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      Welcome!   03/05/2016

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Amiable Dorsai

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Everything posted by Amiable Dorsai

  1. NP Comic for Saturday, Jun 4, 2022

    There's a Thursday Next story in there, somewhere.
  2. Comic for Friday June 3, 2022

    The second quote (which I am definitely stealing) answers the first question. I note that Dwight seems to be having a similar revelation. Both of them are young--Elliot, at least, is much younger than I am, and I still get the occasional reality check. My suspicion is that that will keep happening until my neural pathways fossilize. In Elliot's defense, many people need a lot more nudging--or hammering-- to come to this sort of epiphany.
  3. Comic for Wednesday, June 1, 2022

    A And yet, clearly remembered well enough in Griffinstan that it fuels prejudice to this day. Curious, something is off on one side of the world or the other. Have repeated resets of Magic inadvertently caused such a loss of records on our side that even the existence of Uryoums, much less their attempted coup, been forgotten? Was it in fact, inadvertent? Alternatively, has memory of the attempted conquest been artificially maintained on the other side to preserve a system of royalty?
  4. NP Comic for Saturday, May 28, 2022

    This strip is giving me flashbacks to speculations we had about Tedd being Ashley's onetime online girlfriend.
  5. Comic for Friday, May 27, 2022

    Thousands of years ago, just like the side of the world we're used to. Coincidence, or did Uryoum refugees from the other side side try again on this side? Was this lost to history because Magic keeps rebooting on this side?
  6. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    My head canon frequently misses the target.
  7. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    In my head canon, Uryuoms are the Sea People who precipitated the fall of the Mediterranean civilization.
  8. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    So do I. The only attempt we know about on our side of the world coincided with the collapse of the Bronze Age. But Edward's whole career is based around looking for security threats; this has to have him thinking.
  9. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    A friend of mine is fond of talking about "B-movie scenarios," meaning schemes that probably would only work out in bad movies. One of these is the idea of "sleeper agents" who maintain their cover for years, arranging to get placed in situations where they can gather intelligence, commit sabotage, or otherwise discomfit the other side. Whether Lavender is such an agent or not, the thought has to cross Edward's mind.
  10. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    The look of surprise on Edward's face makes me wonder how or if this new information will affect his relationship with Lavender.
  11. Comic for Wednesday, May 25, 2022

    Wow, talk about suspicions confirmed.
  12. Comic for Wednesday, May 18, 2022

    Here. Hooray! Edward is conscious and standing on his own (I hope). Also, who threw the fireball he just caught?
  13. NP Comic for Tuesday, May 17, 2022

    And when she woke up, Bobby Ewing was alive and well and taking a shower...
  14. NP Comic for Tuesday, May 17, 2022

    Ashley is a bit fixated on Grace right now. I can't say I blame her.
  15. Comic for Wednesday, May 11, 2022

    Which is the chicken and which is the egg? Does everyone need powers because there are monsters, or are there monsters because such power is available?
  16. Comic for Monday, May 9, 2022

    Here. Stars in Andrea's eyes are a good thing, yes? Suspicious Dwight is suspicious. Portents unclear, proceed with caution.
  17. Comic for Monday, May 9, 2022

    I had been thinking Liam was being set up, but there could be wheels within wheels, I suppose. In any case, there's trouble in Griffonstan. I'm hoping we get a glimpse of it.
  18. Comic for Friday, May 6, 2022

    Thank you for that, I am so stealing it.
  19. Comic for Friday, May 6, 2022

    It pleases me quite a bit. We knew Tara and Andrea were nearby, no sense belaboring their arrival on scene. It pleases me more than I can tell you that Tara had difficulty recognizing Elliot without his magic, the griffins aren't human, and wouldn't have evolved a human's inborn facial recognition circuitry. Bill Holbrook has played with similar concepts in "Kevin and Kell," getting a fair amount of humor from the differences in how different species perceive the world around them. I'm a little chagrined to only now be realizing that Tara approached Elliot, rather than another of his classmates, because she read something in his aura. "Hollow" is a terrific synonym for "burnt out." Dan seems to be getting back on track, makes me hopeful that he's gotten some relief from his insomnia.
  20. Dan's Health

    Insomnia can be crippling, believe me. I hope Dan hooks up with someone who can help.
  21. Comic for Monday, May 2, 2022

    Some friggin' Earth creature keeps stealing mine.
  22. Comic for Monday, May 2, 2022

    And, I'm beginning to hope and believe, integrity. This may be why someone wants him out of the way.
  23. Comic for Monday, May 2, 2022

    I think I underestimated Liam. This reads more like Sheriff Taylor gently correcting Barney Fife than someone trying to gaslight a subordinate into a coverup. I'm back to believing that the object of this plot was to take Liam off the board by framing him as an assassin.
  24. Comic for Friday, Apr 29, 2022

    Here. Somehow, I don't think Dwight is trying for pronoun respect when he says "that." "Lord" Tyrant Slayer. Suspicions confirmed.
  25. Comic for Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022

    On a black and white TV back in the sixties. I caught a bit of it later on a color television and was startled to learn that Mr. Greenjeans wore jeans that were green!