 2016

    I don't think Nanase intentionally challenged Diane, at least Nanase never went out of her way to become Alpha Female. Diane's opinion of Nanase didn't become clear until the New Year's Party, but if Diane had that kind of opinion of Nanase for a while, that would have been a driving factor for Diane to want Nanase as part of the group, but Diane's need to maintain her image in school conflicted with that, so she could never just up and say it. Looks to me that it's the various poses that are giving the illusion of change, in the same way that it was thought that Catalina got enlarged boobs after she first transformed. The poses Rhoda's making would be pulling the jacket in various ways, which either causes her chest to look flatter or stand out more.
  14. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    We know Voltaire has been hanging around watching everything, what has Jerry been up to since New Years? Also, where's Helena and Demetrius? they obviously weren't watching Elliot when Voltaire made his appearance.
  15. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    While there's no evidence to support this, I do wonder if Susan's mom had caught her husband once before, and gave him an ultimatum to never to so again, it might have been while she was pregnant with Susan and she demanded help raising her, but then after Susan caught him and told her mom, there was no more second chances and she gave him the boot. But considering Tara was able to see potential and Ellen's connection to Elliot, she called them twins, but even she was unsure how because Ellen's magic was different than Elliot's. Tara's not Immortal level in magic power, so that kind of insight should be easy for an Immortal and we do know that Jerry had a proper reset. I wouldn't go so far to say that he knew Susan had a sister when he first met her, but I can certainly believe that Jerry took a good look at Susan when he made his vow and that what he learned of her potential and general aura and maybe even genetics was found to be a match when he saw Diane. If Immortals can look at a person's genetics, then there'd be no denying Diane's relation to Susan.
  16. Story Wednesday November 30, 2016

    Considering the last panel, I'm hoping the mention of Jerry is enough to calm Susan down or at least make her more open minded about all of this, she can still hate the idea that her father had been cheating on her mom for years, but hopefully she will at least acknowledge that Nanase and Ellen aren't just making any of this up. If Nanase hadn't done more research, they would have ended up going into this with "So our friend Diane, who looks at sounds a lot like you, born 20 minutes before you, and was attacked by a vampire for having the same affinity as you. Also she was protected by who we believe was Jerry at the New Years party as a favour to her sister. She's adopted though, so we think it might be possible that you're adopted too?" I think going into this discussion with only assumptions would have been worse.
  17. NP, Wednesday November 30, 2016

    Wait, maybe Lucy is to Rhoda as George is to Justin? Maybe Xena just needs her Gabrielle?
  18. What Are You Ingesting?

    Every Tim Horton's in Canada has those as far as I know, there's also the maple version of the Boston Cream, that is maple glaze plus a maple cream filling. They also have a maple pecan danish.
  19. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    True, it does leave it to interpretation though, and we know there have been many battles over interpretation throughout history.
  20. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    There's still the belief that magic and the divine are linked. I would imagine that Jerry might have been listening in on Nanase and Ellen's conversation about Diane and Susan being born 20 minutes apart. So it's possible Jerry just assumed Diane was Susan's sister from that, but I would think that'd he'd wanted to be absolutely sure if that was true before he included Diane in the vow to Susan, because if he is wrong about Diane, that would mean that Nanase went through all that trouble of trying to find out for sure, and then stirring up negative emotions in Susan, and then what would Diane think? Having for the past few days believed that she may have found an actual biological sister only to have it be an "oops, my mistake." If anything, I'd think that'd go against the vow.
  21. Story Monday November 28, 2016

    Technically, Dan already has.
  22. Things that make you go "hmmm"

    You, sir, win all the internets.
  23. NP Monday November 28, 2016

    As long as you're still able to stand, I'd say you're doing pretty well.
  24. Things that make you go WTF

    There's a road outside of town that, if you're coming from the other direction, it's very straight and flat, then you pass over a bridge and the rest of the way into town is still straight for the most part, but has several gullies. The straight/flat stretch was often used as a makeshift drag strip for people to race their cars because there isn't usually a lot of traffic. One day someone was driving a Ferrari (don't know what model) well past the speed limit down that stretch, and apparently he'd never been down that road before or else he would have known that the bridge, while driving onto it was flat, had a relatively sharp slope at the other end, so once he hit that, the car went airborn for about 30 feet, lost control then wrapped around a telephone pole. Amazingly the driver lived, though really beat up, and managed to walk to the nearby house to call for help. When the road got resurfaced a few years ago, the slope on this side of the bridge was built up more to not be as steep, plus the straight/flat stretch had tar and chip put on top to deter drag racing.